Glands on roots, problem or not?


May 20, 2016
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I was just harvesting some plants and half of them had gland like things at about 2mm diamètre on roots, other half of plants did not have any. All from the same strain and all performed well. And no root rot, all roots were nice and white
Does that indicate anything or not?
Thank you all in advance
And some photos
Thanx again
It is where the roots had trouble pushing through the soil and just kinda grew a knot. At least I think that is what they are
:toke: PJ, I'm not sure myself,.. I know Nitrogen fixer plants form nodules similar to this, but cannabis isn't one of them,.. I'll show it around and look into it more,.. Spanglish might be onto something, but that's a maybe only at this point,... it might be a while before I can reach my consultant, so stand by,...
It is where the roots had trouble pushing through the soil and just kinda grew a knot. At least I think that is what they are
I dont think so because the medium wzs made of soft jungle soil,worm casting,perlite and coco.
And why only 3 in 47? And the ones with nodes were full of nodes! And others not even one...
Those roots are pretty crazy have never seen anything like that, did you use any beneficial bacterias or mycos maybe it could be something living in harmony with the roots, but that is a wild guess. @Waira @namvet25 any ideas ?

The only thing i could come up with looking into a search on knots in roots was a rather nasty disease so hope its not that

That was scary man! And its late here, nightmares in program i guess... :))
Have to buy a 500-1000x microscope soon.with the one i have i can only see trich :)
And as its not.... totaly legal here, prefer not to risk with a third party lab.
And again, why only 3 in 47 and why all the ones with nods are full of it and others not even one? Knowing all soils only vary abit in perfentage only, and maybe the soil came from 15 meters apart.
I tried to keep the bacts and fungis alive as i presumed they were already present in the soil i used.
Hope its not the tiny larva you showed me or im gonna sell the house and move! Lol
:toke: PJ, I'm not sure myself,.. I know Nitrogen fixer plants form nodules similar to this, but cannabis isn't one of them,.. I'll show it around and look into it more,.. Spanglish might be onto something, but that's a maybe only at this point,... it might be a while before I can reach my consultant, so stand by,...
Im standing by, As i have no more plant running amd wont run any for 2 months to reupgrade my system and nutes i have nothing else to do! Lol
The texture of these nods were crunchy and no color variance with other ones.most of tyem were almost spheric with the exception of some bigger ones.
All 3 produced above average yields, but nothing exceptional. Had some others with 25% more yield.
It was my last grow in soil, im glad i can learn my last lesson :)

Btw thank you all for participating, all help is more than welcome :)
And i have around 20 pots that i have not unrooted yet, ill do that tomorrow to see if i find another one, will try to take better photos and more details if i find any.