Photoperiod Monster mass by critical mass collective


Growing photoperiod trees
Cultivators Club
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score
hello peeps and welcome to my journal for the monster mass. The reason for this grow is too simply find out if the breeders stats on this strain are as true as they say and another reason for this grow is too simply grow it, as I haven't found another grow journal for it anywhere on the internet. Ive ordered 10 these seeds today and they should arrive early next week. If everything goes according to plan they should be popped and planted by next weekend.

So with no further delay let's explain my setup:

I run a perpetual grow in two separate tents, in two separate rooms, so let's start with the veg tent.

Too veg I'll be using 2 300w blue spectrum CFL bulbs.

I'll plant the seedling in coco using 3 litre plastic pots.

Once established I will transfer them into 16 litre autopots using a 50/50 mix of coco and perlite with an inch layer of clay pebbles at the bottom.

I plan too let the plants go three months in this room. This includes the seedling phase of its cycle. So it should work out as approx 2 weeks as a seedling and 10 weeks in veg.

Now onto the bloom room.

He setup of this area is quite straight forward

The size of the tent is 1.2 x 2 x 2 meters.

Two 600w lumii hps bulbs.

Fans for circulation and extraction.

And obviously an autopot system.

So that's it guys and gals. Once the seeds arrive I'll start the journal.

Much love
Also this is the nutes regime I have. I've been running these for a year now. Instead of listing them all I thought I'd just upload a picture as it's easier.
