Auto Warriors Do...Optic Foliar Live Interview I * 7-29-2016

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Apr 2, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Fairy Frost by Portal
I have a 2 part question about the Optic folar overgrow. Is there a shelflife? I see that the overgrow has nutrients in it, is it ok to apply while feeding full strength nutes to the roots?
@opticfoliar My question is this, when you say that you "create a magic transport highway" through the cuticle what exactly does that mean, does it temporarily dissolve the cuticle? Does it make little holes in the cuticle, I am just a little confused as to how that process actually works. Thanks in advance and welcome to AFN and LS
welcome to the show dinesh...
man your around stoners a lot... have anyof them ever told you that your name can induce the munchies... lmao bahahaha
I see you guys are based out of B.C. Canada .. love it .. I lived out there for a bit... beautiful place and great pot... the real question is texada or lasqueti ... ultimate b.c. guy question hehehe
:welcome:Hi Dinesh! Thank you very much for spending some Q&A time with us here! I'm Waira, and as the Infirmary guy here, I'm keenly interested in your products,...
Deficiencies are hands down the most common issue I see, pH related or not; toxicity much less often, and more difficult to diagnose,...
..I've been touting the virtues of foliar spraying for years because of it's diversity of applications.. the 3 F's if you would- :biggrin: -- Feed, Fix (defc.'s), and Fight (vermins)... BUT it needs be done right to get best results, and avoid the hazards,.. critical to this has been the need to use wetting agents/water spreaders (to get max. surface area coverage) and along that line, spraying the bottoms of the leaves...
...your products deliver in a way that circumvents these restrictions and requirements :clapper: :greenthumb:... can to expand on how they are working around the cuticle layer? Tinkering with stomata openings is one thing, but as a "mechanical" barrier of sorts, the waxy layer seems a challenge to get through...
... also, along that line, usually stuff needs to be in aqueous solution to get into the leaf via the stomata,... I understand that there's no need to spray the undersides of the leaves where most stomata are,... I gather in part this is because of the work-around of the cuticle layer penetration... but is there something in there that opens up the stomata as well?
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