New Grower Why can't I germinate?!?!

Dec 22, 2016
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hi all, here and hoping more than anything someone can help!

I've tried 2 batches of auto seeds now, all from known places, and all failed and I don't know why!

Background - I grow in a tent with NFT hydro and have done for years but always from cuttings, never seed and never had this much failure! Also, never grown auto but didn't know it existed until a month ago and now really want to try it!

Batch 1-
-15 or so seeds.
-Soaked small rock wool cubes for an hour in 6.0 ph water with some rizo and a small amount of vegging chemicals, EC 1.0.
-Dropped seeds in, lightly covered holes, put in a plastic germination dome, put in the airing cupboard (warm dark room for my American friends!) and left them alone, only checking to see if cubes needed some water.
Result - a couple of seeds popped, most didn't. First popped after 3 days, last one was at 5.. I waited for another 4 days thinking more would come. They didn't.
My diagnosis - room was too hot. Also should have moved the early sprouters as I kept waiting for the others to pop.

I could obviously be wrong!

So making some improvements I went for batch 2
-- I soaked small rock wool cubes in 6.0 ph water with some rizo and a small amount of vegging chemicals, EC 1.0 for 24 hours
- Dropped seeds in, lightly covered holes, put in a plastic germination dome, put in a dark but cooler (compared to above) room.
- after a few days, about 75% had sprouted! Horray!! They were different heights but they were a Mixed batch so put it down to different strains and at this point I was loving life
- not wanting the same issues as last time I then put them in my tent, under lights, 600w veg light (same I use when growing cuttings in rockwool)
- put them on 18 / 6 light cycle with the light about a foot from the dome lid
- over the next 5 days they got worse and worse until they all died :(
-At first they seemed to like it, the tiny leaves opening properly and going green, I noticed the roots were starting to come out of the bottom of the cubes with some and I thought I had figured it out. But then they started drooping or just dying and I have no clue why.

Is there something glaringly obvious I am doing wrong? Should I use the paper towel method? Should I put under lights sooner? Later? Is my water solution off?

Sorry for the long post but please someone help me. Not joking when I say you'll make my Christmas
Maybe too much nutes.. too much light.. rockwool tends to have high ph like 10 or so so i would soak over night then re test ph. Germ in papertowel works great for me. Make sure to use distilled water.

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I plant in soil.,in Dixie cups then transplant a few days after showing ,keep the soil pretty wet until they popi do it this way because for me it's easier than a paper towelethod and seems more natural.
Maybe too much nutes.. too much light.. rockwool tends to have high ph like 10 or so so i would soak over night then re test ph. Germ in papertowel works great for me. Make sure to use distilled water.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Cheers mate, in batch 2 I soaked overnight for that reason.
Maybe time to try the towel
I plant in soil.,in Dixie cups then transplant a few days after showing ,keep the soil pretty wet until they popi do it this way because for me it's easier than a paper towelethod and seems more natural.
Cheers mate but never done in soil, all I know is hydro and all my set up is for cubes
hi all, here and hoping more than anything someone can help!

I've tried 2 batches of auto seeds now, all from known places, and all failed and I don't know why!

Background - I grow in a tent with NFT hydro and have done for years but always from cuttings, never seed and never had this much failure! Also, never grown auto but didn't know it existed until a month ago and now really want to try it!

Batch 1-
-15 or so seeds.
-Soaked small rock wool cubes for an hour in 6.0 ph water with some rizo and a small amount of vegging chemicals, EC 1.0.
-Dropped seeds in, lightly covered holes, put in a plastic germination dome, put in the airing cupboard (warm dark room for my American friends!) and left them alone, only checking to see if cubes needed some water.
Result - a couple of seeds popped, most didn't. First popped after 3 days, last one was at 5.. I waited for another 4 days thinking more would come. They didn't.
My diagnosis - room was too hot. Also should have moved the early sprouters as I kept waiting for the others to pop.

I could obviously be wrong!

So making some improvements I went for batch 2
-- I soaked small rock wool cubes in 6.0 ph water with some rizo and a small amount of vegging chemicals, EC 1.0 for 24 hours
- Dropped seeds in, lightly covered holes, put in a plastic germination dome, put in a dark but cooler (compared to above) room.
- after a few days, about 75% had sprouted! Horray!! They were different heights but they were a Mixed batch so put it down to different strains and at this point I was loving life
- not wanting the same issues as last time I then put them in my tent, under lights, 600w veg light (same I use when growing cuttings in rockwool)
- put them on 18 / 6 light cycle with the light about a foot from the dome lid
- over the next 5 days they got worse and worse until they all died :(
-At first they seemed to like it, the tiny leaves opening properly and going green, I noticed the roots were starting to come out of the bottom of the cubes with some and I thought I had figured it out. But then they started drooping or just dying and I have no clue why.

Is there something glaringly obvious I am doing wrong? Should I use the paper towel method? Should I put under lights sooner? Later? Is my water solution off?

Sorry for the long post but please someone help me. Not joking when I say you'll make my Christmas

The easiest method I have EVER found for germinating is using root riot or rapid rooter cubes. I have germinated literally hundreds of seeds with them and can count on one hand how many times I had a bad germ. Our member @Ronin wrote an awesome guide on how to do it (you can tease him and call it the tupperware method, but props to him for writing the guide and man it WORKS and works WELL.) Shoot him a message or maybe he'll pop in here to give you the link, but it should increase your luck. I would consider it probably the most "stupid proof" germ method I've ever tried. It's also hydro friendly, brother!
The easiest method I have EVER found for germinating is using root riot or rapid rooter cubes. I have germinated literally hundreds of seeds with them and can count on one hand how many times I had a bad germ. Our member @Ronin wrote an awesome guide on how to do it (you can tease him and call it the tupperware method, but props to him for writing the guide and man it WORKS and works WELL.) Shoot him a message or maybe he'll pop in here to give you the link, but it should increase your luck. I would consider it probably the most "stupid proof" germ method I've ever tried. It's also hydro friendly, brother!

Ah mate that's brilliant, I'm a huge fan of "stupid proof" (although I'm gonna push that boundary!)
I'll look up Ronins guide now :)
I used to use paper towel method but then started using root riots. Root riots are now my preference as it's easier when potting.
I like root riot cubes myself over rockwool, but would check with the hydro masters on that as I'm not sure that the organic makeup of the root riot cubes would be a good option for true hydroponics.

One thing to toss out with rockwool that I think was biting me in the butt a lot back when I tried hydro is that I had a tendency to squeeze the cubes after soaking them when I was planting to get out the excess moisture. If by chance your doing this, STOP. After much reading I found out that doing so can compromise the internal structure of the rockwool and basically change it's air/moisture retention ratio for the worse.

I'd agree with what someone else said as well about maybe cuting back on the nutes. Auto's can be much more sensitive to over feeding than photosensitive strains. When I used to use the cubes, I would go plain water until there was a good tap snaking out the bottom of the cube telling me it's seeking out nutrients before starting them on light strength.