
Aligning strange emanations
Apr 17, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hello everyone! I thought I'd introduce myself and show my first grow at the same time. I'm so proud of how it went so far! I'm almost at harvest time, but I'll post updates in this thread and will post the growth up until now.

I realized I shouldn't post a grow journal in this section. It can be found here:

I'm Scirzo. I live in the Netherlands. That's pretty cool to some extent, because it's allowed to use, but basically production and trade is not...weird huh?!
It causes massive black market issues off course...
Growing for personal use is basically not allowed either...
No need to get into that now. It is the way it is.

I'm 47 years. I was a heavy user from about when I was 16 up until I was about 24. I fell in love with her from the first hit. And I mean actual real LOVE. I quit all shit after an insightful mushroom trip and am still very happy I did that at the time, because I needed to make something of my life first. I did. I got a great job, married a fantastic wife, had kids and am currently at a nice middle management level with a great bunch of crazy colleagues.
And what do you that I'm comfortable with where I'm at, a romance flamed again as violently and vibrant, as focused and fresh as when we kissed for the first time when I was 16.
See! It's love! And me and her, we've been kissing and making out again for the past three years nearly every day!
Now before you guys and girls start yapping about me already being married and that I'm a cheater and so on, let me tell you a little secret: my wife knows and encourages it. Am I lucky or what! Apparently, I'm a much more empathic and overall nicer guy (she's right, you know) when my girlfriend is with me...

Now a daily user needs to be loaded...I won't complain. It has been better but I'm doing okay, but still...this girlfriend is a high maintenance one.
So for fun but also to save myself some money, I bought myself a stealthy little basic setup. It's just for personal use and fun, so one plant (Next time. This time I did two.) will do just fine. It has a 23"x23" floor and is 41" high. It came with a 144W Horticoled LED and a carbon filter. With the lamp hanging highest and taking into account the distance advised between the LED and the plants there's not much room left for height, I've already learned. You'll see that later on. The little closet looks like this:

Now on the 11th of February this year I used this excellent simple method for autoflowers from Reddit by Santacabrera as a start.

Hopefully you guys like this thread! I'll put up a new post with pics soon! Time to play some Far Cry on my PS4!
Oh yes, right, this was also an introduction, right! I also have dogs.
Hope to read your comments!


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I decided to give water by weight. They're in small 3 gallon pots in soil. After flushing the pots before germination I weighed them fully saturated. This was about 18 pounds. If there's hardly any moisture in there they weigh about 6.5 to 7 pounds. This means it can contain about 11 pounds of water at maximum. Which equals (about) 1.5 gallon. Cannabis loves it when the soil is saturated between 25-50%. So of the maximum possible 1.5 gallon there should always be between 0.375 and 0.750 gallon present in the soil. If there's the minimum amount present in the soil the pot should weigh in at 6.5 + 0.375 = roughly 7 pounds. As soon as a pot weighs less then 7 pound I watered them. Since the maximum amount of water present in the soil should be 7 + 0.750 I never gave more then 0.75 gallon.
Sounds complicated but it isn't. Only a hit of calculation at the start and you know exactly when to give and how much.
(In The Netherlands we have the metric system. I tried to convert, but might have messed up here and there...on account of my girlfriend Amnesia Haze...:smoking:)
These ladies got their first fresh water on the 11 day after germination. No water whatsoever up until then. Oh, forgot to tell: I grow them in Canna Terra Professional with about 40% added perlite. At day 13 I started adding nutrients: Canna Terra Vega. Starting with 1ml/ liter. (Sorry nor feeling like converting) Here they are at day 17.

I was happy.
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Here they are on the 11th of March. 24 days old. The little girl on the left is slower. This is due to her falling over twice as a seedling, I am sure. She'll do just fine. You wait and see!
Then the next day, I watched them a bit more closely...flowering started.
When they were 31 days old, they were growing so fast, I knew I had to control their height. Mind you at this point they were only about 30cm high. But I knew they would at least double in height, if all went well. So I decided to act.
In hindsight I should have used LST from the earliest possible start and I absolutely will do so my next grow. Also I will probably be not as extremely careful as this run. As a total noob I just couldn't believe that a plant could take so much with a shrug of a shoulder. So I thought it was risky. I know better now.
After my version of LST...:crying:
(Only on the larger plant at this moment)
...they looked like this.
Of course now this thread has become more of a grow journal. So I'll move it to the section it belongs.
Of course now this thread has become more of a grow journal. So I'll move it to the section it belongs.

Hey great to meet you bud, and good luck on all of your grows!! Please tag or quote me and let me know where you would like your thread moved to.