Indoor Teetee's 2021 Monster Hunt

Grow 1. Feb 2021 - Getting started


Lost in Space
Cultivators Club
Jan 24, 2015
Reaction score
Good to be back growing and posting after a couple of months off.

I thought I should do a year long journal this time, I did pretty well last year but doing 4 new journals a year, every year, makes looking back through my old grows a pain.
My esteemed Grow Bro @hope2grow does a lovely running journal, and AFN makes it easy with the Threadmarks feature, so here goes!

I decided to have a break for a few reasons, 2 bumper harvests late in 2020 (including a whopper 20.8 ounce Night Queen) meant I had a load of gear to get through, plus Christmas and New Year is slap bang in the middle of our Summer, and temps up in the 40°C's makes growing difficult.

We rent our gaff, so we have an inspection every 3 months - which means timing has to be perfect.
The last inspection was in mid Feb, so on the 2nd Feb I sowed 4 seeds direct in Coco, in Solo cups.... like I usually do.

The idea was to have 4 seedlings ready to transplant into 20L airpots by inspection day.
After the inspection, I'd put the tent up and get on with the grow.

I put the plan into action and went for:
  • Dutch Passion - Night Queen
  • Dutch Passion - Colorado Cookies
  • Dutch Passion - Daiquiri Lime
  • Dinafem - Blue Amnesia XXL

I was a bit impatient.... this germination technique usually takes 2-3 days for the seedlings to show. The Night Queen came up first on day 2, then the Colorado Cookie... so on day 3, I dug for the other two.... the seeds had opened and the tap roots had grown a little, so I covered them up and let them continue.

They didn't.

Gutted about losing a beloved Blue Amnesia and my last Daiquiri Lime seed, I decided to try again, 2 more seeds...
  • Dutch Passion - Colorado Cookies
  • Dutch Passion - Blackberry Kush
Like a total idiot, after 3 days, with no show, I went for another dig. The CC had a tap root, but the BBK seemed to have completely disappeared.

Back to the seed collection... and decided on:
  • Dutch Passion - Blackberry Kush
  • Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarine XXL
I left them well alone, and they popped up no problem.... phew!!!
Here they are on day 6 with the bigger pots containing the Night Queen and Colorado Cookie behind and out of shot.....

Here's the NQ and CC that were behind those seedlings.The NQ (day 24) is top, the CC (day 17) below. ...

Looking pretty nasty, eh!

I'll explain what the fuck's going on in the next post.....
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How NOT to do it - a catalogue of cock ups
I don't think I've ever had such a crap start to a grow!!!

From the first batch of 4 seeds, planted on 2nd Feb, only two made it to the 25L airpots - a Night Queen and a Colorado Cookie. The Colorado Cookie died soon after the transplant.

The next 2 seeds were planted on the 10th Feb, only one survived rushed germination - another Colorado Cookie.... and only cos I dug her up.

The Night Queen seemed Ok after the transplant, but as you can see, by day 24 she was showing signs of heat stress.....

... not surprising as it was well over 40°C in the tent.... right in the middle of a brutal Aussie Summer heatwave.
Look at all that mossy green stuff on the surface of the Coco too. I think that was because I was not watering her to run off in the early days after the transplant.

A week later on day 31, and she looks like an encyclopaedia of Cannabis symptom diagnosis..... every leaf seems to show a different deficiency or toxicity.....

.... and by day 40, it was clear she was not going to recover, so I pulled her out.

... again, look at all that moss. I was well pissed as Night Queen is my favourite smoke. Plus that's 25L of Coco up the spout and a load of nutes.

The Colorado Cookies was a week younger than the Night Queen. She was moved from a Solo cup to the 25L airpot quite early too, and what with the infernal heat and the poor watering, she also went down. Here she is on day 17....large.60658ec946a7c_day17CC.JPG

Crispy, curled up leaves and more of that bloody moss. The newer growth looked a bit better, so I persevered.

A week later, on day 24, she was looking terrible, but bigger than the Night Queen behind who was on day 31 and on her way out...

On day 33, you can see she had grown a bit more, the Coco was looking better, and the new growth was picking up a bit. I'd given up on the day 40 Night Queen behind by now.....

.... but in the end, by day 43, she had gone back into veg with no flowering at all, so I pulled her out as well.

So there you go.... Teetee fucks up!

Too many mistakes, I thought I should list them...
  • Temps up in the mid 40°C's is never good, especially with young seedlings.
  • Why must I insist on digging for unpopped seeds after 3 days???? In the past I had a 100% success rate, but I waited, sometimes for 4-5 days for them to come up. Disturbing germinating seeds is a big no - no.
  • I transplanted them way too early, and that affected their feeding.
  • My Bluelab Guardian broke down (grrr) so I now rely on my Bluelab truncheon... which has always read EC slightly lower than the Guardian did. When the Guardian read EC 0.8, the Truncheon would read EC 0.7..... grrr.
  • I wasn't doing a journal - I do really believe that regular posting on here can keep the enthusiasm going.... I just don't think I was that committed this time, I was slow getting back into growing after having a little break and I wasn't switched on.
Never mind, everything's a learning experience, but to lose 4 plants.... it's gonna take me a while to get over this!
Getting back on track - has normal service been resumed?
On 21st Feb, I had planted 2 last seeds - a Blackberry Kush and a Cream Mandarine XXL.
The Night Queen was on day 16 and the Colorado Cookies was on day 9, and as you know from the last post, they both died in the end.

With an inspection looming in mid May, I had to get the BBK and CM to succeed, so I tried a little harder and did my best to leave them alone and just do their thing, and iron out some of the issues from before. The temps were dropping too, making it more like 28-30°C inside the tent.

Just a reminder of how they were on day 6, BBK on the left, CM on the right.....

I was too hasty before, trying to repot them on day 9.
This time I let them establish themselves a bit more, and waited till day 13 to repot them.

Here's the BBK on day 13 looking much happier....

.... and the CM was also looking great!

Repotting went well, and by day 22 they had taken off.
Here's the BBK....

and the CM....

On day 32 with CM on the left and BBK on the right....

The BBK was doing really well. She had thinner more spaced out leaves, and there were loads of tops showing....

She had a few old leaves below that were changing but they needed to come off anyway. Otherwise she doesn't need much interference.

The CM was a bit more bushy and I was having to do a lot of teaf tucking, eventually I started to remove some of the larger fans to let light into the new tops......

2 days later I decided to pull my finger out and get staking....

The BBK was fine without stakes, but the CM really needed it doing.
Side by side on day 34 and they're looking great....

So there you go.... 2 plants only but they are doing pretty well.
Normal Teetee service has (hopefully) been resumed!

Awwww m8.. that is a sorry tale.. losing beans and losing plants :cuss: there no plus side is there really.. like u said temps 40+ never good and with the loss of your usual scientific equipment looks like somethings been out of wack.

So is this where u are atm m8.. are you gettin back in the tent? Back in already?? A journal would definitely help.. and fair play to you for showing what happens when shit goes way of course.

Gutted for ya.. its soul destroyin when the effort gives u Jack.
On 21st Feb, I had planted 2 last seeds - a Blackberry Kush and a Cream Mandarine XXL.
The Night Queen was on day 16 and the Colorado Cookies was on day 9, and as you know from the last post, they both died in the end.

With an inspection looming in mid May, I had to get the BBK and CM to succeed, so I tried a little harder and did my best to leave them alone and just do their thing, and iron out some of the issues from before. The temps were dropping too, making it more like 28-30°C inside the tent.

Just a reminder of how they were on day 6, BBK on the left, CM on the right.....

I was too hasty before, trying to repot them on day 9.
This time I let them establish themselves a bit more, and waited till day 13 to repot them.

Here's the BBK on day 13 looking much happier....

.... and the CM was also looking great!

Repotting went well, and by day 22 they had taken off.
Here's the BBK....

and the CM....

On day 32 with CM on the left and BBK on the right....

The BBK was doing really well. She had thinner more spaced out leaves, and there were loads of tops showing....

She had a few old leaves below that were changing but they needed to come off anyway. Otherwise she doesn't need much interference.

The CM was a bit more bushy and I was having to do a lot of teaf tucking, eventually I started to remove some of the larger fans to let light into the new tops......

2 days later I decided to pull my finger out and get staking....

The BBK was fine without stakes, but the CM really needed it doing.
Side by side on day 34 and they're looking great....

So there you go.... 2 plants only but they are doing pretty well.
Normal Teetee service has (hopefully) been resumed!


Thank fk for that!! :crying:

Ya had me worried there m8 :jointman::vibes:
Ya had me worried there m8 :jointman:

Cheers Bruv, absolutely gutted to lose 4 decent seeds, especially the Blue Amnesia and Night Queen. That's why I started sowing older beans like BBK and CC, just in case it kept happening.

Hopefully things are back on track, and I'm looking forward to the next grow already... just received some Dutch Passion goodies.... Lemon Kix, Banana Blaze, Orange Bud, and my beloved Night Queen.
I'll be aiming to start these at the end of April / early May... at least there'll be some space in the tent this time!
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Glad to see things go right finally!

Cheers mate! They really took off, and with any luck they'll have enough room to really get big!
Gotta say... your username is really cool... Roman Symbols in declining order from 500 to 1, making 666! Spooky!
@Teetee Don't be too hard on yourself. Temps over 38°C are impossible to grow weed indoors. I know I have tried with dismal results.

@Teetee Don't be too hard on yourself. Temps over 38°C are impossible to grow weed indoors. I know I have tried with dismal results.

Thanks for the vote of confidence mate, fortunately Summer's on it's way out, and despite the bumpy start and the loss of my 100% germination record, growing will be a bit easier now.

One problem I'll have this year is NO Advanced Nutrients gear.... I love their 'Bud Candy' but since COVID there's been a lack of supply for this brand in Australia. I've seen bolltes of the stuff on fleabay for 4-5 times the usual price!

I can't find an alternative product, so I might go back to the old Blackstrap Molasses. I dunno if anyone has any ideas?