New Grower Auto Flower, Photo Period, Light Sensitive - Differences


Photo Period Cannabis Plants: Photo Period Cannabis Plants flower typically when light levels reach or fall below 12 hours light / 12 hours dark (For Sativas) and 14 Hours Light and 10 hours dark (For Indicas). Most of the well known varieties of Cannabis found around the planet today are Photoperiod Strains of Cannabis. Examples: Northern Lights, Skunk, Silver Haze, etc.
Vegetative lighting for photoperiod Cannabis Plants is typically 18 light/6 hours dark which keeps them in a perpetual Veg state (not flowering).

Light Sensitive Cannabis Plants: Light Sensitive Cannabis Plants typically flower when the Light Levels they were used to in the Vegetative Stage start to dwindle and don't neccesarily require the Usual 12/12 or 14/10 to trigger full flowering. This means Premium crops of Cannabis can be harvested usually early to mid- September in the Northern latitudes (IE 45 N). which is good for the grower and bad for LEO... :toke:

Auto Flowering Cannabis Plants: A fairly recent addition to the Medicinal Cannabis World Stage, Auto Flowering Cannabis Varieties can be grown in virtually any light period and typically still progress very rapidly from a seedling through a short aggressive Vegetative Stage and directly into the Flowering Stage. Thanks to many fine breeders there are many strains available already and many more coming out quite regularly. Here at you'll see the latest releases and get fair pricing. Check in often as you won't want to miss what's in store.

Autoflowering varieties typically flower depending on variety between 60 and 120 days from when the seed is placed in the soil and germinated. Although cloning is possible, it is a very brief period when it can be done and typically is not considered a viable alternative for extra yields, although some experiments have been shown to be successful.
some sativas at the equator start and finish in 12/12...they couldn't be considered photosensitive plants, could they?
hmmm, maybe i misunderstood...i haven't smoked in a couple days and am not myself:(

edit...nope, went back and reread...JM just explains the dif between auto, photo, and lite sensitive plants...which i really don't understand the dif between light sensitive and photosensitve...
its that photosensitive requires 12/12 to trigger flower... light sensitive only requires a reduction (ie from 18 hours to 16 or 24 hours to 18) to trigger.. :toke:
I know this is an old thread but just incase this helps anyone loving in south us. the majority of mex seeds are light sensative. I have run across various rudes, hybrid types, and even a few very indica plants from cheapo mexi dirt weed. Imo mexi weed sucks cause the weather is too hot, its not sensi, and most importantly it generally couldnt be cured any worse. That and the fact some strains arwgreat but many are bred for high yield quick finish and little smell so overall, if u take the time with them u may find not only do they make ideal breeding candidates for guerilla growing in subtropic climates, but some of them have outstanding hazy highs when taken care of properly.

Long winded and off topic a little i know, but LS has some great advantages once u get use to them.(took me a few years but i am a slow one sometimes).
autos and sativas go together like yin and yang
Im new to autos and see them in my future for sure, but the last decade i have honed my ls sats and will til i die because its my fav high type but i love autos so far and truely love afn and the community is awesome
With autoflowering seeds how long do you have to have the light on and off for ? and what type of light do you use ?
For autos most people run either 18-6 or 20-4 mate..that light schedule is from seed to harvest no need to change it with autos :bong:
Yeah man sound haha nice and easy, what nutrients would you suggest usin
Any mate,there's no specific nutrients for autos.have a read through the forum,decide if your gonna grow soil,coco,hydro etc then look at nutes and if you wanna grow organic or not.:bong:
im growing in soil :) was looking at the hesi range mate, the only thing i dont get about autos is when you switch from veg to flowering so you can change the nutrients haha :S baffles my head