Indoor kfigerm tries his best

So it's officially Day 70, but that was of the euphoria, but think different and amnesia are even further in ripeness.
So Its about two weeks for the Think different and then comes amnesia and last euphoria into the bags. I Expect some from the Euphoria, she still has only very little of the brown pistils. She has these droopy leaves now the whole flower period. But hey, that's how she looks like.

The amnesia is a very delicate plant, the colas are very slim - (left in the back.of the group shot below the solo pic)


the think different is in the fronline anyway, so no solo pic of her today.

They are doing fine.

Ah, forgot...ultimate stands strong. It seems she liked her little flight-trip in the garden.


yes, I bend the pyramid down to the trays - hope that helps.

Cheers and a happy Sunday.

shockingly TD is really on time. Today I decited it's time to look closer at the trichs, because there was very little glitter in the buds.

Ah that's one thing how I determine when they are ripe. the more they get milky, the less glitter is in the buds, when you shine on them with a flashlight. Thats why they look frosty.
She did too well. Leaves are still dark green - well I told you I switched ferts too late. But except that and some leaftips crispy and brown pistils , no sign of age. Could' have grown three more weeks i guess.
Soaked May,18. and she's completely milky with little amber on the top buds. Day 70 would be Jul. 27. So she'll get those two days.
But I really look twice a day now, wehn to chop.
So she'll get only plain RO Water (PH'd to not ruin the nice buffer of the pyramids, how the plants react doesn't matter to me. I do not flush the plants really, I wash the pyramids whith the sideeffect of the flush).



so this may be the last solo pic of TD. Thanks for the nice ride girl, but the end is neigh.

TD is on real day 70 now fast closing in, the green fades and she's on the way down (middle front/lower).
Amnesia also real day 70 has some time still to bud up - the buds are very fluffy and stretchy (left).
Euphoria buds up tight, think she got at least two more weeks, she's at day 75 (right).


so here we go. All three ladies still in the tent, now the two in the back want their attention and bud up like hell.
Think different is going down slowly - still wants to compete with them a little.



and not to forget my little CS experiment - late, but...


she's got the balls. So now I have to be careful and thinking already where to put her, If i'm "lucky" sheman will pollinate the Ultimate early that stands some meters away.

Cheers and a cozy sunday!
it's nice weather for an outside shot of the ultimate.
Shes doing lush, except slowly eating up her big fan leaf - all other leafs are nicely green and healthy. two other lower leaves also fade, because she fell on them and they got badly hurt - she's slowly emptying her reservoirs.


she's on day 59 now and will stand a looong time now in bloom. I hope it will not be the full 15 weeks.

so, nothing very special. They are somewhere about day 60. The babies do well in the new space.
Except my selfmade vent lacks a little power. The airflow was calculated for the smaller tent. Now I have to see what I do about that. Humidity is a little high atm.
They looked a little pale, so I upped ec to 1400 and gave a little more N to the ratio.
They look already better now and next feed will be "normal".
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Cheers! Have a nice weekend all
It seems the Dutch Passion runs a little lighter than other plants receiving the same amount of N I have pushed some of them up a bit myself. Running Mazar and it is light as well
@olbobcat There is a time in my schedule where there is (if everything goes OK like this time) always a swing between early N and K def, that I am watching out for. That's perfect with me, cos I know I don't waste too much fertilizer and don't overfeed. In bloom I calc for a ~16 P and swing N and K as wanted/needed.
The ladies in the tent are safe from harm and are on 0/16/12 on an ec of 400 for the rest, just enough to keep a 0:4:3 ratio in the pyramid til the end.

The Ultimate's big fanleaf is fading so slowly, it reminds me af the natural fade of tobacco - she's got a long journey still. Keeping it at this pace is perfect.
I swing between 6/16,6/13 and 4/16/14 cos theres still some growth.

Thats what i loved with my nutes, but i have just the last milliliters for the rest of the run.
The change will put me in completely new situation with calculating the mix. Hope i'll comprehend.

Will see how the ultimate reacts to the coming hot days mix will be 4/16/13,5 - I'll lower EC to half, because she drinks double or more a day I'm sure.

Nice looking tent you have going! Those pyramids really seem to grow great plants. Such an interesting look to them as well.
Thanks! I just try to get into it again. Getting more confident, except the coming nute change.

TD was taken down tonight. day 82 from soaking - near her spec.


3-1=2 still in the tent. Will try to arrange them tomorrow for optimal light for perhaps another (amnesia) to two weeks (euphoria)
