New Grower Wedding glue, DIY light & box, arduino controlled, DWC, Canna aqua

Hi bros!!!

I am back. It was horrible, I lost about 12 kg (24pounds) but allive and finaly slim.Still cant smell anything with my nose and taste doenst work well as well. And no apetite - with this hope will help me cannabis:smoking:. Didnt do covid test but i think it is highly probable together with angina.

But finally wery happy to be here with you again!!!
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I didnt have any energy or mood to take care about my plants, only topped up my reservoir about once a week.

It has grown higher than it should, perfect ph capsule also didnt do its job once was pH 3.9!!!! By my experience it is only overpriced scam!!!! They wrote that this is aimed to be used in space by NASA to grow food for astronauts…. I am not sure if I would like to be astronaut by this experience.In future i plan to buy pH controller.

It is mirracle that plant survived,if I count all circumstances, it is great flower and she does extremely well. On the other hand, my care about her is terrible.

She defoliated herself:biggrin:, lot of leaves under cannopy she dried and throwed down, unbelievible , love her.

I think my biggest mistake this grow is that I didnt topped her…. Nex roud I will deffinitely do it, maybe twice! And also I will use another method to control pH
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Day 57 update
And finally day 57 update

I shy post here my photos, but i once started so I should carry on.

It looks that there should be something at the end of day…. If so it will be a great succes…
Day 63 update

day 63 update. Now everything goes well, pH stable, today and yesterday it is finaly rainy, I collected raiwater so I will be able to change my sillution, last time I only topped up.

buds are little fattennig and have a little bit more trichs.

Lot of succes with your grows

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day 63 update. Now everything goes well, pH stable, today and yesterday it is finaly rainy, I collected raiwater so I will be able to change my sillution, last time I only topped up.

buds are little fattennig and have a little bit more trichs.

Lot of succes with your grows

View attachment 1503800View attachment 1503801View attachment 1503802

Those plants are looking really heat stressed, there is a free app for your phone that will help you get a better idea of how much light/photons you hitting them with from those 3 Cobs, 'PPFD app" it itsnt particularly accurate but can help you get a better distance.

as an example, My cobs run at 35v @ about 800mA (max 1200mA) and need to be 30cm above the top buds for a good spread and equal-ish photon distribution without burning the leafs and buds. see light map from app
View attachment 1503803

I would also recommend removing all the browned/burnt/dying leafs, they are offering nothing of value to the plant or its growth and may in fact be hindering it's health and vitality, they are also a breeding ground for bacteria and molds.
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Those plants are looking really heat stressed, there is a free app for your phone that will help you get a better idea of how much light/photons you hitting them with from those 3 Cobs, 'PPFD app" it itsnt particularly accurate but can help you get a better distance.

as an example, My cobs run at 35v @ about 800mA (max 1200mA) and need to be 30cm above the top buds for a good spread and equal-ish photon distribution without burning the leafs and buds. see light map from app
View attachment 1503803

I would also recommend removing all the browned/burnt/dying leafs, they are offering nothing of value to the plant or its growth and may in fact be hindering it's health and vitality, they are also a breeding ground for bacteria and molds.
Hi dude,

thank you for your post and advices.

1) I have Photone app, but I dont use it this grow any more. I cant put my light higher than it actually is. Some tops are burned and ot doesnt grow any more. Next time I will definitelly top my plant, as you told me about 21st day.

2) I will try to remove damaged leaves.

Hope you have good times and your plants are happy!
"I will try to remove damaged leaves"

Doing this will also allow the light to penetrate better too, giving more light to the lower bud sites so they can fill out better, adding to the overall harvest.
In the comparison test by Nebula Haze the defol tent actually gave 30% more quality bud than the none defol tent with little to no "larfy" bud, the results of the test are quite astounding really.

It seems the link wassnt allowed to be posted... as it disappeared.
"I will try to remove damaged leaves"

Doing this will also allow the light to penetrate better too, giving more light to the lower bud sites so they can fill out better, adding to the overall harvest.
In the comparison test by Nebula Haze the defol tent actually gave 30% more quality bud than the none defol tent with little to no "larfy" bud, the results of the test are quite astounding really.

It seems the link wassnt allowed to be posted... as it disappeared.
I read that thread! Love that page.

I am also looking forward for my next round with gorilla glue or strawberry banana - not sure which. Aroud day 70 I will let the next seed to sprout
After removing of damaged leaves

good idea, it looks much betther, thx

you can also see burned top of main bud on 1 picture, interesting
