Does it exist CBD with 0.2% thc ?

Oct 22, 2017
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So my question is if exist some CBD strain with less than 0.2% thc. And if its possible to get seeds?
Because in my country is allowed to have weed but only if the thc content its not higher than 0.2%.
Which country are you in?

As an example, I believe the UK allows CBD on retail sale provided it's got less than 0.2% THC, but things like flower are illegal and I believe growing a high CBD plant is still illegal. So you might have a situation where you can buy CBD extracts BUT growing or flower of any kind is still illegal.

So if you're in a "higher risk" country then make sure you know what you are doing as penalties and permissions vary quite a bit and can be confusing, just because something is available in the shops doesn't mean you can grow it legally.

Strains? Straight to mind springs Charlotte's Web, 30:1 CBD:THC ratio and is, essentially, non-psychoactive, anything SuperCBDx, I think Dinafem might have a very high CBD/Low THC medical strain.
Google: Cannatonic, AC/DC, Harlequin, Therapy...
All photos...non autos...all 15-28% CBD...
Auto don't even come close to this
Because autos were bread to get stoned on THC.
The funny part is, autos all have Ruderalis grandparents, which are all CBD, not THC.
So we made autos, and got rid of that shitty trait called CBD....LMFAO:crying:
Google: Cannatonic, AC/DC, Harlequin, Therapy...
All photos...non autos...all 15-28% CBD...
Auto don't even come close to this
Because autos were bread to get stoned on THC.
The funny part is, autos all have Ruderalis grandparents, which are all CBD, not THC.
So we made autos, and got rid of that shitty trait called CBD....LMFAO:crying:
well, I was more about offical stats. Ditch weed from Canada/USA would have the fast growing trait but this specie is more about producing fiber than anything else. The pure ukrainian Ruderalis would be richer in CBD as described here. The profile fits the existing plant he talked about.


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I have several strains of Eastern European Ruderalis I use for making hybrids.
Its more of a life long project than a hobby.

The issue with any of these strains is.
And I'm going to inumerate the qualities and short comings.

Ruderalis is as mentioned a weed, there's nothing pretty about it.
It grows very scraggly with long nodes and few branches (LST is probably your only option to get any valume of bud).
The plants generaly grow to under 3 feet high, so you're going to need a shit load of them to have any kind of volume.
Depending on your grow limit, this may be an issue.
Some are feminised seed, but you want to work with regulars 1/2 the harvest is coming from males.

Ok now for the good stuff: :biggrin:
Ruderalis isn't to PH finicky like most other strains I've grown, making this plant good for begginers.
By nature it's an autoflower, so harvest will be in the 90-100 day period.
It's greatest feature/trait is the plants ability to deal with cold temperatures (especially at night).
Again, these plants were geneticaly designed to contend with our northern climate.
Depending upon where in North America you live, you can squeeze out 2 harvests per year with an outdoor grow.
This would allow you to get/select the phenos you're looking for the traits in F1, F2, in year one.
And subsequent years producing much better plants.
Until you feminise the seeds or start growing hermies.
You will get a crazy amount of seeds from just 1 plant.
A single 2 foot female can easily produce 50 to 100 seeds.
And the offspring will be just as God aweful ugly as mom and dad

In terms of CBD content, all things considered, Ruderalis would be the favoured way to go for sure.
Will it be easy, yes.
Will it take time and space, yes again.
If the choice to do an indoor grow should arise.
Another trait of these plants is that they hardly smell at all, even in full flower.
So you could grow 3 to four plants for seed indoors without even a hint of stink.

In an ideal world.
I'd advise to cross as pure a Rudy as you can commercialy find (

with another know high CBD strain

This is not an "off the sheft" solution.
But it will work and be tailored to the exact needs at hand.

Getting seeds from Cannapot is a challenge these days because the European postal systems are running slower than usual.
Expected delays to North America are in the 3 week range.

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I have several strains of Eastern European Ruderalis I use for making hybrids.
Its more of a life long project than a hobby.

The issue with any of these strains is.
And I'm going to inumerate the qualities and short comings.

Ruderalis is as mentioned a weed, there's nothing pretty about it.
It grows very scraggly with long nodes and few branches (LST is probably your only option to get any valume of bud).
The plants generaly grow to under 3 feet high, so you're going to need a shit load of them to have any kind of volume.
Depending on your grow limit, this may be an issue.
Some are feminised seed, but you want to work with regulars 1/2 the harvest is coming from males.

Ok now for the good stuff: :biggrin:
Ruderalis isn't to PH finicky like most other strains I've grown, making this plant good for begginers.
By nature it's an autoflower, so harvest will be in the 90-100 day period.
It's greatest feature/trait is the plants ability to deal with cold temperatures (especially at night).
Again, these plants were geneticaly designed to contend with our northern climate.
Depending upon where in North America you live, you can squeeze out 2 harvests per year with an outdoor grow.
This would allow you to get/select the phenos you're looking for the traits in F1, F2, in year one.
And subsequent years producing much better plants.
Until you feminise the seeds or start growing hermies.
You will get a crazy amount of seeds from just 1 plant.
A single 2 foot female can easily produce 50 to 100 seeds.
And the offspring will be just as God aweful ugly as mom and dad

In terms of CBD content, all things considered, Ruderalis would be the favoured way to go for sure.
Will it be easy, yes.
Will it take time and space, yes again.
If the choice to do an indoor grow should arise.
Another trait of these plants is that they hardly smell at all, even in full flower.
So you could grow 3 to four plants for seed indoors without even a hint of stink.

In an ideal world.
I'd advise to cross as pure a Rudy as you can commercialy find (

with another know high CBD strain

This is not an "off the sheft" solution.
But it will work and be tailored to the exact needs at hand.

Getting seeds from Cannapot is a challenge these days because the European postal systems are running slower than usual.
Expected delays to North America are in the 3 week range.

That's exactly what I am doing right now with a pure landrace ^_^ Having fun, I have a couple contacts that who are following closely. Its a fun plant bro trying to get some testing going :) The original mothers were about 80 cm high. I'm impatient to discover each set of traits they have :)


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Off to a new start huh...kudos bro.
The advantage of growing regs is that eventually. You choose the best of the best in what is generally considered a shitty plant.
You will be astonished at the quality of plant you will eventually have (f2..f3...etc).
Commercial seeds don't come nowhere close to this quality plant. Because we're doing the leg work with time and sellection.
This is why better quality seeds are so expensive.
Off to a new start huh...kudos bro.
The advantage of growing regs is that eventually. You choose the best of the best in what is generally considered a shitty plant.
You will be astonished at the quality of plant you will eventually have (f2..f3...etc).
Commercial seeds don't come nowhere close to this quality plant. Because we're doing the leg work with time and sellection.
This is why better quality seeds are so expensive.
was there myself and came across wild rudys who were bigger than the average I saw in the past. I did not ask twice but it became quite an adventure . They consider a rudy as a sativa or an indica. long story short, outlawed .the local population doesnt even want to touch it for a removing operation because anyway it will grow back lol
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Yeah a buddy and coworker from Poland still has family there.
When asked for seeds, the answer was ...
Are you nuts??

I have found that photoperiod pollen on female rudys works very well.
The opposite is longer needlessly.
Most rudys I have still have a more sativa look to the leaves.