Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

:roflcry: Bromeo, you weren't kidding about the Cocker Spaniel thing, were you!! :Stones slap: :WTF: Sweet Special is the strain,... Time to bust out the blonde wig, my friend!! :D:...just came from your Lab, BTW....

Albino Dragon
Great quality harvest, Waira, ;) This is a job from an expert!
I can smell that buds from here, the pics are really nice, it seems the plants are in heaven with you :Cushty:
See you podna :piggy Hug:
This is a fantastic strain that doesn't get the chances she should! As a plant to grow, their performance is right at the top across the board...

ill give it my best shot soon as i get to melmac :D:

sweet harvest isn't it crazy how one day they smell one way the next completely different make sure ya tell us how it smokes
This is How to.Grow Bro ...
With A Swampanese by ur side ..

Waria ...u getting bhzzz yet ...
How dey curing Bru
<-- :No: :Stones slap:Cripes! My bud lust hath blinded mine eyes, Swampy! Somehow I missed responding to this,...apologies ma friend! :D: Many thanks Big'un, I'm glad you been riding shotgun da whole way! No doubt, this last round has done the best, and I know what I need to do to do better,... whenever next time is! After the GP comes in, that's it for now,... we've talked some about what the situation here at Dad's home is,... I'll PM you with some details shortly! Otherwise, I think I've scattered stuff about the harvest all the hell over (too many threads to keep track of sometimes, but I love it!); RP's are curing nicely, with aromatics starting to come out better as the fresh bud smell fades some,...one is decidedly more fruity, the other has more of the spicy/earthy nuances... both are plenty potent, and feel like a sativa dom. buzz! This is fine, since I'm now swimming in MoB indica, which has yet to be sampled (white pheno'); Purp's met da Chop-Eyes today!! *pheeew!* That was freakin' work, to hand trim all that bud, and stooopid sticky, so I was cleaning my fine scissors every few min. or so!... SwSp and OGO are now in jars, getting final dry going, and the last SwSp met Chop-Eyes the other day,... That one is a s frosty as the CM!! :wiz: ...GP, well, you see the post! Tha's another worth serious consideration bro', with very different lineage from other Sweets!....:hug: Thank you my friend! Off to PM ya...
~~~~{{{{ UPDATE }}}}~~~~

...the pics do pretty much all the talking... :D:... The pace of bud building hasn't slowed a bit, and she's steaming ahead without regard to the cooler temps or dwindling light hours! Stellar plant performance folks! ....If you want to see more, Sweet Seeds Jaypp has just started a new thread featuring 3 F1 Fast strains in a grow-race to the finish! :hot:


:D: Brother Jaypp- many thanks brudda! I'm glad to do some justice to the quality of these strains,... I just saw the F1 race thread!! :woohoo: A perfect showcase for the F1 line of Sweets!

Sniper- I know your first love is Dragons, but I guarantee nammys Horney with SwSp!! Both pheno's have different aromatics, delish! -but until they've cured some, I'm not even gonna comment on what they smell like,.. They'll make a liar out of me!! :roflcry:
YO No harvest with out propper warning or post on one of my threads LOL SWEET..Ill be chopping my rp soon smeels like cool aid to me so yummm...cant wait to try it..just buy you a shed for the yard and grab a light....hope you are still around even if you cant grow ATM...the top sots I love ..reminds me of the SUN..I think that would make a nice color tat!..just regular old havest rep for your SWEET ASSmrhankey.jpeg
Hoooooly shit ballsbro ....
Shes Moving ...
Dem.fans.Are LARGE !!!!
Lookin sweet W! :clap: She got that shaggy look.... :pimp: I like them sexxy shaggy gals. :thumbs: