Grow Mediums Aquaponics with f6'!

Fish welfare is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] priority to have a healthy aquarium.

The irony with this match is that as I now ensure a smaller temp/environment shift the comets are mating and the catfish is already mauling the basket only a few days in!
Okies, so I sowed this seed on march 6th. On the 8th I dug down because I got a bit carried away poking the seed in...

So calling today March 14th day 7...?

Not really care.. haha!


I could bore myself with pH and EC data
My tank has an annoying habit of settling at around 7 ph

So after a bit of drunken science I discovered that gum leaves lower water pH..


So why the hell not! Let's see if I can make my tank like a natural stream?!?!
Just have to watch out for the spiders while getting them gum leaves.
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Jesus man! Hecno probably has one of those as a pet...

A little one was on me again today.. shifty bugger

The fish are going crazy trying to mate!

The catfish is going to end up on the floor now I'm keeping the water at 21 degrees. He's much more active and gets a bit carried away cleaning the tank.

The slow waiting! But won't take long I guess now he/she has some leaf area.

Foliar feeding to start soon, also looking into something like bio tabs to increase the overall nutrients available without screwing the tanks Flora/fauna up.

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