Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Skywalker

Man, I don't know. Maybe a Ca def. I use 1 part and have to add epsom and CalMag to balance it (RO as well). I think 2 part requires CalMag as well. I know MOG is working on a spreadsheet for 2 part but I think it's still in progress.
Man, I don't know. Maybe a Ca def. I use 1 part and have to add epsom and CalMag to balance it (RO as well). I think 2 part requires CalMag as well. I know MOG is working on a spreadsheet for 2 part but I think it's still in progress.

I remember from my photo grows needing calmag with the 1 part, but I don't remember having any issues with the 2 part after I swapped over. Might be as simple as adding some calmag. I'll post in the infirmiry and in the meantime dig around for my jug of calmag.
I remember from my photo grows needing calmag with the 1 part, but I don't remember having any issues with the 2 part after I swapped over. Might be as simple as adding some calmag. I'll post in the infirmiry and in the meantime dig around for my jug of calmag.
Sounds like a plan man.
Infirmiry link. Looks like it may be pH problems, and/or out of balance nutrients. I'll re calibrate as soon as more calibration solution arrives, and I've ordered some amendments. For now the pH was raised to 6.0 on my meter, though it looks to still be progressing. As soon as it's re calibrated and the nutrients arrive, I'll clean out the reservoir and refill it using MoG's MegaCrop chart.

Day 10



Skywalker x Forum Stomper 1

Skywalker x Forum Stomper 2
Yikes - this is def a pH problem or significant root issue IMHO

Yeah I calibrated my meter when I pulled it outta storage before starting this grow. But I upped the pH a little anyway. Roots look good I think, maybe I should give up on the clones and go ahead and lower the flood level a couple inches.
Issues are still progressing. Still waiting for calibration solution to arrive, but the magnesium sulfate is here so I tossed some in the reservoir. Gonna dump it and change it as soon as the solution comes. Visible roots on 3 of the clones.

Day 14


Skywalker x Forum Stomper 1

Skywalker x Forum Stomper 2
Calibration solution and supplemental nutrients arrived. We're now feeding week 3 of MoG's feeding chart. pH was definitely low. Meter was reading 7.25 in the 7.01 solution. Dropped the flood level an inch as well. 630 ppm and 6.0pH currently.

Topped and trimmed up the ladies, kept 4 tops.

Day 17


Skywalker x Forum Stomper 1


Skywalker x Forum Stomper 2


Here's our three rooted Skywalker clones



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