Dinafem Critical+2.0 & OG Kush - Sept 2018 Grow Battle Finals (Only1Sky)


The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
Hi Fellow Growers & Window-Shoppers & Arm-chair Enthusiasts. Here's a little photo journal of my
Dinafem entrants in the Sept 2018 Grow Battle Finals. We'll be running a Critical +2.0 and an OG Kush. :biggrin:

The setup for Critical is:
Gorilla Grow tent: 4x4x8
Light: Amare SolarECLIPSE SE450+UVB LED
Pot: 3 gal. airpot

And the setup for OG Kush is:
A separate Gorilla Grow tent: 4x4x8
Light: Cobshop COBs (4x3500k and 1 2700k)
Pot: AutoPot - standard size with airdome

Both plants will get the same nutrients: Megacrop, Sweetcandy & Bud Explosion from @Greenleaf Nutrients
Both pots have the same medium: Roots Organics Original; amended with dolomite, azomite, silicium & worm casings
Both tents are on the same light schedule: 20/4
And each tent has: 6" intake fan, 6" exhaust fan, two interior circulation fans in opposite corners
Small humidifier & dehumidifier
Dropped 1 of each on Aug 16. My method is basically 12-24 hours in RO water, then paper towel for a couple of days (until seed germinates), then into starter cube/plug until we see a sprout emerge. The OG Kush was right on schedule - sprout on Aug 20, 4 days after drop. The initial Critical never germ'd, so a 2nd seed was dropped on Aug 24, and it sprouted 4 days later. So there is a basically a 9-day age difference between these two plants. Here is the Kush on her day 10 and the Critical on her day 1.

10.OGK a.JPG
10.Crit (1)b.JPG
Here we are on day 19 for OG Kush and day 10 for Critical. Over the past week+ they been getting daily misting - alternating from OptiFoliar, to Plain RO, to Biotab's Boom-Boom. Small humidifiers are helping to maintain the environments, but not enough. Its been really dry & warm -- so when I run exhaust fans to lower temps, I also find that I'm defeating the humidifiers somewhat. So basically my VPD numbers are on the high side. Feed has been light to date; Megacrop, and in the beginning I add a few drops of Roots Excellerator a couple of times. Later I added some AN Voodoo Juice a couple of time.

19.West grp.JPG
19.East grp.JPG

I don't normally wear socks this early in the season, and certainly not white socks, as you see here in the lower left. But these are surgical compression socks, 'cause I'm just a couple of weeks now past a full hip replacement. Replacement went well; the hospital specializes in ortho and my doc has done this a few thousand times. Still, stepping down 23 stairs to get to grow room, then sitting on a stool and bending over to tend to these plants is one ROYAL PAIN. What we do for our girls. :thumbsup:
Topped the OG Kush on her day 21, and activated her AutoPot reservoir on day 25. Critical got topped on her day 15. Both just had a nice shot of ReCharge with SLF-100, something that I try to do once a week as a substitute for normal Megacrop feeding. Here they are at day 26 and 17 respectively.

26.Crit (17).JPG
Its day 27 and 17, and I took the first measurements. OG Kush is 11" and Critical is 10.5". In general, I happy with the growth and development. Just wish I could control tent environments better. My VPD numbers are not optimal as I can't get the RH high enough to align with the temps. If I lower the temps (with exhaust fans) then that also lowers the RH.
Here we are at day 34 and 25 respectively with heights of 22.5" and 17.5. Critical seems to be on a faster pace; she setting up some flowers already.

34.Crit (25) a.JPG

Unfortunately, something is going terribly wrong with poor Critical. Several of her leaves are looking like this. I'm adding Calmg from now on.

34.Crit (25) c.JPG
Now here's Critical at her day 32, out of the tent for some side and top photos. The leaf problem seems to have stopped. Obviously the bud development has not stopped. :headbang:
She's now consuming 1.25 to 1.5 liters daily and has reached a height of 18.5"

41.Crit (32) a.JPG
41.Crit (32) d.JPG
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And day 41 for OG Kush. She has really shot up over the past 10 days; she's now 32.5".

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41.OGK b.JPG

She's now beyond what (LST) control I can achieve with simple pipe-cleaners hooked to the rim of the AutoPot. Plus I can see that I'm going to need some support soon as well. Time to bring in the heavy equipment ... enter Atlas Plant Trainer.

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41.OGK e.JPG
41.OGK f.JPG
Day 39 for Critical. She's hit 20" and drinking 1.5 to 1.85 liters daily. Buds developing nicely.

48.Crit (39).JPG

And, at the same time, here's OK Kush on her day 48 now at 39.5". That's an additional 7" of vertical grown in the past week. :vibe: Glad I started using the Atlas Plant Trainers.
48.OGK a.JPG
48.OGK b.JPG

I think I'm going to have to add another vertical set to the Plant Trainer structure, and I can tell it's going to become increasingly difficult to remove her from the tent for photos. :toke:
Day 46 for Critical. 22" and slowing down on the stretch. Buds really maturing well. Frankly, of the 8 plants I'm going in this cycle, I think Critical may be the first to finish.

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55.Crit (46) c.JPG