Dragon Meds Dragon Master's Purple Jem

These dragons are all amazing can't wait to experience my first dragon, great smoke report and those flowers look truly amazing. :smokebuds:
JEMs are some of the happiest meds I've ever smoked. A great experience, never a dragging crash at the end.
These dragons are all amazing can't wait to experience my first dragon, great smoke report and those flowers look truly amazing. :smokebuds:

Jems are not dragons, but an ancestor of them. It's easy to see how the dragons got so wonderful descending from genetics like Jems.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention :slap:
Thanks for dropping knowledge mr.piggy awwww so jems are somewhat the foundation to dragon genetics?? Thanks
Part of the foundation. I think they're solidly built on a foundation of Jems and Tom Hill's Deep Chunk. It's very easy to spot the deep chunk traits in the dragons.
Thanks again mr piggy. I'm still learning about these, quick question if you don't mind another, what are the obvious deep chunk traits? Thanks
Lovely nugs and awesome report wg...:slap:
Thank you all for the love, it's a truly great strain.. I've been told they've gone into reproduction from the archives now too.. so I'm super excited and hope to see them available again soon.. :booya:

Those buds sir, are a work of art! absolutely lip smackingly beautiful :drool: