Fuggzy goes pollen deep


Perfectly Flawed
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi guys, and a good day to you all. So I have played around with some pollen, made a couple of my own seeds, and reversed 1 plant so far. All of this was either just to see if I could or for fun. This time though I' going to take a more serious approach, and learn more than just dusting a plant.

The things i'll be working on is reversing a Bubba Kush auto from Dina. My last reverse was just to see if I could, and I didn't like the plant. I really want some Bubba pollen, so I will be as precise as I can. I have 240ppm CS, and will be diluting it down to 50-70ppmn with distilled water. This is about the same ppm I used for the last, and didn't have any issues. (I don't think at least) I also have a Blue Kush auto from Dina that might get hit too, I'm not sure yet.

I also have started 15 Fairy Stone (Jack Hererx Black Stone) and it is a f2 semi-auto. They will be grown in small cups, and in a micro grow. I am not to worried about loosing out on smokable green, as this is mainly for learning breeding. Thats about all the detail on this part so far.

I currently have a strain I call it Crazy Ape (psychofruit x guerrilla ryder). It was a tester batch, and the seed was never released, but I really liked it, so I want to breed it further. I am not sure about the generation this seed is on. I have 4 males, and 1 female, so I will just be doing an open pollination to get a stockpile of the genetics. Later on I want to do selective breeding with this plant, but these where my last 5 seeds, no time to be picky with 1 female. The males are going to be dropping pollen in the next few days, and the female just shot hairs 1 day ago.

On the way I have 15 Stone dragons from Stone "special Reserve". It is all the dragon from 2nd gen, on. Green, purple, black, and red phenos are expected. For the time these will wait, but may in up in the thread later.

I have seeds on the way from a private breeder also. For now I'll just say it should be a nice surprise.

I currently have regular pollen from 3 photos, and 2 autos.

Besides the above seeds, I have about 20 other genetics to play with. I will also be working on photos, and autos, and as stated semi-autos. Just dropped 2 Night Terror OG, will they flip, will they flower, I don't know, but no plant is safe around me at the moment! I invite anyone to come chat, and all advice will be appreciated. I don't have the camera handy, so pics will be tonight/tomorrow. Till later, take care.
Alright, so Crazy Ape.

It is a lovely skunberry pie smell. Deep sweet skunk, sugary taste. Nice relaxing buzz, more body, with a head band effect, that feels like a raccoons mask. So far I have a beautiful male donor that was a PF pheno, and 60/40 royal purple/green. He had visible trich production, and also gave the coon mask when I vaped him.

Being that I only have 1 female, and four males, I am going to do an open pollination. I am not sure yet if I will use all males, but I have 2 fast flowering males, just like the purple donor. I may also segregate a branch just for my donor pollen, and try to work both.

They are the small plants, in the medium pots. The far right smallest pot is the Bubba Kush auto. So the 2 bottom center are the fast flowering males, and should have cracked nuts in 1-2 days. Besides the 2, I'm not sure whats what at the moment, bit medicated for 420.:thumbsup:

I'll be moving the males outside tomorrow and let them mature some more. Now I don't know when I should pollinate. Maybe someone could offer some suggestions. I'll do some reading tomorrow too. :eyebrows:
Bubba Kuah auto by Dina. Grown in a 1/2 gallon pot, and outside. Shot hairs yesterday. Smells like a funky plant,getting a bubba funk, but not full on yet. I have 2 more of these in the grow tent for some more seeds. I also want to cross this in to the CA, give it some more KO power. Change the name to Primal Kush. :rofl: Stoned thinking!
Greetings to you my brother. You know I am subbed for this! Always love to see folks try to become self sufficient with making their own seeds and crosses.

Sounds like you may all ready been bitten by the seed making addiction. It can be HIGHLY addictive.

You should find some real gems with the F2 + Stones. Here is a picture of a F2 red pheno:

1st SDs_90 Days 003.JPG

Hey @Fuggzy
You got much to do and interesting genetics.
good luck with you projects and happy breeding. Iam in to see how it works for you.
cu tobe
Hi there Tobe, and thanks for dropping! I hope not to disappoint, if thing goes as planned this should be a fun ride!
Greetings to you my brother. You know I am subbed for this! Always love to see folks try to become self sufficient with making their own seeds and crosses.

Sounds like you may all ready been bitten by the seed making addiction. It can be HIGHLY addictive.

You should find some real gems with the F2 + Stones. Here is a picture of a F2 red pheno:

View attachment 556544
Welcome brother, it's nice to have you here. I would have to agree about getting bitten, lol. After my first batch of seeds, I realized just how special they are. I find myself daydreaming of different crosses, and what I would name my own strains.

So yeah, about that red pheno... I think if they all came out like that I would be happy. :biggrin: That is a beautiful plant brother.
I am hoping to find some black phenos in the Fairy stone, but so far have only seen green phenos. Of course with them being a semi, I have not seen much of them. I've got faith though. This message would get typed faster if I didn't keep scrolling up to see that red pheno...:woohoo1:I almost want to write Stone, and just request just the f2, lol.

Anywho, I look forward to chatting with you, take care bud.:smoking:
Okay lets get in to some Crazy Ape mug shots. First off I made a mistake somewhere... I only have 3 males, and 1 unsexed... So yay for that. I got 4 males using stoner math, and forgot I segregated a runt.

CR#5 Male, fast flowering pheno, pungent skunk smell early flower, showed sex on 4/15 @ 16 days.

CA#2 Male, fast flowering pheno, only a small skunk on stem rubs, showed sex on 4/15 @ 16 days.

CA#3 Male, average flowering time (for CA male), skunk/musk smell on stem rub, showed sex on 4/18 @ 19 days.

CA#1 Female, average flowering time, pungent skunk like CA#5, showed sex on 4/20 @ 21 days
DSCN2525[1].JPG DSCN2522.JPG

So far I am thinking of just using males #5, & 2, and my current pollen. I am not all the wowed by #3, but will give him a chance to change that.

**Bubba Kush**
I started the CS treatment on Bubba. No pics, just a wet plant. She is getting kinds stinky too. Just a deep funk on stem rubs, but more pungent every days.

**Fairy Stone**
All 15 have cracked, and will be going in to soil tomorrow. They will start in a 12oz cup, and after a bit of growth, I'll attach a second cup up side down for ~20oz. I want to give them more height, not width.

Thats all for now guys. Take care.