Gary Vault

AFN Authorized Vendor
Nov 20, 2018
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We're starting a new blog series where we invite one of our followers to write about their positive experiences with Cannabis. Our goal is to help push the legalise Cannabis movement forward and break down stigma's. In this first post, we have a blog from Giancarlo in London, who tells us his story about how Cannabis helped with his Chron's disease.

I hope you get something from reading it.

Chron's disease is not pleasant! I have been a few steps further.... stomach cancer, with removal of stomach , and resectioned bowel and esophagus. because of this I suffer severe Chron's disease symptoms. the good news cancer free for ten years. :headbang:
Glad to hear you are cancer free. Losing so much of yourself....I hope you are still able to do the things you enjoy doing. You have an ear if you ever need one.
My father had severe Crohn's disease which led to an eventual surgery removing several feet of his small intestines. Being somewhat genetic (jury's out on this), I also ended up being diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease in 2012. By doing my own research, I found a high trend in research articles suggesting that THC/marijuana usage not only could help the symptoms of Crohn's, but could also actually start improving the condition, in some cases, even leading to full remission. I decided to stop the Humira treatment in November and applied for my medical cannabis card after doing a little research on it`s effects. I kept track of how I felt and also continued going to the doctor to track my key indicators via blood tests and colonoscopies. The follow-up after using THC with Humira as my main treatment showed improvements overall. This week, I got another colonoscopy, with only weed as my treatment for the past 3 years and have achieved full remission! This was unbelievable news and I no longer require regular check-ins. Everyone is different, so please don't take this as medical advice, but it is a huge indicator that weed not only can be enjoyable, but have actual major medical benefits. It's amazing what a little weed can do for you.
All of whats happened to me is a before and after scenario. had the cancer years after the start of my smoking. and continued to smoke during recovery to the present. and the Cannabis has helped immensely to curb symptoms of Crohns at 70 we are good! :thumbsup: :cheers:
What a wonderful thread I will tag along with this and have a super xmas
Tom. :bighug: ist's a slow moving thread. not like our bowels. :crying:
Tom. :bighug: ist's a slow moving thread. not like our bowels. :crying:
How are you my old friend I hope you have a great holiday and good on you sending cancer packing and thc as a cure instead of pharmaceutical shite