Photoperiod 2nd ever grow/1st ever photo: AFS Honeysuckle

Feb 23, 2016
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So I did a thing....

Saw some extra space in my closet and had a freebie photoperiod from my last order, so 2 weeks into my Fast Buds grow I put AFS Honeysuckle to germ...

Lights: will be 526 watts total consisting of 150w HPS and the rest CFL
Soil: Happy Frog w/ perlite 60/40 respectively
Nutes: Roots Organic grow and bloom, fish fert, soil activator, calmag, and alpha thrive

Plan: I am three weeks into my Fast Buds autos. I estimate 10 weeks on my autos, which means 7 weeks until I can chop them and change the light cycle for my photo. Therefore, I plan to veg out my honeysuckle for the 7 weeks remaining on my autos and then on harvest day switch the lights to 12/12 and start flower on my first ever photo!

I will be topping and training the fuck out of this photo. I want her to be an absolute monster haha. So if anyone is interested please follow along, should be a great learning experience for me if nothing else!
So here she is AFS Honeysuckle! She looks purple but it is some weird reaction between my flash and the red spectrum bulb I have in my music room. I don;t know why it does that, it's only at certain angles. It almost looks like a have a really weak LED shining on this little girl lol but really it's just a ceiling fan bulb and a camera flash! Currently vegging under a mix of blue and red spectrum cfls and a 150w HPS because that's what my autos are growing under. I have this little baby in a shaded corner of the room so she doesn't go into shock!

Honeysuckle Day 1
NICE MAN!!! im excited for ya I got a FRONT ROW SEAT to this!
i was thinking you will def have to chop and train that photo... if you can find it maybe it will be more informative if you put the genetic info for the plant and that stuff? ive never heard of this strain
@tripaholic88 I can't really find much on it but its from Advanced Female Seeds and obviously called honeysuckle. Apparently the taste is sweet like honey and its a heavy producer. I did read that it's 100% saliva so this should be interesting because I'm more of an indica man myself. A single seed cost almost $20 on gorilla so I'm glad it came as a freebie. I also got one from them called Ice Breaker supposedly good for anxiety relief. If this works out I'll probably do the same thing next round by starting autos and then putting in the ice breaker around week 3.
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@tripaholic88 I can't really find much on it but its from Advanced Female Seeds and obviously called honeysuckle. Apparently the taste is sweet like honey and its a heavy producer. I did read that it's 100% saliva so this should be interesting because I'm more of an indica man myself. A single seed cost almost $20 a gorilla so I'm glad it came as a freebie. I also got one from them called Ice Breaker supposedly good for anxiety relief. If this works out I'll probably do the same thing next round by starting autos and then putting in the ice breaker around week 3.
I plan on doing some photo's as well particularly a free cinferella 99 seed i git. cindy has a VERY VERY special spot in my heart when it comes to cannabis....and my Blue Treacle is from AFS and she looks beautiful
Day 2 just misting her with a spray bottle a few times a day.


I like the way the leaves look already.

Also important to note that this is 100% happy frog in the cup right now. When she moves to the 7 gal smart pot it'll be the 60/40 happy fog/perlite mix. I wanted a dense medium so that when I transfer the root ball stays nice and compact. Until next time!
Wowwahhh someones stepping it up! Go Go Gadget Photo! I'm sure you already know I love me some photos too. So I looked for this strain, and also did not find much. the general info I found was....
Honeysuckle Female Seeds: Tantalizing Flavours & Strong, Balanced Effects!
As fresh & sweet as the most exotic wildflower, Honeysuckle is a tempting cannabis seed that has just the right mix of ripe fruit & sour twang flavours paired with very strong effects & a fast finish. She's a real crowd-pleaser in every single way!

As a fairly balanced hybrid with extremely high THC levels, Honeysuckle Female Seeds please the mind and the body with sensations that last for hours. You will not be disappointed by these feminized seeds!

  • Honeysuckle Female Seeds are Too Tempting to Pass Up!
  • Sweet Fruit Flavours with Just a Touch of Sour Twang
  • Very Strong, Extremely Balanced Effects
  • Plenty of Power & Yield with Early Finishes!
Now I have heard about a few breeders using a strain named honeysuckle, but could never find any info on it. I did find a journal, but it was never finished, and was not an AFS bean.

So one major thing to consider is that a 7 week veg is pretty long. I only vegged the Tangie for 2 weeks, and it ended up at 3' tall. Now that was w/o training, but with training you should have no problems. Now the Night terror vegged for 5 weeks, finished at ~2', and 14 tops, and got the ever living shit trained out of it. My amnesia was trained for about 9 weeks before flower, and was ~3' at harvest, also VERY trained. I know you said you plan on training, just want to point out at that long of a veg you will NEED to. It's bloody easy though, brake it, cut it in half, slap it and call it a whore... Then just say your sorry and it will never happen again... Haha till next week, then she gets the strong hand again! :pimphand: I love training photos, it can be pretty fun.

Dude I'm excited to see this grow, it sound pretty tasty. If when you flower her, you can angle all the lights to her canopy, she'll love it. Aldo I know you don't want to take away from your FB grow, but when you do flower the photo, you should throw in an auto or 2. A lot of people actually say that the 12/12 pattern will still produce nice autos. It would give you a good chance to compare the light cycles and see what you think. I've been thinking about doing the gas light routine. its a bit wonky, but it cuts out 5 hours of light consumption, and also does a play on the plants hormone cycle. Look it up, just might get you excited too.

Max rep for stepping outside the box bud! :slap: Subbed and strapped in!
@Fuggzy reps greatly appreciated man. I was just admiring my plants one day, just sitting indian style watching them dance in the wind and I saw some extra space that looked lonely. I grabbed my tin of seeds and considered throwing another auto in there, but that honeysuckle was speaking to me "Plant me Herbisaur, please baby, plant me. I'll be good to you." so I popped her between two unbleached coffee filters, hit it with some bottled water and she had germed in a couple of days. Might I mention I am now 8/8 on my germ/sprout rate!

I am pretty excited that I have no idea of what to expect. Supposedly its sweet, strong, sativa, and long lasting... I don't have any smoke reports or grow logs or anything! Should be fun to see what comes of this. Even if it's not too potent, now that I know how to make qwiso I'd prob just qwiso and coconut oil the whole harvest! I am looking forward to training this photo! I was thinking of topping and then topping the tops the LSTing to get a spread and the scrog it. Is that overkill?

I'm going to need to search more into the auto at 12/12 thing, that frightens me lol. I just upped my light cycle this round to 20/4 from 18/6. I want to see if I notice a difference. I could throw an LSD in there though since I have 4 more seeds and an shit load of LSD cured up, I might be willing to experiment with a seed or two. For me right now every seed counts! Trying to maximize yield. I'm sure after this second round (provided it goes well) I will have smokable herb to make me more open minded to risky procedures.

Day 3...

It's nice doing daily pics because I can actually see significant growth. Still just misting her a few times a day. How long do you think I should let her go in this dixie cup? It's a standard red dixie cup except its only about half full with soil. All input is appreciated!
Should be fun to see what comes of this. Even if it's not too potent, now that I know how to make qwiso I'd prob just qwiso and coconut oil the whole harvest! I am looking forward to training this photo! I was thinking of topping and then topping the tops the LSTing to get a spread and the scrog it. Is that overkill?
haha cant really go wrong with QWISO being as its so easy and quick to make and it knocks all my buddies socks off! now that being said it is from some pretty good bud from that market i hate to give money to but for the time being this is what needs to happen until my ladies are ready to take care of daddy's pain ;) and im pretty sure the sky is the limit or should i say your growspace is your limit for LST. and HST also i believe....
@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 I just saw a thread that says this section is closed. I was not aware of that. Apparently I have to go to another forum to log it, so I'm just not going to log it because I'm lazy lol and only want to deal with one forum. When I update my auto log I'll make sure it's in the background :dancer::shrug: