No smell

Lady Lollipops

Happily medicated INFJ
May 1, 2020
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Currently Smoking
Black strap dabs and edibles
I'm just a couple weeks from harvest on my first photo grown. I've done 4 successful autos prior to this.

Strain is key lime pie x dos si dos. Philosopher seeds.

She's grown well. Some minor nute issues but strong and bounced back well.
Her nugs seem dense and are covered in frost. Leaves are even heavily frosted

Here's the weird thing... There is almost zero smell. Normally, this close to harvest, my whole house smells when I open the tent.

Should I expect decent weed? What would make this happen?
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@Lady Lollipops According to the breeder the strain "which emanate a penetrating and intoxicating aroma." should have a strong smell. There are many factors that contribute to the terpene profile. Temperature and RH are the first things to consider. Next is the nutrients and bio-stimulants you are feeding and then the spectrum of light.

I was good at providing the Temp and RH, I have learned adding some carbohydrates the last couple of weeks helps. The biggest improvement came with UVA and UVB lamps. I run UVA the last 4 weeks and UVA and UVB the last 2 weeks. I got a huge boost in terps.

I had a "Skunk" strain in my last grow that had no smell other than grass? It gets you high. So Genetics is always a factor.

I've used mega crop through the entire grow, adding bud explosion a couple weeks ago. Ive struggled some with low Temps (72 ish) during lights off.

As long as it kills the pain, I don't care if it smells lol.

I was reading that sometimes they can smell more after cure too. I won't give up on it until it's cured. Maybe hit it with a dose of molasses.
I have learned adding some carbohydrates the last couple of weeks helps

Just focusing on the direct uptake part of this @Mañ'O'Green - just curious what carbo source you use (molasses?) I have seen research indicating that plants uptake monosaccharides (glucose) but but do not easily uptake poly or di- saccharides (like sucrose or fructose). Molasses contains sucrose (29% of total carbohydrates), glucose (12%) and fructose (13%). Just wondering if dosing glucose makes more sense as it (presumably) would be easier for direct plant uptake and easier for soil microbes to digest. Thoughts?
Just focusing on the direct uptake part of this @Mañ'O'Green - just curious what carbo source you use (molasses?) I have seen research indicating that plants uptake monosaccharides (glucose) but but do not easily uptake poly or di- saccharides (like sucrose or fructose). Molasses contains sucrose (29% of total carbohydrates), glucose (12%) and fructose (13%). Just wondering if dosing glucose makes more sense as it (presumably) would be easier for direct plant uptake and easier for soil microbes to digest. Thoughts?
I use molasses but AN Bud Candy is an interesting product.
I would think one of the benefits of molasses (apart from minerals) is its mixed carb content. I assume the glucose would be available for plant uptake immediately, while fructose and sucrose would be broken down in the soil to simpler sugars for use by heterotrophic bacteria and other microbes, with the residual being available for plant uptake. Sort of a multi-function timed release thing.
Update, I gave her some molasses and she's developing a faint Marijuana smell. I keep thinking she should be ready by now. This is my first photo. The autos went much faster. It's been very educational going from aurlto to photo. I'm checking her every few days but guessing another 7 to 10 days.

Thanks folks! :thanks::pass: