Indoor Help requested, Sorry for the millionth over/under question but I can’t seem to get it

Oct 18, 2021
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Problem: can’t tell if I’m over or underwatering. I water every 3 days or so but the last two watering none of my plants have perked up and continue to droop, they appear to be lightening up, and now the bottom leaves are crisping/drying up. Watering about a liter (well water ph to 6.3) at a time. Letting the soil dry and watering does not seem to slow the drying leaves so I am considering it may be some Rot. I’m about ready to scrap and start over at this point so any advice would be appreciated

Medium/grow method: coast of Maine in 3 gallon with about 40% perlite

Feed: and supplements used: organic amendments

water source: well

Strain/age: mephisto sour stomper day 25

light used: xs2000 at 24in at 95%

Climate: 76-81 f daytime

Additional info: indoor
I cant say.

Looks like a ton of perlite and would be hard to over water I think.

That soil you have is supposed to be designed for cannabis. If I had it, I would get some from the center of the bag, where it is nice and moist, put it in a solo cup, 3/4 full, plant a seed about 1/2'' down and cover the cup for 3 days. When the seed sprouts, I would remove the cover and wait for the cup to feel dry (few days to a week). When the cup feels dry (very light), I would fill whatever pot, again, with soil from the bag that is nice and moist and put the plant in it. In about a week, maybe more, the plant will need it's first watering.

That's for sure a scrap, it's flowering and not growing.

Also, with that soil, I would not feed until the plant ask for feed. They say you can do whole grow in that, so with auto, in 3 gallon, should be for sure no feed for a while if ever, unless they are full of it.
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If you decide to scrap it, stick it in a solo and water it with the rest but otherwise leave it alone.
As in don't try to feed or anything unless she asks for it.