First Aid Plus


Grandma Roody
Dec 2, 2012
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Currently Smoking
My Genius Pipe!
Warning! I will be posting graphic pictures in this thread.

A few years ago I started making a cannabis salve to battle my skin cancer.
I had Mohs surgery and discovered that my cannabis salve made the skin grow 3 to 5 times faster than normal.
View attachment 432003 This is the scar after 3 years. Pictures of the wound and healing here:
It took a total of 14 days to close this wound instead of the 6 months to a year the doctor told me.

Then a little over a year ago Eek cut his thumb with a chain saw. First Aid Plus healed it well.


Our little town held a fund raiser dinner/dance a week ago. We prepared food for 150 people.

As I was cutting the last of 50 lbs. of potatoes...
I cut the tip of my thumb off. Very sharp knife (professionally sharpened) so it was a very clean cut...while I was trying to stop the bleeding, the ladies found the piece I had cut off so I knew what I was working with.

We didn't have a very good First Aid Kit...triple antibiotic cream, gauze, and a glove...
I kept on working and didn't even properly take care of it for 2 days.

I'll put the pictures on the next post. I know a lot of people don't like to look at things like this.
I am fascinated by the way our bodies work to heal itself and I don't like doctors.


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I kept my thumb bandaged and undisturbed for two days. Well, as undisturbed as possible since we had the dinner/dance going on.
I got out of all the rest of cutting of any
And best part...I didn't have to wash dishes!
I found plenty to do that helped me forget about my throbbing thumb.

Sunday morning I really didn't want to open the bandage. I knew the gauze was stuck to the wound.
Soaking in warm water didn't help...Eek was helping...we tried soaking in baby oil, which was helping...when we got the bright idea of putting a rubber band around my thumb to slow the bleeding. However, while that was ripped the gauze off my thumb and that worked! :yoinks:


We got the bleeding to stop and I let it make it's own band aid.
Put a glob of First Aid Plus on, wrapped with a no stick pad *Very important to use no stick don't want to pull off the new skin* and cover with duct tape.

This is the next day...more or less 24 hours. I try to leave wounds as undisturbed as possible this early in healing.
I've read a lot about how your skin grows and closes wounds.
Within seconds a framework/web starts trying to close any cut.

The piece I cut off was mostly skin with very little "stuffing" no bone and should heal with no problems.
There is a very fragile, soft wax like layer forming after two days treatment.

Day 3 here gives you a better view of the waxy layer.

At 5 days treatment, the waxy layer is smoothing out and starting to look like real skin.
Thanks Duggy! I tend to be a little accident prone so I get a lot of use out of the First Aid Plus!

Then when something like this happens I like to watch the healing.

This is what it looked like yesterday. I forgot to take a picture today even though I left it open for several hours.

One week (7 days)


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I figure a few more days keeping it covered.
In a week it should be back to pretty normal.

Everything is extremely difficult to do with only one thumb.
Tying/untying shoes and cutting food are the hardest.
Of course I can't stop being The Mom because my thumb hurts...and I bump it on everything! OUCH!!
But at least it is my left hand.

I'll update pictures as need.