Photoperiod db003 londonchello the second coming! 5/19/2023

hey everyone It's been a while since my last update. I've been having random problems. My PC broke, so I had to get it fixed. It turned out that my motherboard got fried somehow while I was gone. I used my warranty and got a replacement board, and it's working now. No more leaving my PC on while I am gone.

Anyway, these girls just got watered and got a major defoliation done, which they needed badly. They are in day 16 of flower today. I have been letting them get pretty dry before watering them to help combat the powdery mildew issues I was having to the point where one of the plants was wilting, but that was an accident.

I was out shopping a few weeks ago and found a stand fan on discount for 15 dollars, so I bought it and replaced my broken one, and right when I needed a new one, that was awesome.

The first 10 pictures are from a few weeks ago. I will post the rest of the pictures from today in another post.
Hey everyone, these plants are in day 30 of flowering and fudge me sideways. The powdery mildew just won't leave me alone. I checked on them today, and the wpm came back, so I took some more leaves to get a little better air flow. I sprayed the crap out of them with some hydrogen peroxide and water. All I had was some 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, so I used just a tiny bit, like ten drops per 16oz cups of water I sprayed them with like 3 solo cups worth of water. Yes, I know to use 3 percent, but that's all I had. Last, I put my fan and exhaust fan on full blast.

To be honest, stuff like this makes me want to stop growing again. I know it's a common problem, but it seems like every grow I have done in the past 2 years has had constant little problems. This cold water has been killing my plants, and it's getting to me, but it might be just me not taking good enough care of them, so I can't blame the plants.

We will see if this kills my plants or the WPM. maybe both :shrug:

Sorry, I was pissed about this, so I did not take any pictures this time. I will do so tomorrow when I water them. maybe lol

