First Try with CS and Easy Ryder

It will stain skin brown-if it get's in the eye it will stain the cornea-- ever chemistry student is instructed about that one. Silver nitrate is an accelerent as well as an oxidizer in explosives. Silver nitrate mixes explosively with ethyl alcohol. Silver nitrate in a water solution is stable the main thing is your eyes--even if you have gloves on and glasses remember that your gloves could be contaminated and wash your hands -the sink faucet knobs, ect. It's not a super difficult thing to work with but in the hands of ignorance or worst than that a lunatic, it is hazardous---so just like bleach and ammonia you don't want it in your eyes--you still use bleach and ammonia around the house don't you?
Hmm I'm wondering if my soultion is strong enough as careful as I've been with I have gotten it on my hands and they didn't stain brown?!?! Guess later tonight ill dump and remix new batch per exact directions and see... First time I tried to split recipe in half, was high at time so may have missed measured... Also this is the first I've read about having to mix it in the dark?!?! What's that all about? Not one other link I've read I've seen that.. So wondering cause I did it under light if I made it inactive..?
It will stain skin brown and the cornea of the eye too-that info is standard chemistry education. It is an accerlorant and an oxidizer in explosives. It mixes explosively with ethanol. It is stable when mixed with water so in that form it's just not getting any in your eyes. In the hands of ignorance it is a hazardous substance. Treat it in liquid form just as you would bleach or ammonia-you still use bleach and ammonia don't you?

Can't seem to make this redundant post go away.
No not the dark just don't put in in a clear bottle and leave it out in the sun or grow lights ect. Go to Wikipedia you'll see an example of skin staining get it off your skin before it gets exposed to light and you'll spare yourself---time plus light and presto---photo reaction your skin is colored.
Cres, at what ratio do you mix your stock solution to water? Do you also do the 1:9 or something different? Read someone using 1:1 ratio an getting sacks in a week?!?! I'm spraying my lady everyday... Day 2 now and am watching ;) would love to have some female only skeet! Than wouldn't mind if all my crop got pollenated as it did this go around with the Russian dragon...
Looking forward to hearing how you do it ;) thanks

spraying everyday with sts? or cs? sts is a one or two applications spray more than that you risk sterilizing your plant.

Inhumb... I took chem classes... I have been working with sts for years now.:D No I dont have ammonia in my house, and rarely use bleach. I also took 2 years of photography in college..

Hey I have been trying to educate people on sts and cs like bob but in most cases it falls on deaf ears... If someone wants to spray themselves with sts, because of lack of knowledge then, I'm not to blame. Reversing plants is not for beginners and most who try fail, and in most cases there dreams of producing fem seed soon dies... Even if seeds are $10 each and you yield a oz... then the $10 bucks was 5% of the cost of the weed... Not bad for cost to reward... With the data bob and I have givin out there are no un answered questions... people just need to read, read , read... and experiment over and over till they know what the hell there doing ... Its not a science there is no absolute correct way every plant is different. But people insist on asking, and asking and never even taking the time to wait, and see what happens...

And the fact that everyone wants to make fem seed with no selections and no prior knowledge of a strain erks me...big time... its like we help people bastardize a strain for there own personal glory, instead of doing a proper job with selections... testing and a knowledge of genetic traits...:scope:

BOB knows how to cs...why because he took the time to learn... I know how to sts because I did trial and error till I found out what works on some strains and some not... the same spray the same strain, different phenos...different results....too many variable to say .... learn read try.:2cents:
spraying everyday with sts? or cs? sts is a one or two applications spray more than that you risk sterilizing your plant.

Inhumb... I took chem classes... I have been working with sts for years now.:D No I dont have ammonia in my house, and rarely use bleach. I also took 2 years of photography in college..

Hey I have been trying to educate people on sts and cs like bob but in most cases it falls on deaf ears... If someone wants to spray themselves with sts, because of lack of knowledge then, I'm not to blame. Reversing plants is not for beginners and most who try fail, and in most cases there dreams of producing fem seed soon dies... Even if seeds are $10 each and you yield a oz... then the $10 bucks was 5% of the cost of the weed... Not bad for cost to reward... With the data bob and I have givin out there are no un answered questions... people just need to read, read , read... and experiment over and over till they know what the hell there doing ... Its not a science there is no absolute correct way every plant is different. But people insist on asking, and asking and never even taking the time to wait, and see what happens...

And the fact that everyone wants to make fem seed with no selections and no prior knowledge of a strain erks me...big time... its like we help people bastardize a strain for there own personal glory, instead of doing a proper job with selections... testing and a knowledge of genetic traits...:scope:

BOB knows how to cs...why because he took the time to learn... I know how to sts because I did trial and error till I found out what works on some strains and some not... the same spray the same strain, different phenos...different results....too many variable to say .... learn read try.:2cents:

i really like that post , not cause it mentions me , but because it says some things ive been wanting to say or maybe havent said straight forward enough for ppl to get the hint

good on ya

peace :cool:
I'm not worried about the old timers-just the new guy's on the block get a shot of "Now let's be careful out there!"
Allthough I think drinking the stuff is an assumed risk you at least know it's arguable-let's not argue.
I respect your opinion! Though disagree a little on the fem seed making with noobs... In no way have I ever considered being a breeder, seller, etc... Am in this strictly to help my MS. I totally agree that random breeding DOES bastardize a strain but also I think that if those seeds are only for private use or what have you and are not being used in a retail setting that it should be encourageable for new med users to learn to become self sufficient... I work SO SO HARD in my profession, it's extremely physical and mentally strenuous work... I am honestly tired of paying for bud that honestly is the only med that "works" for me! I live pay check to pay check due to having shell out for bud.... It's PLANT! I am starting to slowly come out from under my hole. My first harvest has allowed me to not see the green man since beginning of year, savings aprox $800 - 30k in debt I'm at 29,200 ;) of I sold the bud I grew or seeds I made I'd be out from under a lot quicker! Though it sorta goes against my bud philosophy. Haven all strains in one way or the other been crossed or related to another? I will continue my experiments and if it takes plant after plant of fails so be it... Eventually will learn how to do it. I hope I have not offended anyone (any breeders, seed banks etc...) if so i apologize... Do know I will continue to buy seeds... Just from now on will be very seldom and much more selective of what I shell out my hard earned money... Just the thoughts of some of what you still have hidden in the fridge cres, and Aunty's dragon.... Ill be hitting the collective but than will hopefully not have to again for a long while... Thanks for all the info sorry if same questions are asked thread after thread...
I agree with both cres and yoda. If you are distributing seeds you should know what you're doing but if its for personal use then do what you gotta do for meds. Although if you mess up and give the hermi trait or another undesirable one to 10000 seeds then you ruin 2 plants and have an inferior medication.

I only made cs once but it seemed very simple and hard to mess up. I have only tried it on one strain so I cannot say if it works that easily for every strain.
yoda.. my comments were "in general" not directed at you or inhum... I support everyone doing it, thats why bob and I are here helping people... but my comment for not for beginners is just that, I recommend to everyone to learn how to grow and perfect your grows, starting breeding m/f first then step up to feminization..

If you can sharpen your skills and equipment it will pay for your seeds... and your head and your bills if need be. but knowing how to make fem seed should be a second thing to the skills which come first... see where I'm coming from?

By all means you want to fem my gear do it... I have no ego or breeder insecurity... I will help you best I can,...I have. But believe me and bob that there is little we can do to help you guys you must start trials and see what happens... failure will happen, it has for me lots of times learning my way from just one read of the sts post... Thats the same one I used and worked forward from...:thumbs::joint: