Don't forget to drink your water!

One more question are we better off drinking gator aid type drinks then water on the regular basis if in general good health?
The first E mial was about prevention POP yours is about treatment for illness serious ones at that. So what is the right amount of water to drink in a 24 hour period. I know one thing in my life I drink water when ever I am thirsty I do not care at 51 if i get up to go pee three times a night and before laying down I will have about 100 mlls of water I know when I am dehydrated headaches and charlie horses happen in my legs I drink on average 4 to 5 litres of water in a 24 hour period. Is that too much? Has anyone ever heard of drinking warm water as to cold water first thing in the morning aiding in digestion?

best answer I got from a doctor was"when your thirsty drink water". every body is different in its needs.
One more question are we better off drinking gator aid type drinks then water on the regular basis if in general good health?

[h=2]What’s in Gatorade?[/h]
  • Water: Good
  • Sucrose syrup and glucose-fructose syrup: Just Sugar
  • Citric acid: Natural, provides tartness,
  • Natural and artificial flavors: ?
  • Salt, sodium citrate: Provides sodium, electrolytes
  • Monopotassium phosphate: Provides potassium, another electrolyte
  • Ester gum: An emulsifier, made from wood
  • Sucrose acetate isobutyrate: an emulsifier and for used for orange flavor, artificial
  • Yellow 5: Coloring that causes problems in asthmatics, being phased out in some countries.
Gatorade Nutrition Facts
serving size: 8 fl oz; calories 50; total fat 0g; sodium 110mg; potassium 30mg; total carbs 14g; sugars 14g
I drink warm water with lemon in it.

My Mother has MVP (heart condition) and has to drink warm water through out the day.

The quality of your water should be a factor too...I've lived in cities that have horrible tasting water. We used to get an annual report of the levels of chemicals and contaminates in the cities water. High levels of arsenic was a big concern for several years (it was at the low end of "harmful".

Glad I'm back on well water now. :grin:
What’s in Gatorade?

  • Water: Good
  • Sucrose syrup and glucose-fructose syrup: Just Sugar
  • Citric acid: Natural, provides tartness,
  • Natural and artificial flavors: ?
  • Salt, sodium citrate: Provides sodium, electrolytes
  • Monopotassium phosphate: Provides potassium, another electrolyte
  • Ester gum: An emulsifier, made from wood
  • Sucrose acetate isobutyrate: an emulsifier and for used for orange flavor, artificial
  • Yellow 5: Coloring that causes problems in asthmatics, being phased out in some countries.
Gatorade Nutrition Facts
serving size: 8 fl oz; calories 50; total fat 0g; sodium 110mg; potassium 30mg; total carbs 14g; sugars 14g

14 grams of carbs per 8 oz is a lot of sugar, that is 7% of your recommended daily intake. Unless you are burning a lot of calories it will end up as fat
Don't worry about it Pops. I have a friend that forwards every piece of trash that crosses his inbox to everyone in his contact list. Several years ago when more time available, when I received something that particularly outlandish, I would research and reply to all to dispute whatever outlandish claim that was being made and include a link to my source. I don't ever recall receiving a thank you or an kind recognition for my effort in trying to set the record straight. People believe what they ant to believe. If ya read something that sounds too good to be true. It probably isn't. My 2c

Personally Pop, being of like mind, I find your effort commendable bro
So gator aid is good for atheletes as advertised. Drink water when needed do not look at it as a preventive measure drinking lots just because you think you have too. Thank you this has been a very informative thread so far A eye opener
I went to a low meat diet and up my intake of water to try and fill the belly felt I like shit. I tried sticking to vegetables and high fibre cereals with skim milk. I will never do that again I need my red meat and fish simple as that since I changed back to red meat thee times a week and chicken or fish the other nights i feel more sharp and happier. and no processed foods. Water is a tricky subject that there is alot of information and disinformation. As my dear DAD would say believe half of what you read and hear and you should be ok. Sorry if i rambled a bit in the last few posts but I say what is on my mind

The 50% that your dad quoted may have been true 50-60 years ago. Today with the internet, shite media, and all of the other misinformation sources, I'd say that number is closer to 10-20%.IMO
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Well just like my long departed WW2 vet that fought to make this world a safer place who was highly decorated DAD said believe half of what you here and half of what you read you will be all right since he is my dad I will stick with that saying thanks anyways DUCKSTER
Holy shit!!! I go out to make a few snowmen with my kids and come back to find I missed the party.

Anyway I'm to lazy to respond to all that so I'll sum it all up by saying my post did NOT say anything about over hydrating. Also, I can tell you through my life experiences that most people do not keep their bodies hydrated to the point they should and don't even realize how much better they would feel with just a few more drinks of water a day. If you don't want to drink water that's cool with me.

Ps. If any moderator thinks my original post is bullshit go ahead and delete the thread.