
Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
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Currently Smoking
a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
Wheres all the Everclear extractors ?? Just wanted to say hi to everbody and share some pics of my latest "pull".For this run I used Green Crack and Chem Dog,1.5 oz total,and was really happy with the return.Over this past year i have tried different methods of bho,quiso,and quet,(i only do nug runs)and have found the best flavor with the Everclear extracts(just my preference tho)still havent tried the CO2 or hexane,Propane extracts. P9180001.JPG P9180002.JPG P9180003.JPG P9180006 (2).JPG .Just thought i would share some pics with everybody..Cheers
Thanks( I think.lol),I have seen the kleen xtract online and have read good reviews on it, haven't had a chance to try it yet tho ,I had a good harvest of the chem dog and green crack,so ill be in " the dab zone" for quite a while,don't forget to send/or post some pics or your next run/pull..btw,what do you use the stuff left in the coffee filters for (some people call it moon dust or filter hash),I have a ton of it,but haven't found a good use for it,,haven't found any local vendors for the KE ,but seen it comes out of Fla
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Thanks( I think.lol),I have seen the kleen xtract online and have read good reviews on it, haven't had a chance to try it yet tho ,I had a good harvest of the chem dog and green crack,so ill be in " the dab zone" for quite a while,don't forget to send/or post some pics or your next run/pull..btw,what do you use the stuff left in the coffee filters for (some people call it moon dust or filter hash),I have a ton of it,but haven't found a good use for it,,haven't found any local vendors for the KE ,but seen it comes out of Fla
You gotta order it online man. But it does a good job and the taste of the end product is amazing. How much bud was in that last run of yours? Ended up with 10 grams almost. Cant complain about that my friend, good job. Do you just let it evap at room temperature?
Do you just let it evap at room temperature?

Was curious about this too, I use fans but usually get impatient and apply mild heat (RSO). I use mine to make caviar however, not so concerned about the terps that get cooked off because I usually add some back in, and I apply the extract to nugs, and roll them in kief :) Much easier way to consume hash, and it looks triple og gangster.

I miss my caviar :(
For the record, the hexane extraction tends to produce a tighter, more shatter like product, with more aroma and flavor. Eth seems to pull more wax from the plant material, but if you start with ice cold materials, it tightens it up a lot. BHO is still tops for flavor, but the fact I dont have a vacuum pump, and I dig my fingers, puts me off of that method. I think a combined eth & hex extract would be fairly safe, and top notch, although I have not tried this.
Was curious about this too, I use fans but usually get impatient and apply mild heat. I use mine to make caviar however, not so concerned about the terps that get cooked off because I usually add some back in, and I apply the extract to nugs, and roll them in kief :) Much easier way to consume hash, and it looks triple og gangster.

I miss my caviar :(
I steal my girlfriends hair dryer. And sit there for like an hour dude. Hahah. Im with you on that. Ill drop some hash in oil then drop that into keef and make little hash balls. Or ill take bud and cover it in oil.

Still have a week or so till one plant Is ready and 3-4 for the other 5 that are next. Smoking some plants id thrown outdoors earlier in the year untill then but the wait is killin me
Damn me? Damn you lil..lol...that garden is friggin awesom !!!!..someday ill be able to think far enough ahead(and be patient enough) to order the KE....Bear and lil- i like the thought of what that bud must taste like with all that goodness its rolled in !!!... okay now to answer the questions,but first just so everyone knows,this is just the way i do it,most info was originally from an exerpt(sp?) from skun pharm research who posts on another forum i ghost sometimes...the buds are cut/chopped(not ground),then put in freezer ,EC is put in freezer too,small mason jars are filled halfway with bud then covered about an inch above with EC,lightly shaken and put in freezer for another three minutes(this lets the EC soak all the buds thoroughly),,bigger mason jars are ready with non bleached coffee filters..take from freezer give about 10 shakes and pour thru a strainer into the filters and let strain,i usually (but not always)put the bigger jar into the freezer while it is straining..while the straining is going on ill set up the evap system which is nothing more than a 20 dollar electric single burner hotplate from the "mart" store,i use the double boiler method with a pyrex sitting on mason jar lids in a slightly bigger cake pan,the water does boil but the pyrex never gets over 150F(and i monitor with a digital gun type temp gauge), depending on how much i run it takes from 30-60 minutes for the EC to evap off,right at the end you can see the oil "flash" as the (almost)last of the EC is evaping,it can be smoked as is,but i have taken a liking to a" sun purged and whipped" as the final step,it makes it one more step smoother when it is smoked....for this run i used 42 grams of chopped bud which put the return at about 22%(my best return!)i have about 10 more ounces of that bud to run(usually do an ounce a week),,now, i have tried letting the strained EC chill to 32F overnight to suspend the "waxes and lipids" for a second strain but i think this depends on the filters that are used,i never have to strain a second time..also the return depends on the quality of the buds,ive gotten as low as 10% ,average has been about 16%...If anyone needs more specifics i am glad to help,i will post some pics showing the setup...The Last Thing i want to mention,which is most important is SAFTEY ,Do not do this indoors or in closed spaces,no smoking, Have a Safety plan in case something goes wrong,and Please never put anyone else in a potentially dangerous situation,never have careless people around etc etc..