*She is harvested now! Please see pg. 11 of this entry for harvest photos!*

flowering day 1-6249.jpgflowering day 1-6250.jpg
So here we have TWO mothers, BOTH 5 foot PLUS a few, just thrown into flower last night.
I had to have assistance, to hold the pots sideways while I slowly guided each branch into its square. The previous cuts of AYP damaged my scrog screen, so it was too unstable for me to try and move around much. That meant I had to lower the mothers, and guide them in.
I normally wouldn't start a grow journal in the middle like this, but I have clones that will pop roots any day now, and I heard that these boards, and the strain, are something that people want to see right now, so I wanted to get this out there so people can see what my girl, and these lights, can do as it happens.
Just took them to 12-12. Running on Sensi potted in Potters Gold. Lights above are two Ts1000's

flowering day 1-6251.jpg

@MarshydroTina this is the exact same situation that the plant was in that I gave you photos of. If you wanted to watch her flower out under these lights, here she is.

General Photoperiod Feeding Schedule (complete)


Feeding schedule to date plus light penetration & defoliation


She's getting so HUGE. it does seem though that no matter the strengtheners i use, or how i tie her up, her branches just DO NOT have any strength to them. I've got 2 layers of screen in this one, and one in the other tent, and neither one is holding their heads up much. They're already starting to droop a little in this tent. Other than that, though ( and i really don't think there's anything i can do about that. thats just her) she's doing AMAZINGLY. I can really tell a difference between the regular Sensi and the Conni. She's EXPLODING with growth, so much so that I have to go in the tent AGAIN and give her a haircut. a big one. These lights are blowing me away, totally. Down below i have a series of before/after photos, taken from underneath the plant when i did the defoliation. Even BEFORE it, and she's super thick, branches on branches on branches with leaves weaving their way between teh beanches, pulling them together, and tangling them around each other. These lights are getting all the way to the FLOOR. I know my feeding schedule is really intense for her. but these lights are so strong, and push my plants so hard, that if i DIDNT, she would get deficient. I had one under a 3rd one of these lights, and i tried to back off on feed for a moment, to see what was up, and she suffered for it. (that one's only a week from harvest. I'm going to post a strain review on AYP, and ill show those photos there. She's a 1 plant, 1 light MONSTER)
Here's a bit of what I do for her in a week:
The first 3 weeks, once a week, she got an Optic Foliar spray. this is a mix of Transport, Rev, and Watts, with a sm. amt of floralicious plus. That has now stopped.
When she got put in the tent, she started getting Prime, at 1/2 strength, for the first 3 wks. This week she gets upped to full strength on that, and I'll keep giving it to her for probably 2 more weeks. (till wk 6 end)
she gets a light (for her) day, once a week, of Elemental, Trinity, and Recharge at full strength.This usually comes right after she gets her Sensizyme (1x/wk @ full as well)
Her base bloom feed is Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Sensi. that's at full as well, with some Big Bud thrown in there, as well as a very light cali-magic add as well, about 1/2 st.
Here this week im going to stop her Big Bud, and start giving her Overdrive.
She's also going to start getting B-52 this week. (duh, of course I give her fresh water too. )
Her branches have absolutely no order to them whatsoever. Trimming and training her is worse than my glue breath, i think. The glue gets less branching. it seems like this plant can throw out a new leaf bud in the middle of her stem, with no node in sight. its odd, for sure, but the buds are so dank, i just had to keep her. and she produces, even though the branches dont support it.
OK- now to the fun part. Let's look at some pictures. The first set of compare/contrast is going to be the light penetration. I was amazed at the level of light that got through, even before i trimmed her. But after, those lights were beaming through! it looked like the sun in there, like there were no leaves, even though you can tell in the photo after that she is still extremely thick.

The only difference between the two photos is that I cropped the one on the left a little bit, to get the date out of there. I forgot to with the other, so they look a little different. But i sat the camera on the floor with both of them, and they are completely unedited, raw photos.
THIS is what the side view looks like, when you open the door of my tent.like the others, before is on the left, after on the right.

photo update wk 4

She's been defoliated, lightly, twice now, but MAN do those lights penetrate! I'd have to do more drastic trimming with ANY of my other lights. She's a good foot taller than me, if i took the screens away. Check her out. THIS photo was taken with my camera on the floor, BEFORE I defoliated. I wanted to see where i needed to trim. as you can see, i didnt need to do much.


wk 3 update

So just the other day we finally had to bring in a second screen. She was already getting so tall, just starting to stretch up. She was to the point where she would be breaking branches later in flower again if we didnt. It wasn't easy to get it around those lights, because it kept wanting to curl up on me. I tie bamboo poles around the edge of the tent, then secure the screen to that. It makes it so I can slide it up and down easily, and get her in there without hurting her too much. I had to bend some things, as you can see below, but I think she will be happy considering. well, THEY. there are two of them, just like before. Different pots, though. Bigger. I tried them under these lights the first time without really pushing them at all, but we are REALLY going to see what these lights can do this time. The girls are going to get an intense bloom schedule.

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Photo Update

I just wanted to add some photos to the journal here, so that you could see just how fast she's growing under these lights. She has fast, unruly growth in any case, but these lights made them EXPLODE as soon as they got used to their new house.
Heres a side by side, of her at day 1,and her just the other day after a while in flower.


a little underside, so you can see what the branching and node spacing are like on her.


defoliation 1

So I had to bend over some more branches, and defoliate her some, to let the light get down to the lowers. No photos, she doesnt really look different. Just lighter :p
In the next day or so I plan on bringing in the second SCROG screen, because one was not enough last time. She broke it. So I'm thinking put the second one on, and bend her the other way, give her some more support so that she doesnt snap half of her branches.
She's starting to get her B-52 again. I stop it for 1-2 weeks in the start of flower, and give her some sensizyme and silica instead, to help with the stress of putting her into flower and bending her into the grid. Shes taking ti like a champ. I LOVE this strain. the only one in 5 years to give my glue breath a run for her money. She's so medical.

Update - What am I feeding her right now?

So I just wanted to post a little update here. No new photos yet - she still looks relatively the same, just turned up all the way. I've had to pull some more branches into their squares as she grows. She's pretty erratic, and branches are shooting off in all directions. I like SCROGging her, because she doesn't really have a central cola, so she's perfect for this sort of thing.

Here's what I fed her this past week:
SArmor-Si (silica) and sensizyme w/base Sensi Bloom
cal-mag, recharge, elemental, and Trinity.
plain bubbled RO water
sensi bloom, bud candy (x2)
then: Bubbled RO

WK 5-6 photo update


this is those 2 lights without my UV filter on ym camera. it's dying, and im getting another one next month, so i dont care about the sensor anymore. this is how intense the lights are in reality. just those 2 TS1000s
already the growth is back to the thickness of pre-defoliation. but more branches have had a chance to get up to the grid, for full light, so its not as bad.

Nothing much has changed with the feed or light schedules. She's shooting out like a rocket. Ive had to go in several times and move branches around so that I can get light to the bottom. I cant trim her anymore. I can absoLUTELY tell using the upgraded Sensi. I will never go back. With everything else identical, I am getting more production, more numerous flower sites, and a VASTLY increased smell. Every time i open the tent i get blasted in the face with a thick cloud that smells like a skunk farted in a lilac bush the other day. I just wanna crawl in there and stay for a while. whoever said this strain was hazelnutty is crazy. papaya? no. this is lilacs and skunk farts.

wk 7 & 8

So she's into her flush now, and has been for a few days, but i got behind in my journaling. I was so insanely busy, this one slipped through the cracks for couple of weeks.
It's ok though.
She got b52, her base, overdrive, sensizyme, cal mag, and trinity for the past week, ( I stopped the big bud @ wk 6), then a the wk progressed, I cut then stopped the base, and cut the b52 at the end of wk 6.
Start of wk 7 saw her eating nothing but my cal mag-trinity soup, plus the overdrive and sensizyme for a week, and is now getting nothing but water, to use up the last of what shes got in her soil.. She's doing BEAUTIFULLY, even holding her head up a lot more than she did last time. I don't think it all has to do with the second screen, though it certainly helped with the light penetration so she could do it herself. That and the Armor SI, and the upgrade on quality of nutrients, have really made a difference. She's still weak in the stem, though, and I worry about breaking her sometimes. I will probably only post once more, when she goes to harvest, unless something goes wrong. Which i don't see happening.
I mostly wanted to make sure the photos were posted, so people could see how big shes getting. Not really purpling this time. not sure why. But she's more than making up for it in trichome coverage

here are wk 7's pics. I will post wk. 8 in a separate page, all alone.

wk 8 photos

only on water now, and boy is she unhappy about it.
She knows what time it is, and is pumping everything she has into those flowers, because she knows THE END IS NEAR
Here are the photos i promised. I will post a harvest day photo set as well.





5 days later, i am finally done trimming out and hanging these ladies to dry. I've found some STELLAR attributes to my girl, AND I've been able to see that the connoisseur Sensi REALLY makes a difference in trich coverage and weight of the buds. Because all other things being equal to my last grow, I've gotten sparklier, fatter nugs, with more color. A combination of the lighting and the new nutrients. I am never going back to the regular Sensi. The coverage is just way too insane. AAANNNNNDDD.......




She is one of the prettiest plants i have ever had the pleasure to grow. The total wet amount so far that I have ended up with, is a decent amount more than the last time. I can tell there are more fat nugs, and less larf (that is, if i had hung it all like i did last time. It took so long i got tired there at the end, and started taking the lower branches and pulling the buds off to stick it in the trim bag for hash later. I'm gonna try to make some purple hash. I wonder if it will work? I've NEVER seen trichs turn purple themselves! always a reflection of the purple of the leaf underneath, but this is NOT that. You can tell, the color shoots straight up the middle of the trich. It looks almost like a piece of candy, or a glass pipe stem, with the clear coating all around the color.
The total hung was 28 hangers. In my experience, it takes me 15 hangers to equal 1/2lb. So if i had hung all the branches i normally would have, instead of getting frustrated, I probably would have had enough hangers to get me close to a full lb. But if I go ahead and count the larf/trim with the full finished weight, I may still hit it.

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About author
I am a grower of decent experience, but not decades. I consider myself to have a good idea of what I am doing, but not quite at a professional level yet. Until very recently I have had to devote too much time to my studies to do that, but I am hoping to take things to the next level here in the near future, and appreciate any help. I grow mostly autos, mostly Mephisto, with a few random strains thrown in here and there to make things interesting. I have two solid photo phenos I have as clones, but my auto strains are constantly changing. I would love to grow, possibly breed, some good CBD strains, but haven't found what I am looking for yet. Feel free to leave comments, questions, on any of my postings. I'm pretty good at replying, because I work online in graphic design.


Great job, well done~ Plants loving those TS600~ Wish better for next time :cheers:
they're are actually two TS1000s, but yes, they are loving them :D. I bought 3, and have two alone in this tent, and my third has a single COB as a supplement. but i think they do great on their own. I've got some amazing coloration, and trich production.
Got this same light myself for some auto grows, it's doing it's job really well so far.
I have a third that has some autos under it. Going toput up a journal I've been saving photos of for a month now, but have been too busy to post it. It's a Chemdogg, and its GIGANTIC! Almost as tall as me already, and its only just past its 30 day mark. LOVE these new tech lights. Much better than even my COBs
they're are actually two TS1000s, but yes, they are loving them :D. I bought 3, and have two alone in this tent, and my third has a single COB as a supplement. but i think they do great on their own. I've got some amazing coloration, and trich production.

From the pic, it just looks like TS600:biggrin: Wish you have a great harvest from it, and looking forward to seeing more of your grow pictures in the future~

Loving life!
I have a third that has some autos under it. Going toput up a journal I've been saving photos of for a month now, but have been too busy to post it. It's a Chemdogg, and its GIGANTIC! Almost as tall as me already, and its only just past its 30 day mark. LOVE these new tech lights. Much better than even my COBs

Thanks for your favor:drunks:

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