New Grower Help needed for my first grow.

Guys I been reading up and came across this..

Nitrogen Deficiency

Problem: A cannabis nitrogen deficiency will cause the older, lower leaves on your plant to turn yellow, wilt away and eventually die.

The yellow leaves of a nitrogen deficiency may show signs of brown, and they will usually become soft and sort of "fold" in, before turning crispy and falling off on their own.

If the yellowing leaves are at the top of your plant or the yellow leaves are mostly new growth, then you probably don't have a nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen deficiencies always affect the oldest, lowest leaves first.

So I would have to say this is not the case for my girls it's the new leaves affected not the old ones.

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Am tired now so hitting the hay "As it stands I am leaning towards Nutrient burn" will pop back on when I wake to see others thoughts. Night

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I have seen some of my plants get stressed by the switch from MH to HPS and show symptoms within a week. Some of them showed some claws and leaf discolorization on the tops that looked like some kind of deficiency. I could never fully figure it out, but these plants finished really nicely anyway. I'm not an expert yet, but at this stage (just about to explode with flowers), I would make sure to feed them nicely, and add some calmag too.

Your plant looks beautiful so far, so I wouldn't worry too much! But I would be interested what an expert would say. Maybe ask in the infirmary?
The guy to talk to on here is fairlynew. He helps a lot of growers on afn myself included. He grows imo the best plants ive seen. He grew a royal queen northern lights auto that was over 5 feet tall and got nearly a pound off it. Hope this helps

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I use to see this quite a bit when using B52 early on along with sensi grow a/b and voo doo. I found the b52 to have to high an npk ratio and was curling not all but some of the leaves. Since learning that b Vitamins do nothing to enhance growth so I have dropped b52 and started with Nirvana earlier. Point being when I made the change and lowered the npk ratio all around I have not noticed any significant leaf curl. It will grow through it you will have some monsters. You should look up the King gangamoto he kills with dutch pro nutrients check his schedule out his plants make mine look tiny. Are you feeding full strength once a week? Then water the rest? I really only have truly great growth with Advanced nutrients which is PH perfect the line up I use. Dutch pro you will need a ec and ph monitor and maybe have to correct your PH up or down with dutch pro but it is still one of the best nutrients out there. Just to let you know I have had curl like that and they have turned into monsters. Is more the top leafs showing the curl then the bottom leaves if so you in my mind are growing through the deficiency then. Some Phenos are more prone to it at a young age. But I feed from day ten on every watering has food at 1 mill a liter with sensi a/b one mill of voo doo Until about day fifteen or so they get between 500 mills to a liter of nutrients by day day 20 they should all be getting close to a liter in a 24 hour period. What is your growing medium and ambient temps? And where is your relative humidity at it must be below 50 % to achieve maximum growth. And make sure you have wicked air exchange bro. Here is a royal queen northern lights auto killer weed Royal Queen has there ducks in a row for sure bro
@Fairlynew Dude thanks for the quick response to my post, it's much appreciated. Quick reply then will do a full reply tomorrow as it's rather late here and my head hurts lol

Firstly should I now stop using my humidifier or do you need to see more photo's? So far they have been fed twice as was told before that when I fed them it was way too early due to nuits already in the soil, my growing medium is around 70% Dutch Pro Soil and 30% Perlite. My temps seem to be around 24c to 27c and my airflow is probably slightly slacking as I still need my intake fan but I am having no problems keeping my tent cool due to climate where I live.

To be honest these plants do not need to be the best ever they are my first ever grows and so long as I get enough smoke for myself I am happy by time I grow again I intend to upgrade my filter, and I will be ordering my intake fan in a couple of days but currently I am using the HOMEbox Evolution 120,120,200 tent and I have a 12" fan blasting air through (My flat is rather airy) and a two fans inside tent one pointing at my Lumatek cooltube and the other under light blowing heat away from plants.

I will post all my photos and more details tomorrow, but again a big thanks for stopping by and dropping some knowledge (That goes to everyone) this truly is an amazing forum #peace

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And yes the bottom leaves on plants are fine. I watered them today but may have over done it on one plant but I have raised that plant so as air can get under pot to help soil dry out a bit I didn't want to feed them again till I had spoken with someone and I will be able to check pH on Friday.

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Looks like over watering (by look of the soil) which leads to nute lock out especially on a plant that young. Personally I use a ph meter on EVERY drop of water that hits that soil. Most diseases start with the wrong ph or huge fluctuations,it locks things out that's the reason you ph to give the plant the best opportunity to uptake nutrients. Nute burn or any other disease is like a cold or any other virus it incubates and then shows the symptoms days later. It usually doesn't usually happen over night but best thing you can do is contain and correct. I suggest you get a moisture meter until you can get a routine down and it will come,you can't go wrong with a good meter. I learned real quick how important to ph water and water correctly. You will make it to the end and get something,believe me those GSC can take a beating. I had the same exact burn on my new growth I would not worry about it at all,that is the plant telling you something is wrong with the nutrient dose or that it cant process it. On the one you may have over done it with it just let it dry out and monitor the baby so she doesn't totally dry out. You are in the vicious circle of a new grower over watering cycle. So what you need to do is correct that so just let them dry out (I really can not stress the importance of a moister meter for new growers) and get on a schedule. This is where autos can be tricky as far as having to bounce back is you lose precious time. With the watering the key is to give the plant water when it needs it,don't water just because it should be that day if it doesn't need it then let it go til it does. I have mine on a schedule of every day they get 1 l and they get fed twice a week (although they are photos in flower) What you can do if you have a moister meter is keep the medium at 4.0 (it basically has a scale of 1-10) so what you need to do is see how much water will keep you at 4.0 for the most part. It took a few times but for mine 1 l a day give or take will put it at 5.8-6.0 then after 24 hours it is back at 4.0-4.2 now you are on a schedule you just need to adjust day by day. We will get you there just hang in there I was going to chop mine down and I kept at it and got 6 ounces off the two I was going to cut down. Hope to see more photo's of what is going will all click after you go through it all.
Ok here are pictures of my first auto grow the same GSC you are doing. Notice how thrashed those leaves are,that is a cal mag disease brought on by over watering and really bad heat burn due to the damn things growing to about 4 inches under my light.
Just want to show you what can happen if you make some crucial mistakes but you can get through it. Peace brother.

And yes the bottom leaves on plants are fine. I watered them today but may have over done it on one plant but I have raised that plant so as air can get under pot to help soil dry out a bit I didn't want to feed them again till I had spoken with someone and I will be able to check pH on Friday.

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