
What better place to get answers than Myth Busters on AFN?
Lst coupled with canopy management is one of the most beneficial techniques u can do to maximize harvest on autos and photos.
You might suggest to your local shop that they will have better results if they top above the fourth or fifth node instead of below the cotyledons.

Haha Haha nice
Check that video...inner canopy management is very beneficial indoors or out
Lst and topping - creating a competition for apical dominance is very beneficial. I know I have covered this in several videos and articles, but I cant recall which ones off hand. If anyone is really interested I can seek them out.
Auto flower topping has more to do with timing and recovery before flower than genetics and strain. And things like correct par. And VPD and using ph water in correct range. And less is more. Will yield greater results than anything
I'm a newbie and I topped this Gorilla Cookie girl above 5th node - I'm glad I did :smoking:
