Indoor Growing Scrog

8 plant scrog grow in a 24x48x72” tent with 3 Trichomes & Cream, 1 Fast Buds Cherry Cola, 2 Mephisto Hubbabubbasmellowscope and 2 Mephisto Mephisto Skylar Whites
Day 24
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Day 28
Before and after first heavy defoliation
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Day 32
Stripped them down again, supercropped and set them in their final home before lowering a 3” net over the top.View attachment 1564584View attachment 1564586View attachment 1564587View attachment 1564588View attachment 1564589View attachment 1564590

Day 34
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Day 38
About 300 nodes made it to the top in only 5 days
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Hey mate, the grow/plants look very healthy, definitely a nice job! :toke:

Only thing I keep on asking myself is why there are so many growers, including you, that use support-nets as their SCROG-net? I ofc don't want to be rude, but what you are doing is more bending/(super)cropping in combination with a support net so the plants stay upright and with an even canopy. I bet if you take away the net they would probably stay in the same position. With some varieties, with strong stems, you wouldn't probably need the net and grow them freely exactly the same way. But don't get me wrong mate, you do an excellent job at maintaining a healthy and vibrant canopy, and they look really on point and dialed in!

Personally my idea of a SCROG and I have been doing that from the start of my 'career' is to have a strong net (from metal) with smaller holes, usually 5x5cm, so there are many spots/crossroads on the net, to fix them to with tie-rips. This way you can even spread them better and get more buds. The net you are using (support-net) can be used on top to keep the cola's from bending over late flowering. But hey, maybe it is just me that thinks that way, or I am already considered and old-school grower haha.

You should really give it a shot with a real SCROG net, some use chicken wires netting, but tbh the holes are usually too big, and when you take the chicken wire fence net, too small. So the best tip is to use this :

In Dutch they called it a Aarde mat - it is used in bathrooms, flooring etc. It will transform your SCROG experience! When I think of it, I'll share a few pics of SCROG's done with this type of netting.
Hey Y’all… sorry for neglecting my thread.
Been very busy with other things recently and haven’t put much time into my cannabis hobby in the past month. Nothing really exciting going on with the girls but hope these pics and brief info will help everyone get caught up on the grows.

Single plant scrog
(DP Trichomes & Cream)
Day 57
After heavy defoliation
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Day 70
Lost a couple colas in the back of the tent to bud rot. My fault for having only one fan running and not enough air flow. I have the tent set up in my cold 61F garage and had a difficult time dialing in my environment throughout the grow.
At this stage I was fertigating 5 times during a 24 hour period for 10 minute increments with the EC set at 1.8. She was drinking about a gallon and a half a day and I was having to top off the 7 gallon bus tub reservoir every couple days. Started adding Sugaree from Cutting Edge to her diet for carbohydrate supplementation and also fed General Hydroponics Koolbloom powder for her finishing PK booster.

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Day 80
Buds are getting dense but starting to foxtail

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Day 85
Harvest day! (3/31/23)
Didn’t realize how huge she was until I cut the net away and pulled her out of the tent. Would have liked to let her grow for a couple more weeks to fill in but the bud rot was spreading slowly and she was still foxtailing.

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Nice big plant mate, well done, shame about the budrot, you see that backbud in the picture, completely brown already ;-) First time seeing our Auto Trichome & Cream foxtailing like this, looking at the rest of the bud structure, it kinda looks like a second bloom phase. Could be the environmental conditions, what do you think?

Again, solid growing mate! Regarding that test you spoke about, with doing one room with heavy defol and the other without, are you planning to do that with clones or not?

Using (autoflower)plants from seed will definitely not give you the right data to work with. I love the idea, and would love to see it being done, but hopefully you can do it with clones and have 2 rooms that are exactly the same, same equipment, same climate etc.
Anyways, keep it up, and if you are ever looking for some genetics to try out, just holla at me! :pass:
Hey mate, the grow/plants look very healthy, definitely a nice job! :toke:

Only thing I keep on asking myself is why there are so many growers, including you, that use support-nets as their SCROG-net? I ofc don't want to be rude, but what you are doing is more bending/(super)cropping in combination with a support net so the plants stay upright and with an even canopy. I bet if you take away the net they would probably stay in the same position. With some varieties, with strong stems, you wouldn't probably need the net and grow them freely exactly the same way. But don't get me wrong mate, you do an excellent job at maintaining a healthy and vibrant canopy, and they look really on point and dialed in!

Personally my idea of a SCROG and I have been doing that from the start of my 'career' is to have a strong net (from metal) with smaller holes, usually 5x5cm, so there are many spots/crossroads on the net, to fix them to with tie-rips. This way you can even spread them better and get more buds. The net you are using (support-net) can be used on top to keep the cola's from bending over late flowering. But hey, maybe it is just me that thinks that way, or I am already considered and old-school grower haha.

You should really give it a shot with a real SCROG net, some use chicken wires netting, but tbh the holes are usually too big, and when you take the chicken wire fence net, too small. So the best tip is to use this :

In Dutch they called it a Aarde mat - it is used in bathrooms, flooring etc. It will transform your SCROG experience! When I think of it, I'll share a few pics of SCROG's done with this type of netting.

Nice big plant mate, well done, shame about the budrot, you see that backbud in the picture, completely brown already ;-) First time seeing our Auto Trichome & Cream foxtailing like this, looking at the rest of the bud structure, it kinda looks like a second bloom phase. Could be the environmental conditions, what do you think?

Again, solid growing mate! Regarding that test you spoke about, with doing one room with heavy defol and the other without, are you planning to do that with clones or not?

Using (autoflower)plants from seed will definitely not give you the right data to work with. I love the idea, and would love to see it being done, but hopefully you can do it with clones and have 2 rooms that are exactly the same, same equipment, same climate etc.
Anyways, keep it up, and if you are ever looking for some genetics to try out, just holla at me! :pass:
Thank you Antonio!
IMHO I think the 3” nylon netting is much easier to work with compared to a metal screen and you basically get the same results. I’m able to cut and attach the netting in any size tent I have in minutes and no big deal throwing it away when I’m done as it only costs pennies to use. I’ve always run 3” nylon netting to hold down my plants and usually have a 5-6” net hanging in the back of the tent waiting on standby for cola support. On occasion I do remove the net to do my last defoliations but removing it too early will result in having the branches start growing vertically toward the light.
I actually own and operate a flooring business and I’m familiar with the the metal underlayment you are speaking of but I personally would rather work with something lighter in weight and less rigid. I’m planning on starting a larger screen of green grow in a 5x5’ tent soon and couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be dealing with a big metal screen in there. I’m sure it works well but I would think as long as I install my netting really tought it will perform the same as any metal screen would. I’ll post a couple different autoflower SCROG grows that I finished up within the last 6 months to show how well a 3” nylon net works in a small tent.
Not sure why the T&C foxtailed so heavy… never had a plant foxtail that much before. I have a few more growing in a different tent that are being fed the same nutrients and they all look fine. Both tents are in my cold 62F garage but I don’t think that caused the problem.
I agree that growing clones would be the only way to do a true defoliation comparison. I already know what the results would be but thought others might want to see it done using some consistent auto cultivars.

Here is a very detailed defoliation comparison where clones were used. I don’t count airy fluff bud so in my opinion the defoliated tent yielded close to 40% more then the naturally grown tent.

I have a great feeling about this thread!! So much great information is shared here. I for instance would see myself use the 'Aardemat' in my 60x60cm tent. Just because it would be manageable. I would prime the wire first though, as those rosters are galvanized and that stuff is toxic.

Actually very easy Bob.
One man job for sure!
I start by prepping the plants with a heavy defoliation and also super crop the main thick stiff branches that I need bent over with a pair of pliers, then attach a 3” nylon scrog net with garden wire or zip ties to the 4 tent poles and pull it as tought as I can. After I set my prepped plants in place I slowly slide the netting down the poles and over the top of the plants while spreading them out at the same time. I try to pull the plants down and out as far as I can and have them grow horizontally by tucking and weaving the branches daily. Using the 3” net I have more strings to work with and more areas to tuck compared to a 6” net.
By just simply bending the the main top over around day 15-20 in veg to promote more side branching, timing the net right, and keeping up with the pruning you should be able to create a nice canopy of buds and definitely increase your yields.

Not late to the party brother as I’m planning on keeping this thread going as a perpetual scrog thread. I’ll post what I have coming up next and if anyone else has scrog info or pics of their grows feel free to post here.
Thanks for the reply mate!! I saw the pliers and the tape around it, figured you used that to supercrop. I use my index finger and thumb so I can squeeze while I twist and turn the stem. I really curious now to find out your technique :eyebrows: :cheers:
Thank you Antonio!
IMHO I think the 3” nylon netting is much easier to work with compared to a metal screen and you basically get the same results. I’m able to cut and attach the netting in any size tent I have in minutes and no big deal throwing it away when I’m done as it only costs pennies to use. I’ve always run 3” nylon netting to hold down my plants and usually have a 5-6” net hanging in the back of the tent waiting on standby for cola support. On occasion I do remove the net to do my last defoliations but removing it too early will result in having the branches start growing vertically toward the light.
I actually own and operate a flooring business and I’m familiar with the the metal underlayment you are speaking of but I personally would rather work with something lighter in weight and less rigid. I’m planning on starting a larger screen of green grow in a 5x5’ tent soon and couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be dealing with a big metal screen in there. I’m sure it works well but I would think as long as I install my netting really tought it will perform the same as any metal screen would. I’ll post a couple different autoflower SCROG grows that I finished up within the last 6 months to show how well a 3” nylon net works in a small tent.
Not sure why the T&C foxtailed so heavy… never had a plant foxtail that much before. I have a few more growing in a different tent that are being fed the same nutrients and they all look fine. Both tents are in my cold 62F garage but I don’t think that caused the problem.
I agree that growing clones would be the only way to do a true defoliation comparison. I already know what the results would be but thought others might want to see it done using some consistent auto cultivars.

Here is a very detailed defoliation comparison where clones were used. I don’t count airy fluff bud so in my opinion the defoliated tent yielded close to 40% more then the naturally grown tent.

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Definitely a nice comparison grow! Would have loved to see it with one strain only though, but still this gives a very nice idea of the advantages of defoliation. In the end not the biggest difference in yield (overall) but as you say, looking at the quality of the product the defol side gives more of that top quality bud we are all looking for. So it makes absolute sense to do it!

Also something that is worth mentioning is the difference in trimming when its time to harvest, that small bottom leafy bud (from the natural side) can be very time consuming and annoying to trim. While the defoliated plants will have more compact buds with less leaves. Saves time and energy
The life of a scrogged @beavergenetics Bananalope auto

She started out as the runt of the litter
Day 11

Day 17
Pulled the main top over with a bent coat hanger to help promote some extra branching

Day 21
Already have 6 more tops in just 5 days after bending the main top over.

Day 27
Moved them into a larger tent

Day 30
Moved her into her own (27x27x55” tent)

Day 33
Pulled her down and out with a 3” nylon scrog net

Day 38


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Day 42

Day 45

Day 53

Day 62

Day 70

Day 84









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Definitely a nice comparison grow! Would have loved to see it with one strain only though, but still this gives a very nice idea of the advantages of defoliation. In the end not the biggest difference in yield (overall) but as you say, looking at the quality of the product the defol side gives more of that top quality bud we are all looking for. So it makes absolute sense to do it!

Also something that is worth mentioning is the difference in trimming when its time to harvest, that small bottom leafy bud (from the natural side) can be very time consuming and annoying to trim. While the defoliated plants will have more compact buds with less leaves. Saves time and energy
I agree… makes the cleanup at the end much easier and less time consuming. Takes me only 15 minutes to cut the buds off the stems and another couple minutes to shake it around in the trim bag. I can get a pound done in less than 2 hours.
Day 42
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Day 45
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Day 53
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Day 62
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Day 70
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Day 84
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what a plant mate. Perfect.
8 plant scrog grow in a 24x48x72” tent with 3 Trichomes & Cream, 1 Fast Buds Cherry Cola, 2 Mephisto Hubbabubbasmellowscope and 2 Mephisto Mephisto Skylar Whites
Day 24
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Day 28
Before and after first heavy defoliation
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Day 32
Stripped them down again, supercropped and set them in their final home before lowering a 3” net over the top.View attachment 1564584View attachment 1564586View attachment 1564587View attachment 1564588View attachment 1564589View attachment 1564590

Day 34
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Day 38
About 300 nodes made it to the top in only 5 days
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Hey mate, the grow/plants look very healthy, definitely a nice job! :toke:

Only thing I keep on asking myself is why there are so many growers, including you, that use support-nets as their SCROG-net? I ofc don't want to be rude, but what you are doing is more bending/(super)cropping in combination with a support net so the plants stay upright and with an even canopy. I bet if you take away the net they would probably stay in the same position. With some varieties, with strong stems, you wouldn't probably need the net and grow them freely exactly the same way. But don't get me wrong mate, you do an excellent job at maintaining a healthy and vibrant canopy, and they look really on point and dialed in!

Personally my idea of a SCROG and I have been doing that from the start of my 'career' is to have a strong net (from metal) with smaller holes, usually 5x5cm, so there are many spots/crossroads on the net, to fix them to with tie-rips. This way you can even spread them better and get more buds. The net you are using (support-net) can be used on top to keep the cola's from bending over late flowering. But hey, maybe it is just me that thinks that way, or I am already considered and old-school grower haha.

You should really give it a shot with a real SCROG net, some use chicken wires netting, but tbh the holes are usually too big, and when you take the chicken wire fence net, too small. So the best tip is to use this :

In Dutch they called it a Aarde mat - it is used in bathrooms, flooring etc. It will transform your SCROG experience! When I think of it, I'll share a few pics of SCROG's done with this type of netting.

Nice big plant mate, well done, shame about the budrot, you see that backbud in the picture, completely brown already ;-) First time seeing our Auto Trichome & Cream foxtailing like this, looking at the rest of the bud structure, it kinda looks like a second bloom phase. Could be the environmental conditions, what do you think?

Again, solid growing mate! Regarding that test you spoke about, with doing one room with heavy defol and the other without, are you planning to do that with clones or not?

Using (autoflower)plants from seed will definitely not give you the right data to work with. I love the idea, and would love to see it being done, but hopefully you can do it with clones and have 2 rooms that are exactly the same, same equipment, same climate etc.
Anyways, keep it up, and if you are ever looking for some genetics to try out, just holla at me! :pass:
I'm going to have to get some of that wire mesh now in conjunction with my net. I have a Kerosene and Ultimate that are on day 27 today so not to late..
Day 42
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Day 45
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Day 53
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Day 62
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Day 70
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Day 84
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That's just an insane plant.