Old Reviews Organic vs Inorganic Nutrients: Is there really that big a difference in final product?

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
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AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
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Mineral salts break apart in water to reveal their ionic nutrients. Calcium nitrate and potassium phosphate are some of the ionic compounds you may recognize as plant nutrients. Plant roots then absorb the dissociated mineral salts as ions. Organic fertilizers can be broken down by soil organisms over time to reveal their ionic, plant-available elements. Plants do not know the difference between organic and inorganic inputs, as they only use nutrients that are available in their inorganic, ionic form. Plants use these inorganic nutrients to make necessary metabolites, such as amino acids, simple sugars and other organic compounds.

So if plants don't know the difference between organic and inorganic input of nutrients, is there REALLY that big of a difference between plants that are grown organically versus inorganic in the final product?

If buds are grown with synthetic nutrients but still smell like fuel, smoke like fire, and get you higher than the heavens, would have growing them organically arguably produced a better product?

What do YOU think, AFN?
So if plants don't know the difference between organic and inorganic input of nutrients, is there REALLY that big of a difference between plants that are grown organically versus inorganic in the final product?

If buds are grown with synthetic nutrients but still smell like fuel, smoke like fire, and get you higher than the heavens, would have growing them organically arguably produced a better product?

What do YOU think, AFN?
i guess my question is.
if the soil breaks down the organics into an ionic compound for the plant to absorb, are the ionic compounds then non organic?
I have grown both an salts grow better more potent plants. Taste is all how you dry your plants. Never ever ever wet trim ever.
agreed, i have had better results with salts. but not a ton of organic experience either. so not a fair determination o my end
i guess my question is.
if the soil breaks down the organics into an ionic compound for the plant to absorb, are the ionic compounds then non organic?
Good question. You ever buy organic vegetables? Ever notice they do not last but 1 day in the fridge before they go bad? Ever wonder if this happens to terps in organic weed?
I have grown both an salts grow better more potent plants. Taste is all how you dry your plants. Never ever ever wet trim ever.
il second that statement never wet trim as for organic vs non iv only done it once and ballsed it up so no help here really
Good question. You ever buy organic vegetables? Ever notice they do not last but 1 day in the fridge before they go bad? Ever wonder if this happens to terps in organic weed?
very good point there as well. one i did not consider at all actually.
is there a difference in shelf life between the two?

we may need the mad scientist @pop22 weighing in on some of these lol.

i am genuinely curious about shelf life now.
Indoor i use just liquid inorganic nutritions with perfect results. I also add some organic powdered nutritions... Outdoor all the time organic also with great results.

Maybe great comparison will be if i try outdoor with inorganic nutritions to see difference.

@Ripper organic vegetables are not dry. Fresh fruits have better taste than inorganic grown fruits... But definitely great question whats going on with terpens and flavinoids...?
This will be my first try upcoming with biotabs but I will enjoy reading peoples experiences as I've always used bottled nutes non organic
I say that there is a big difference. Whether one is better than than the other is personal preference and will be up for debate for eternity.

The difference is in "how" and "when" the plants take up these nutrients. Using inorganic nutrients is like sticking an IV line into the veins of your plants. Those nutrients are immediately available, and are taken up by the plant whether it needs them or wants them at the time. Inorganic nutes basically bypass the growing medium and go straight to the plant.

Organic nutrients follow the slower processes of nature. Organic nutrients need/take time to break down once they are in the soil. Organic nutrients need help from microbe life to break down the organic material and make the nutrients available. Once they are available, the plant will use up the nutrients as needed.

Organic nutrients feed the SOIL, which inturn, the soil will feed the plant... Inorganic nutrients feed the plant directly. Huge difference.