Making a Super Soil (Using TLO 2.1 Master Mix?)

Jul 1, 2017
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Anyone have any success using 2.1 True Living Organic Master Mix? I heard the soil used to be good but was discontinued despite the popular demand. I was thinking of using it however if its better to just buy the ingredients myself, then i'll do that. I like the simplicity of this but i'm willing to hunt all the ingredients down online since i'm cooking it anyway, it's still going to be a process. For those who don't know, heres the listed "ingredients" :

Feather Meal, Bone Meal, Bat Guano, Blood Meal, Kelp Meal, Mineral Rock Dust, Alfalfa Meal, Humate, Rock Phosphate, Oyster Shell, Greensand, Dolomite Lime and High Quality Organic Rice.

He suggests to do:
2 Gallons High Quality Organic Soil (Roots Organic soil,
2 Gallons of Coco Coir
2 Gallons of Worm Casting
2 gallons of Course Perlite
1 5 lb. bag of 2.1 Master Mix Soil Builder

I'm going amending the recipe and adding
2 gallons of my screened cooked compost

Mix, cook for 30-60+/- days

I was going to add 2 gallons of my own screened cooked compost (predominantly veggie/fruit scraps based) in addition to all the other ingredients.

I also want to add some mycorrhizae


Do I add mycorrhizae/azos to my super soil when cooking it? Or will that kill the microbes? Do I just add them to the root base/the hole the seedlings are being planted in? Or both when making super soil and at the root base/hole when transplant?

My seedling soil is going to look something like this:
its a small batch, this recipe originally called for vermiculite however I read there is a relationship with asbestos forming near vermiculite in mines and that makes me not want to fuck with it at all. For this reason, I'm subbing in +1/4 gallon of base Roots Organics Soil and not using 1/4 gallon vermiculite. However I thought of subbing in 1/4 gallon cooked screened compost because it has nutrients vs the Roots Organic Soil which is a base soil. Any suggestions on seedlings soil?

1 gallon gallon screened Cooked Compost
1/4 gallon Perlite
1/2 gallon Coco Coir
1/4 gallon Roots Organic Soil or 1/4 screened Cooked Compost

Any information is great, thank you
I did a couple grows with soil mixed up using the 2.1 mix from I liked the results, though they were mixed to be honest. Did two grows with a light recharge of EWC between grows. Had one plant do really well and one do mixed in each grow. I'm using automated watering and tend to let things grow on auto pilot a lot, so someone tending to them and working to correct issues when they appear might do even better.

I was growing Auto's, so on the advice of one of the local TLO experts, I used 5 gallons each of base soil, EWC, coir, and perlite to get a milder mix than with the 2 gallons of each. I also was supplementing with compost tea mixes from the same site. Though with the aforementioned auto pilot I was on I ended up doing every week and a half instead of weekly more often than I probably should have. TLO soils and automated watering just make it too easy to be lazy with the growing. :smoking:
I did a couple grows with soil mixed up using the 2.1 mix from I liked the results, though they were mixed to be honest. Did two grows with a light recharge of EWC between grows. Had one plant do really well and one do mixed in each grow. I'm using automated watering and tend to let things grow on auto pilot a lot, so someone tending to them and working to correct issues when they appear might do even better.

I was growing Auto's, so on the advice of one of the local TLO experts, I used 5 gallons each of base soil, EWC, coir, and perlite to get a milder mix than with the 2 gallons of each. I also was supplementing with compost tea mixes from the same site. Though with the aforementioned auto pilot I was on I ended up doing every week and a half instead of weekly more often than I probably should have. TLO soils and automated watering just make it too easy to be lazy with the growing. :smoking:
you just plant your seedlings directly into your pot with the TLO mix you made? or do you have a seedling soil recipe and have them grow a bit in there, then transplant?
I've been using little mini-solo cups that I've drilled a few drainage holes in with just some straight roots organic soil in it as my starter. Usually about 7-10 days after they sprout I'll transplant into the pot with the TLO soil.
Add the myco directly to the roots when transplanting, you ordered the right brand too, that's a good product of the correct species.

Personally I would start with sourcing peat, perlite/pumice, and EWC or good compost and mixing from there as your base media rather than starting with a commercial potting soil that you don't know the inputs or ratios of nutrients in already.