so how do i sterlize the soil is all my soil bad i used all the soil from the same bag of FFOF ugh im totally screwed feeling
Don't worry :cry: as JD said there are much worse things that could happen than loosing a seedling, at least it didn't happen 4 weeks in, if you replant now you're only losing the seed and a weeks time or so, you'll get back on track I'm sure!
What was really weird is I had a nightmare last night about going into my closet and every single plant had damped off and dried up. I woke up like I was having a falling dream and had to check them before I could sleep again... Talk about a coincidence...
Try germinating the seedling in a peat pellet or rapid rooter cube and wait until you see root tips before transplanting and try mixing the fox farms soil with pearlite or coco. There are a few ways to sterilize the soil but also take into consideration that FFOF is pretty hot for autos so mixing the coco etc. will make it more auto friendly. Also the stress of the over nuted state of the seedling could have weakened it towards the roots allowing the damping off to happen with ease...
It does look like damping off, but you mentioned two other components that would/may have caused problems without the damping off.

FFOF is hot for seedlings. I'm still using some Fox Farm stuff I was already sitting on (not FFOF on seedlings), but the inconsistent results for seedlings in Fox Farm mixes, has convinced me to move to pro-mix for my seedlings, at least. But, without regard to the brand, we would like to start our seedlings in a non-ferted, pH buffered mix, preferably not peat based.

You're not monitoring your water pH. You are using a pre-buffered mix (good idea, imo) but we also have to monitor the water pH so that when we water, we don't undo the buffered pH of the soil mix.

Yes, it looks like damping off... but, it could be nute burn or pH issues as well.

Please slow down a little bit, brother, and get these other things sorted out before you get too much further along. :peace:

We don't need to have you dying all over the place around here, every time we turn around! :buds:
John Mondello once advised the use of chamomile tea as a remedy for "damping off"
That's interesting RSV do you have a link to what he said, or remember how it helps? :confused:
I cruzed a L and picked up those ph strips for testing water ph since thats the only other thing besides the hot soil that i could help control i might try to pick up the rapid rooters but which one and thank you evryone thanks for the support im thinking of germing 2 more but idk of which i only have 3 out of 5 that survived lol i dont wanna rely on the 2 i have since there regs and they could be females im torn on what i should do this sucks totally puts evrything outta whack lol but thank you evryone