Lighting and “photoperiod” autos

Nov 7, 2017
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I’m have an auto Northern Lights plant that is either a failed auto, or just a photoperiod. I flipped the lights on her (12/12) and she’s now starting to flower. My question is if I flip back to a 18/6 schedule will she go back to veg, or continue to flower. I know a photoperiod would go back to veg, but a screwed up auto I have no idea.
@menk Yes if it is a Photoperiod plant you will send her back into veg. It is not worth the chance. Stay with 12/12. I have a question though, how long did you wait to do the flip? A lot of new growers get impatient waiting for flowering to start.

What lights are you running?

Post some pictures.
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@Mañ'O'Green I waited about 35 days+- before flipping the light. I've grown a handful of autos and this one didn't act like any of the just kept getting bigger and fuller. It took about 2 weeks after changing the light before flowering kicked in. This thing has taken over
The main light is a Platinum LED 300 panel and I also have one of Big Smo's COB lights going as well.


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I don't think 35 days is that far off from when mine usually start to flower under 20/4. Maybe a week or 10 days or whatever but not bad. Mightve just been a future huge auto. I wouldn't necessarily call that a photo or failed auto yet. I currently have an "auto" that didn't start to flower until like day 60 or something. That's a failed auto to me. If it was a photo it would have vegged for the 60 days and made me much happier in the end, instead of just a learning experience. But I think now that you're 1212 you're gonna have to ride that out
I've had some autos go over four months to finish when grown outside under sunlight. Even in the dead of Summer with daytime temperatures in the 80's my nighttime temperatures may be in the 50's. Have also had autos growing in my basement that took longer when growing them down there in the Winter when basement temperatures are around 60 degrees Fahrenheit when the lights in the tent are off. Lower temperature fluctuations will lengthen the time even an auto will take in my experiences.
@menk you may have jumped the gun? The plants look healthy so just stay on 12/12.
My auto is almost at 60 days,thought it was in pre flower,it wasn't,shout out to ManOGreen
@Mañ'O'Green @Jerseyphresh1 @Doug58 @jerrinja2540 Thanks to all for the replies, I guess was mainly curious to know if it is a failed auto and you got it to flip on a 12/12 schedule, would you be able to go back to a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule? I guess at this point it doesn't matter...its going to stay at 12/12 until the end. The only real issue I have is that I have another auto going, and it looks like its going to be stuck at a 12/12 schedule, I'm not sure if it will stunt its growth, or if it will even make that much of a difference. With that being said, if those are my problems I really don't have any problems! :smoking:
@Mañ'O'Green @Jerseyphresh1 @Doug58 @jerrinja2540 Thanks to all for the replies, I guess was mainly curious to know if it is a failed auto and you got it to flip on a 12/12 schedule, would you be able to go back to a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule? I guess at this point it doesn't matter...its going to stay at 12/12 until the end. The only real issue I have is that I have another auto going, and it looks like its going to be stuck at a 12/12 schedule, I'm not sure if it will stunt its growth, or if it will even make that much of a difference. With that being said, if those are my problems I really don't have any problems! :smoking:
A photoperiod plant (or Auto with the auto gene gone recessive) must be on 12/12 to start and continue flowering. If you flip to flower and then go back to 18/6 20/4 it will reveg. You do not want to do that unless on purpose to take clones.

The yield will depend on the strength of your lights. If you can provide 38 DLI (~900 PPFD) or more in 12/12 you will not lose yield.