New Grower - I really need some advice (is my set up okay?)

Don't forget, 4/20 discounts are just around the corner.
Regarding the carbon filter Ive used lots I use a 5 inch rvk for extraction in a 4x4 so slightly bigger than yours but as Arthur says you carbon filter is a must rhino do petty good ones and even do a set with both
Thank you for this wisdom, I feel if i get the light and filter/fan sorted everything else will fall into place or I can upgrade if I am not happy with the results.

Thank you again, you've saved me from a waste of time and money.
Don't forget, 4/20 discounts are just around the corner.

Oath. It is in my calendar ready to go. Going to stock up on everything. Just have to get my postage sorted (as i am not cool with posting any items directly to my house - I work in the government here in AUS so I have to be super careful).
I will look into a better light. I think $350 USD (approx $500AUD) is a large chunk for a single piece. I hear what you are saying though. The things I feel I cannot skimp on are the light and filter/extraction. Will see if I can find a light + filter/fan for approx $500, as I think it makes it more economical for me. What would be your next step down from the hlg 260w? Any preferred brands for carbon filters? The internet is swarming with BS about what actual brands are good, people plugging brands for kick back etc. So asking the growers here gives me the biggest confidence in the suggestions.
People seem to have luck with Marshydro, Cobshop makes a good product. We have a pretty good DIY section here too. Difference between a quality light and one that's not is going to directly impact weight and quality of your end product. A good rule of thumb for lighting... if you can buy it on Amazon, it's not what you need.
Nice thing about COBshop is they're individual 50 or 60w lights, you can start with a couple and add a few more later. Kinda what I did, I started with a 200w build, and then added another 250w a little later on.
I would also suggest weighing this in as well when buying a light...
If it takes you 2 runs to hit the same quantity, but still never get to the same quality, then your not really saving money with a cheaper light. (Not to mention, cheap lights tend to cost more to run normally as well)

As to filters and fans, I'm probably not the one to ask, am in a legal area and my tent door is open 99% of the time... and I don't think I've run my extraction fan in about 6 months.
People seem to have luck with Marshydro, Cobshop makes a good product. We have a pretty good DIY section here too. Difference between a quality light and one that's not is going to directly impact weight and quality of your end product. A good rule of thumb for lighting... if you can buy it on Amazon, it's not what you need.
Nice thing about COBshop is they're individual 50 or 60w lights, you can start with a couple and add a few more later. Kinda what I did, I started with a 200w build, and then added another 250w a little later on.
I would also suggest weighing this in as well when buying a light...
If it takes you 2 runs to hit the same quantity, but still never get to the same quality, then your not really saving money with a cheaper light.

As to filters and fans, I'm probably not the one to ask, am in a legal area and my tent door is open 99% of the time... and I don't think I've run my extraction fan in about 6 months.
I looked into cobshop already, as I had heard good things. Love the advice. Man I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching you experienced growers grow. Because damn, growing weed is so interesting I need to itch that bug and give it a shot myself. Praying for legalisation here, but we move slow af down under I think it is another 5 years off before recreational (despite 1/3 adults smoking weed). Big thanks again for the guidance!!
If your light has a dimmer then you are most certainly sorted for optimum growth all the way through
I looked into cobshop already, as I had heard good things. Love the advice. Man I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching you experienced growers grow. Because damn, growing weed is so interesting I need to itch that bug and give it a shot myself. Praying for legalisation here, but we move slow af down under I think it is another 5 years off before recreational (despite 1/3 adults smoking weed). Big thanks again for the guidance!!
It'll only be legal when it is of benefit to the government.
Too much? What would you be using for that size setup for 1-2 plants? It seems I am as noob as I thought despite all the 'reading' and 'studying' I did prior to looking into my original post set up. Lol
I don't think you can have to much really, if it fits in the tent and have a dimmer then you can run it as high as the plants like and that's a great start to have, if the ballast of the light is removable you might want to place it outside the tent to avoid heat issues.