Extraction Marijuana Cooking with oil/Butter.

Eyes on Fire

Guy Smiley
Sep 17, 2013
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Currently Smoking
Hello everyone.I likemany of you have a myriad of pain throughout my body as well as MS.Ive smoked for many many years off and on.Well, short of my Military Service and Contractor dealings.But i bought this book some time ago and just used it for a low sugar or zero refined sugars recipes.I ate a Honey Chocolate brownie,and i gotta say it tastes excellent.Dry as most recipes are like this since Cannaoil tends to lend itself to drier baked goods.

1 cup Cannaoil

1/2 cup of unsweetened melted chocolate or cocoa powder.

4 eggs.

1 cup Honey.

2 tea spoons Vanilla.

2 cups unbleached white flour.Wheat recipes in the book if you prefer.

2 tea spoons baking powder.

1/2 tea spoon sea salt,or Kosher salt.

1 cup rasins(optional)

1 cup chopped nuts(optional).

9X13 pan,greased 350F/177C 45 minutes.Mine finished in 35 minutes.

24 pieces are a higher dose If used oil recipe from the book.

48 is a medium dose. I like some of you have a tough time dealing with heavy pain,but this recipe works really awesome actually.Pleasantly suprised!

The only thing I did different was I used 1.5 ounces bud and trim,per 2 cups 1 ounce of oil.

My next recipe ill be fixing this week is the Honey Whole Wheat Bannana Bread.Details to follow.Brownies work awesome,my body hurts WAY less and Im fuzzy,SWEET! :thumbs:

edit: Any and all recipes welcome if ya'll have one or three.Thanks.


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Honey Whole Wheat Banana Bread

This one actually turned out well.Not as dry as I expected,but still drier though.But tastes excellent.Stole a piece while its cooling off,noot too bad.

1 cups Canna oil or melted cannabutter.

1 1/2 cups Honey.

2 eggs.

2 cups whole wheat flour.

1 cups unbleached white flour.

2 teaspoons baking soda.

1 teaspoon sea salt.

4 (ripened to taste) Bananas.Mashed.

350F/177C 2 large or 3 medium loaf pans.Greased.

Mix mashed bananas,honey and room temp butter or oil and egg well.

Add dry stuffs and stir just enough to be mixed together well.

Spoon into greased bking pans.Baked 50-60 minutes,or untill toothpick comes out clean.Or when the bread slightly springs back when you touch it.overbaking will tend to cause it to become crumbly.Let sit in pans once done for 10 minutes until moving it to a cooling rack.

yeild 8 small loaves,each cut into 12 pieces,Medium Dose.Adjust as desired.but I can tell you itt is a nice medioum dose.Id use a slightly more potent oil next time.But its great.Enjoy."Stirring"
You can increase your moisture content of drier recipes in two simple ways. Instead of using four eggs, use four eggs, with two of the whites removed. They use the whites in rising, so you need a bit of whites in there. Also, you can add more oil. I would add a stick of butter or oil equivelent. What kind of oil are you using to make your canna oil?
Coconut oil will lend a moister product as opposed to olive oil and grapeseed oils, which tend to be absorbed and released quicker in baking. (Just like in our bodies ay?).

Great thread. Kudo's to you



Oh ok cool.Thanks man.ya I usually cook the recipes exact then try to play with it some.But this time I used standard Cannola Oil.I am going o use either first pressed olive oil or Coconut oil next time.I got some really great coconut oil not long ago and have been meaning to give it a go.Awesome tips bro,Thanks ever so much for the tips.When I first started making borwnies n such I just kept throwing oil at it.one batch of premade borwnie stuff I made was just straigh up gooey squares.LOL!knocked ya flat asleep,but man they were gooey.LOL!looks like coconut oil looks like a good choice though if it lends itself to more moist baked funtimes.Sweet!!
Hey my friend. wanted to ask you a q. Do you ingest cannabis oil directly for your MS? I know you get around the medical section, but have you tried a real regimented dosage of a real strong oil?


No I tried one a friend of mine made some time ago,but was way too weak.when I have another harvest,a bigger one with this next one,I wanted to using coconut or first pressed Olive oil.Ive been wanting to try that to be honest,just never really had enough to spread around as far as my grows go.I have to keep tthem smaller than Id like,but soon enough I can grow much bigger.I hope. Do you do tthe dropper style oil intake?how does it work for you?
Make it as strong as you can. I dump in about a half pound of stems, about two ounces leaf, about a half ounce bud (but you could go more) about a pound of roots. We are messing around with adding some Mag Chloride, seems it has many benefits, and if it is the first thing they give to cancer patients, then it must have medical properties to fight infection, and inflamation (right up your alley). Grind and chop the best you can. So in about a half gallon of olive oil or grapeseed oil, because they extract best. I either cook it on low in a crock pot, turning it off aftter about two hours, then off fori one, repeat. OOOORR, if you can hold a temp at about 150 or so, do that, but it needs to boil at least a little, so for the last day see if you can simmer it for about two hours. After abouit two weeks, it should be Black, looks like motoer oil, and that is what you want. Filter with panty hose or some such obect. Three teaspoons a day, it is good before meals as it coats the stomach, you should see less shaking. and less pain in your muscles and tissues, ligaments. It will taste like super strong sesame seed oil. Some people can't handle the taste. No prob, just get some double OO gelcaps and a cap filler, and there you go. Let me know when you try it, I will help. Also, we need to get you some High CBD strains. When you get to grow more freely, can you do photo's? might yeild you a bit more. Remember to not waste ANY part of the plant. Use it all as our gods intended.


Peace Brother,

EonF, for edibles I think extracting with butter (taste and fat content) or coconut oil (fat content and good for you:) ) are the best.

The oil Eek is talking about is a maintenance oil, full of the CBD's...not designed for a high.
"""tastes YUCKY""""" But when put into capsules, bypass the taste!
SWEET!!Sounds like youve done this a time or fifty.LOL!I can grow Photos but I have to wait for outdoor growing season,and even then its partial shade and I don temp fate and only grow one or two out at around 5-8ft. depending.But I need a HID o grow Photos as id like to,cuz as we know CFL will only let you grow so tall with a good yeild.I would have to figure out how to prep the rootsBut the using of the whole plant as well as adding some light Mag flakes(I just got some actually) sounds like a killer awesome idea.And thanks!!When I harvest my next grow you'll be the man I ask for help brewing my motor oil.LOL!!:Sharing One:
Hey ya Root! ya I kinda figured its more of a true medical application.Butt to be hones Id like to find a recipe similar since taste really doesnt play into itt for me.if it'll help me or make me feel better,It would be easier to say what couldnt I keep down.LOL!Bu ya I bet its one nasty ole bitter bite to it too.

Ya I prefer clarified butter.time involved but imho all other methods seem to lack something as far as taste and potency as well.but oil is way easier to make and quicker but not as awesome.Hope all is well with ya.:Sharing One: