Dinafem Fruit


Aug 21, 2020
Reaction score
curling, spotting, drying, discoloring, overall trying to die???

Medium/grow method:
4x4 tent

Feed: and supplements used: all p/gal mixed in 10 gal batches
Hydroguard: 2ml
GH CaliMag: 1tsp
GH Flora: 2.5ml
GH Micro: 7.5ml
GH Bloom: 15ml
GH KoolBloom: 4tsp per 10gal
GH Florailcious Plus: 1ml

water source:
tap w/ microbe dechlorinator to condition

Dinafem Fruit @ 62day +-2

light used:
next light core

apron 73F/65RF

Additional info:
Things were growing good but I got worried cause I had my RF going up to around 75 during grow so I stuck a 30pint dehumidifier in the 4x4 tent. The RF came down but the heat went up to 85f from the normal 75f the next morning and the Fruit leaves were bowing and looking sad. In the span of 24hr the pistils went from white to amber and the leaves died with sickly black tips on the fans. I use the same same mix in all of my DWC and this was the only girl who was affected. Checked the roots and they are white as a ghost. I’m going to cut back to 1/4 nutes this week but is it even salvageable?

I believe it was a mix of the added heat and nute burn as I added the GH KoolBloom this week.

Any help would be great.

Looks like heat stress too me. What’s your PH and EC?
Do a complete res change and check your roots for brown patches and stinky smell while your at it...
Don't go above 0.8 EC or 800µS/cm. Do you have an airstone in the DWC?
yeah, the airstone is working and the roots don't have any rot.
yeah, the airstone is working and the roots don't have any rot.
will tag a couple of peeps @Arthur as he's full of knowledge and @Mañ'O'Green i think he grows the same way hopefully one of them can help you a bit
yeah, the airstone is working and the roots don't have any rot.
Then the only thing I can think of is that the nutes in your res need changing. Maybe an imbalance has occurred...
I flushed her this morning and giving 1/2 nute load for the week to see if it helps bring her back
Been a piece since I did DWC, but if I go just by your 1st post, you reduced the rH and the temps shot up. Did you check the reservoir temp?
I did, the res temp is at 73

Been a piece since I did DWC, but if I go just by your 1st post, you reduced the rH and the temps shot up. Did you check the reservoir temp?