Did I just top too early? (Probably yes)

Apr 20, 2019
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Hey guys and girls, pretty new around here, a few weeks into my first grow. I have a Double Grape & Sam's OG that are coming along nicely.

I decided to add 2x CDLC about a week and a half ago. They are both doing well. Anyways, this morning while having my coffee and reading some threads here, I decided I would go for trying to top one of the CDLCs.

After some friendly suggestion, it seems like maybe I've topped too early. What are your thoughts?


the Mephisto sisters
Anyone have any experience topping this young?

I will continue to post pictures of this youngling trying to double back, but I am no keeping my fingers crossed on this one. I was advised ( by a /r/microgrowery user) it was too early and I should have waited.
Most people it seems tend to wait for the 3rd/4th/5th node to top the plant, looks like you chopped just after the 2nd. I’d imagine it should still be fine, just fewer “main” colas sticking out. Grow her out and see what happens!

Easy smoking! [emoji869]
Fell asleep earlier on a surprise nap. When I woke up the girls were on their sleep cycle as well.

I will post an update picture when they wake up in 3 hours.

@Garage_Grower I think you are right about most people waiting a bit longer, but I am going for a low number of colas on this one. Thanks for your input!
Looks a little early, 3rd or 4th node. You should end up with 2 branches, look up mainlining, it's a training option.
Too soon! :rofl::naughtystep:

But so what, you’ll grow more plants later. And it’s cool to see what it does. So no harm done!

Happy growing!
Looks a little early, 3rd or 4th node. You should end up with 2 branches, look up mainlining, it's a training option.
I think doing like that will give you good symmetry if you tried mainlineing
new growth

Possible PM below that is on the Samsquanch OG. Wiped the leaves that seemed to have a splash of nutrient water stuck to them, and I can't tell if this is residual nutrient water or actually PM.

I have seen PM that looks more 'alive' than this before. (Not in my tent, but in my mom's garden.)

Worth noting that I have a humidifier that runs tap water so sometimes my plants are a little salty looking lol but I have taken the humidi out of the tent after this scare with powdery mildew popped up .