Dinafem Amnestic Syndrome - May 2018 GOTY 2nd Leg


The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
Hi folks, this journal will track progress on my first run with Dinafem seeds and their attempts to compete in the 2nd leg of the 2018 Dinafem Grower of the Year contest.

DINAFEM SEEDS (3 germinated):
Amnesia CBD Auto - 2 seeds
Amnesia XXL - 1 seed

Amare SolarECLIPSE SE450UVB light
4'x4' Gorilla Grow Tent
Several fans to supply, circulate & remove air
Small tent-sized humidifier & dehumidifier, if needed

AirPots [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] (2.4 Gal / 9.2 Ltr)
Roots Organic Original Soil Mix amended with worm casings, dolomite, azomite and BioTab's Silicium Flash.

Primarily MegaCrop, supplemented as needed with:
General Hydroponics: CALiMAGic
Mammoth-P: Bloom Booster
Real Growers: Recharge
Optic Foliar Spray & BioTabs Boom-Boom Spray
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Germination steps began with seeds dropped into reverse osmosis (RO) water for 6 hours, then into paper towel, into a plastic bag, sealed & covered from light, on heat mat.
The first seed of Amnesia CBD was dropped on April 30, the next day I dropped the 2nd Amnesia CBD and also the Amnesia XXL.

0.c Amnesia CBD 1 drop b.JPG
0.d CBD2 drop 5-1.JPG

Tap roots appeared within a couple of days, whereupon they went into little starter cubes. The cotyledon leaves appeared on May 5th, so I'm calling that their DAY 1 birthday:

At this point I transplanted the starter cubes over into some 3" peat pots. Normally I would have transplanted right into their final pot, but I was holding off on prepping the final pots in the hopes that @HarvestGoldSilica would have sent out their silica sample that I'm signed-up to test. So the seedlings spent the next 9 days in these peat pots:

Day 2:

Day 7
7.Group in peat pots.JPG

During this time the plants received only RO water and twice daily misting; once with Boom-Boom spray, once with Optic Foliar spray, and other times with plain RO water spray. :biggrin:
By their 10th day I could wait no longer to get them in their final home --- their roots were starting to bust out of the 3" peat pots. So I went ahead and finished prepping the 3-gallon airpots using Biotab's Silicium Flash as the final amendment to the medium. Just before transplanting, each airpot received 1/2 liter of RO mixed with ReCharge and CalMg.

Here they are the next day, at age 11, and then 3 days later at age 14:

They've been living off the soil mix and initial ReCharge drink now for several days, with alternating mistings of Optic Foliar, Boom-Boom and plain RO. Soon they'll get their first proper feeding of MegaCrop.
By their 10th day I could wait no longer to get them in their final home --- their roots were starting to bust out of the 3" peat pots. So I went ahead and finished prepping the 3-gallon airpots using Biotab's Silicium Flash as the final amendment to the medium. Just before transplanting, each airpot received 1/2 liter of RO mixed with ReCharge and CalMg.

Here they are the next day, at age 11, and then 3 days later at age 14:
View attachment 908855 View attachment 908856

They've been living off the soil mix and initial ReCharge drink now for several days, with alternating mistings of Optic Foliar, Boom-Boom and plain RO. Soon they'll get their first proper feeding of MegaCrop.
I'm on board:pop:
At this point I transplanted the starter cubes over into some 3" peat pots. Normally I would have transplanted right into their final pot, but I was holding off on prepping the final pots in the hopes that @HarvestGoldSilica would have sent out their silica sample that I'm signed-up to test. So the seedlings spent the next 9 days in these peat pots:

Day 2:
View attachment 908853

Day 7
View attachment 908854

During this time the plants received only RO water and twice daily misting; once with Boom-Boom spray, once with Optic Foliar spray, and other times with plain RO water spray. :biggrin:
Hey there! Your sample of HarvestGoldSilica is going out early this week! Be on the lookout! Thanks for your interest in testing our product!
Nice one only- l see yoov just popped a gold glue as well lve just about ran out of it-really nice smoke but mine ran to 14 weeks they were really slow to kick into flower except 1 which went about 12 week
Anyhoo cheers fer the heads up n good luck with the grow mate