Lighting DIY led build using Bridgelux EB strips

Jul 17, 2017
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figured i'd start a thread for my diy build im about to undertake incase anyone wants to follow along.

there are a couple of really good threads over at RIO about these but figure i'd do a build log over here for them as i feel they are perfect for autos, and should be super easy to build/setup.

after a ton of research i've decided to go with these strips,

was a tossup between these or the samsungs but i've decided on these since they are a bit cheaper and from what i've found easier to work with, plus perfect size for my grow space.

i plan on running 12 of these strips, at 1050ma or 50w per strip.

using 2 x HLG-320H-C1050A i'll run 6 strips each driver.

i plan on making 2 boards basically with 6 strips each, just going to stick them onto some alu sheet. (if you run these at lower amps they dont even need heatsinks) they will be used to supplement my 600w MH/HPS so going with 2 boards i can have 1 on each side, slightly tilted pointing at the plants.

i'll do some maths and stuff later to figure out the optimal layout and PPFD etc and will also post some pics up when the gear arrives, but just wanted to get a thread started see if anyone else is keen to try these strips out for an led build!

all up so far i've spent $350USD, pretty happy.

Quantity: 12
Line Total: $14.4510
Quantity: 2
Line Total: $84.1000
Total: $341.61

also ordered some wagos and some wire, the alu boards i will mount them on shouldn't cost me more then $20 each at my local metal place cut to shape.
Def subbed on for this one very good lumen per watt more efficient then a 600 hps lumen per watt very impressed im just not into the cost start up of leds i can get 600 digital hps kit for 200 even with delivery n it only one day shipping they have the mars hydro leds but its old tech and still pretty expenisive but im def interested in your results good luck mate :)
The problem is....That the $200 HPS is SHIT. Take it from someone who has been there. My buddy bought a digital 600w HPS/MH light. His total was right about at $190. Came with two bulbs, a hood, cord, mogul socket, edison plug, and digital ballast. He did some research first too. Anyway, junk. The ballast pulls over 800w at the wall through the Kill-a-watt. The HPS bulb was SHIT. Maybe 30k lumens....A LOT of heat. The reflector/mogul/cord set was the best part of the whole light. So running this light, you are now pulling 820w at the wall for very inferior lighting. Don't get me wrong, the mighty 600w HPS is a fantastic light, I've owned one myself @ $600, but this Chinese junk isn't it. So some maths. $200 for a 600w kit. $100 for a real HPS bulb. You are at $300 and still pulling 820w at the wall, because of the inefficient design of the cheapo ballast. Buy a chunk of 5.886" heatsink from heatsink USA. Its cheap. Find an old 12v transformer, and buy 5 or 6 computer fans from Amazon or ebay for $15 or so. Get 4-6 good cobs. Cree, Citizen, Vero29. For the cobs it would be about $80-120 depending on how many, and what size. Get a Constant Current Mean Well driver(240-320), and some 18awg solid core wire.
So $60-90 for driver, $80-120 for cobs. $20 for some fans. $30 or so for the heat sink. You now have a light that costs almost identical to the 600w. Except, it uses 320w at the wall, which is HUGE!! And if you're running round the clock, the extra savings at the wall will be great with LEDs. Now for more money. The HPS bulb needs changing. Often. At $100 a pop. The cob can run for a decade without even flinching. No contest bro. My buddy got 1.5 harvests out of his brand new 600w HPS before he switched to cobs. Citizen 1818s. Running 8 of them at right around 400w. This light DESTROYS any HPS light I have seen. Its barely even warm. Do some homework, and skip the HPS. They are gonna be obsolete very soon. I am also using cobs. I have 4 Citizen 1818s at about 210w for the 4 pack, and they are great. Such a good light. LEDs are about to change the whole world. Watch. This tech is still in its diapers. HPS is at the end of its life cycle. Jump on the new train, you won't regret it.

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Gear is on the way from arrow and cutter. Should hopefully be able to start building on the weekend. Still tossing up how I'm gonna spread these. I still think doing 2 seperate boards of 6 strips each is the way to go, so i can move them around and such, just not sure on spacing between the strips. Otherwise was thinking of using 4 strips on each side of the tent. Decisions decisions

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So arrows overnight is still over a week to me here in Australia. Oh well should be here Monday and I'll have 2 days to work on these before back to work. Can't complain really free shipping and saved a fortune over buying domestic

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Gear is here. Stay tuned gonna build this thing tonight hopefully. 2 boards of 6 strips each.

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Gear is here. Stay tuned gonna build this thing tonight hopefully. 2 boards of 6 strips each.

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love it, pls make a foto-story of building this together, i love to whatch projects grow :D

Edit: why not the dimmable MW driver?
Don't worry I will even if it's not gonna be much just a few strips on a slab of ALU lol. Also It is dimmable just with screw not pot. Probably won't need to use it but yeah not a big deal for me if I have to just use the screw to dim it

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Don't worry I will even if it's not gonna be much just a few strips on a slab of ALU lol. Also It is dimmable just with screw not pot. Probably won't need to use it but yeah not a big deal for me if I have to just use the screw to dim it

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yeah it isnt much to take track of but i like it anyways. Maybe the problem with dimming it over the screw will be that the strips wont be dimmable very much but we will see. Going to wait for more pics :D