Outdoor busters grow diary



Still no signs of life yet :(
I find myself staring at a pot of dirt, waiting for the first beautiful baby, green shoot to poke its little head through the dirt...I was thinking last night, how awsome it would be to have transparent dirt so you could watch every second of your plants lives. would'nt that be cool!!!
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lol... like your sig! lol... you can start in paper towels... and then transplant to soil if you want to see the roots poke out of the seed first... I agree... maybe I'll add a "transparent soil video" to my list of experiments to do... lol

i'm running a DWC setup. the roots showed thru the bottom of the net pots a full day before any top growth showed, but i germed in the root shooter cubes,maybe that helped.
day 3

Well i'm half way through day 3 and theres still no sign of life.
How long dose it usually take for a seedling to break the surface??? Is this normal, or should i start worrying???
hi dude nothing to worry about yet aslong as you dont let your soil dry out it can take a good few days for heads to pop up.

ps. try and keep all your posts on this in 1 thread rahter than making a new thread for each day, it will be easer for everyone to follow your grow :)
if you could that would be great....call it busters grow diary, or something like that. Thanx Thai
I hope your beans sprout soon Buster. Are you going to be doing an outdoor grow or greenhouse? How many have you started? and what strains? I will start my grow journal next week for my outdoor grow. Should be a fun and educating season :) Best of luck with your sprouts!
OMG ive done it all wrong.
After researching i have come to relise ive made some critical errors....mainly using crap soil full of poisons. Im going to keep this grow runnig (seeing as the seeds are in the dirt and they might grow), and start a new one.

For my new grow im going to start off by germinating my seeds ( Dutch Passions AutoBlueberry, Dinafems Fruit Automatic and De Sjamaans Dwarf Ryder...all feminized) using the paper towel method.
Then im going to use a self watering propogator untill ive got healthy seedlings, then i will transfer into pots and take outside.
I'm going to be using either John innes number 1, Miracl-Gro potting compost or a Hombase brand peat free compost( im not sure which is best) mixed 50/50 with perlite. Im also going to line the base of the pots with perlite, and sprinkling it on top of the soil to reflect light.

If youve noticed that something im going to do is wrong or ive missed something out please let me know.
Oh and if you could give a prayer to grow number 1 that would be cool!!!!
John innes number 1
..would get My vote...:thumbs:

Or any other Universal compo...No added ferts.

People have mixed reactions to MG..either love it or hate it..

But..for me it is too hot for seedlings.

Karma sent for grow #1....:D