New Grower Cannabis and its response to light (a discussion about leaf lift)

Ok guys, i am in a chatty mood this morning and i wanted to gather some fresh information for the soon to come Art of The Auto section.

During my years of growing i have noticed a phenomenon in my plants that i could never really explain other than pure health and response to the light that they were growing under, and that is leaf lift. You see it after the lights come on and they stay that way all day, as if they are praying to the light that they are under.

Most outdoor growers probably see this more than the indoor guys do but, i think that if the environment is right. Youll see it inside just as much as you would outside. To me i always saw it as the plant activating its suction method of moisture from the soil. Now this is completely my thoughts and there is no scientific evidence behind that but they lift during the day and then as the day progresses they drop and by lights off they are relaxed and down again. I think during that process they are drawing the water they need for the next day, and then buy morning or lights on they are back up to repeat the process.

Most of the time we see this during the start of flower and then all the way through until they are finished. Its something amazing to see and if they are really happy in their homes they really put on the show. Now ive said what i think that the process is FOR but the thing is WHY?? Something has to trigger that movement and i think it has a lot to do with spectrum of the light as well as how much light it is getting. Ive seen it under HPS, MH, and LED so i know that it can be replicated. Its just something awesome to see.

So what are your thoughts AFN?

This is some of the most aggressive i have ever seen of my plants

I recently found one of my autos curling the very tip of its leaf up is this considered praying?
I know this is an old thread but I notice the praying happens really nicely when all conditions in the tent are perfect, light intensity and spectrum, right balance of food and water etc.

I noticed that my plants pray heavily about 1-3days after watering. Usually by then the soil isnt saturated just evenly wet all the way through. Usually ive noticed it when the humidity is lower than the reccomended range for optimal vpd. During my current run when temps were between 72-75°F and the humidity was in the low 40s, and my light was set to the right intesity and height as long as the plants have a decent amount of water they are praying.

Why plants do this is an interesting question as youd think that the flatter they are in regards to direction of light, they would capture more photons lying flatter.

To me a praying plant reminds me of a satellite dish, bouncing any light reflected by leaves back to its main stalk and cola. It makes sense to me that a plant would do this naturally to give itself the best chance for reproduction. It also probably helps collect pollen and direct it towards budsites. This is all a hypothesis tho.
So this is something that I have also noticed recently in my grows. I have seen them doing this when everything is dialed in, especially VPD. But I have also noticed this leaf praying after adding Rootwise Enzyme Elixir to my living soil. This blackberry I am currently growing is looking a little crispy at this point but has been praying to the light since the first time adding enzymes about a month ago. All of my plants seem to Pray to the Light after adding the enzymes.

Crispy Blackberry day 55

Watered with Enzyme Elixir to both of these plants yesterday


Ive also heard that Yah-Whey produces this effect as well. Happy soil happy plants I suppose.
It's too many photons..Good God man.. how many scientists does it take to unscrew a light bulb. Let's count. Ahh, f'it. Let's not and say we did..