New Grower First Time Growing Anything! Featuring Twisted Tree and Mephisto in Coco/Perlite

I've been doing my best not getting sucked into marketing hype and keeping my nutes pretty basic (looking at Megacrop for my next run), but it's hard not to look at all the sparkly products out there. Any thoughts on carb boost products like Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy or simple cane molasses? I know its definitely not necessary, but I was wondering if it adds a lil' somethin' somethin' to the end product.
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Day 38/39 - cookies, 3bogxmango, sour stomper
Roots are coming out of the bag for both stomper and 3bogxmango. Is this a problem? I’ve been treating the reservoir with hydroguard in case of rot.

My reaction seeing the roots coming out of the bottom.

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Lately I've been watering the side of the pots and letting the water run down to fill up the reservoir. My thinking is that capillary action is pulling the salts up towards the surface of the soil so I don't want to top water because it will push all the salts into the root zone. I'm a little concerned the exposed roots will be vulnerable to all sorts of algae, pathogens, and nasties. The other day a mosquito was perched on top of one of the Cookies roots like it was an owl or somethin.
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Day 39/40
A little puzzled that the sour stomper grew 3+ inches in the past 2-3 days. I thought the stretch was over once flowers start to get fat? Not complaining - a welcome surprise for sure.

@420autoflower would you schwazz the stomper at this point or wait until she completely stops stretching? I did a half assed schwazz a few days ago thinking that she finished the stretch only for her to grow 3+ inches.

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Roots are coming out of the bag for both stomper and 3bogxmango. Is this a problem?
That's a benefit of fabric pots, called "air-pruning". If you had a hard plastic pot the roots would hit the side and keep circling around, but because they grow through the side and reach air, they dry out and prune at that point, then focus energy growing elsewhere. In theory, air-pruning pots like fabric pots or air-pots should have quite a bit more useful root surface area throughout the pot, rather than roots concentrated at the perimeter but relatively sparse within the rest of the medium. That has certainly been my experience, and I usually examine root growth after harvest to see how well the root spread throughout the container.

It's only really an issue if the roots reach stagnant water and start rotting. With those bottom-feeding bases, the plants should adapt to growing air roots throughout the media, while roots for drinking up nutrient water will grow down into the base.
I've been doing my best not getting sucked into marketing hype and keeping my nutes pretty basic (looking at Megacrop for my next run), but it's hard not to look at all the sparkly products out there. Any thoughts on carb boost products like Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy or simple cane molasses? I know its definitely not necessary, but I was wondering if it adds a lil' somethin' somethin' to the end product.
The roots can't use molasses or other sugars, those feed beneficial microbes in soil. You definitely don't need that stuff. There may be some benefit, but probably several other things worth dialing in first.

I haven't used megacrop, but I know several people who get good results with it.
A little puzzled that the sour stomper grew 3+ inches in the past 2-3 days. I thought the stretch was over once flowers start to get fat? Not complaining - a welcome surprise for sure.

@420autoflower would you schwazz the stomper at this point or wait until she completely stops stretching? I did a half assed schwazz a few days ago thinking that she finished the stretch only for her to grow 3+ inches.

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Plants look great @proustdreams :thumbsup:
You have plenty of light around the Stomper so a complete schwazz is not necessary at this time but a heavy defoliation would be good. You can start by removing just the larger fan leaves to open up the plant and leave all the smaller ones alone.
Plants look great @proustdreams :thumbsup:
You have plenty of light around the Stomper so a complete schwazz is not necessary at this time but a heavy defoliation would be good. You can start by removing just the larger fan leaves to open up the plant and leave all the smaller ones alone.

Thank you! I really admire your approach to cultivation. Going through your journals encouraged me to critically reevaluate many cannabis “facts” I assumed to be true - such as using amended coco. I’ve been eyeing your coco SOG grows as a possible blue print for future grows. It’s impressive how you get consistent results using different techniques and different mediums!
Day 50 and day 40 +/- 1 day
Not much is happening at the moment. At this point things are sort of on auto-pilot.

Sour stomper (bottom left) and 3bogxmango (top right) are being fed full on flower nutes at around 1.2-1.3 EC. They have also been topped, well the stomper was sorta fimm’ed. it’s top ended up just growing back but completely mangled and useless, but the rest of the branches suddenly went sorta crazy with growth and branches started growing unevenly. Stomper is approximately 22-23 inches tall. The 3bogxmango is about 20-21 inches tall.

The cookies (between the Top Gun and 3bearxmango) is definitely stunted but it was almost certainly my fault. It’s about 13-14 inches tall. Basically every newbie mistake you could make.

The LSD (top left) and Top Gun (bottom right)are being fed transition mix of the Foliage Pro and Bloom at around 1.3-1.4 EC. They haven’t been topped or trained, just moderate lollipopping. Top Gun is about 28 inches in height and the LSD is a little shorter than the 3bogxmango without the plant stand underneath it.

I’m liking the Dyna-gro lineup because after mixing everything together the PH comes out at 5.6. After I pour the nutes into the rez the PH drifts to a perfect 5.8-5.9.