Guano/EWC tea how-to


Mr Piggy

I've noticed people asking about how to make teas or even shying away thinking it's too complicated. Making teas is super simple and doesn't take more than ten minutes out of your day. I'm just showing the way I do it with one gallon of water, people do it many different ways, I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. Most of the time I don't even measure, I just eyeball it. Teas are forgiving.

All teas start out with aerated, PH balanced, chlorine/amine free water. Here's a gallon being bubbled with an air stone in a bucket.

To this add your ingredients.

For this batch I put in
1 1/2 tablespoon high P indo bat guano
A handful of earth worm castings
1 tablespoon of kelp meal
12 ml liquid karma
1/4 oz guano bloom booster
1 tablespoon molasses

You would be fine using just kelp, guano and EWC on it's own. K.I.S.S.

Then since I'm a dirty little piggy I reach in there with my hand and break everything up and give it a stir. Then I leave it for a few hours to a day to let the microbes multiply and get excited. A good indicator of this is foam on top of your brew, but a lack of foam does not mean a lack of activity.


Just use the tea to water your plants like you normally would, no dilution needed. I do this about once a week. You can manipulate your ingredients for a vege or flower blend.

Please chime in if you make teas too so we can learn from what you do!
Im sure this works as good as advanced nutrients.. But i like to spend money and thinks it works better.. Waste of $$ when i think about it.. Nice dude!

Yep that's about all I do as well. Only difference is I put my additives in an old nylon sock from the old lady and suspend it in the water. More like a tea bag. Then I agitate it now and then. I also brew mine as close to 24 hours as I can. Some times I swear my 48 hour brews are even more like liquid roids. You pop your head into the grow room the next day and it's like WOW where did all that come from?

Kelp is the secret ingredient IMO. As long as your using a cold extracted kelp the growth hormones are intact. Which means your plants will love you!

Teas go hand in hand with TLO soil. We should do some thing about that as well.
Yup, I noticed a huge difference when I started using kelp. I used to use a stocking as a tea bag but I got tired of dealing with it afterwards and my laziness decided the plants liked it more when I just poured all the goop in there with the tea. I feel you on the 48 hour brew. My plants go apeshit for it, I swear I can watch them grow after.

Shoot, I forgot to mention... Make sure and clean up well afterwards. I give the airstone a little scrub and clean the bucket out with hot water. The goop from the micros can build up quick and if your air stone gets slimed it's a bitch to clean out. Y'all will learn about the slime if you ever leave the tea out for a few days. Just make sure to use it all up, it doesn't store well.
great info Mister,

is it possible to keep the tea "alive" longer by using an airstone and feeding the microbes?