How do I judge the strength of MC and affect on the ladies?

Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
Just got some MC, calmag pro, sweet candy and bud igniter.

I mixed up a batch and dropped it in my autopot res that has two plants in early to mid flower that were on AN Sensi Bloom before.

What are the classic signs I should be looking for so I can understand whether my base MC nutes are to low or to high?

This batch I went with per gallon:
5g MC
2g calmag
1g sweet candy
1g bud ignitor

And it's been about 20 hours since I loaded up the res.
If it is too strong you may see the tips of leaves claw down. Also the tips may burn a bit. If you notice newer growth to be very pale, almost yellow you will want to up your ppms a bit
If it is too strong you may see the tips of leaves claw down. Also the tips may burn a bit. If you notice newer growth to be very pale, almost yellow you will want to up your ppms a bit

Thanks so much @BigD1128 I was waiting for a reply. And yours is nice and short and to the point thankfully. I'd give you 2 likes if I could!