SSSC Pineapple Poison by Mañ'O'Green


Kia ora. Retired to watch the grass grow.
Cultivators Club
Sep 15, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabs of Rosin.
It is my honor to run a Pineapple Poison from the Super Sativa Seed Club. This is my annual photoperiod grow done in the hot summer time. I live in central California where it is hot and very dry in the summer. Sativas seem to handle the heat better and with reversing day with night in the grow space, along with only 12 hours running the lights, it helps to manage the heat. I cool my house with an evaporative cooler on all but the hottest days. It adds needed humidity and the grow space remains <88°F on even the hotter days.

The set-up:

4x6x8 space with Orca grow film
8" hyper fan with filter exhaust
16" Hurricane oscillating fan
Evaporative humidifier (in addition to the Evaporative cooler)
2 - 500w Chilled Growcraft LEDs
2 Far Red Pucks
2 Royal Blue Pucks
2 50w LED w/blue
2 - 48" t5 AgroMax UVA Plus 10,000K florescent lamps
1- 48" t5 AgroMax Pure UV 75% UVB 25% UVA florescent lamps
Oil filled heater available.

Drain to waste Hydroponics with precision drip irrigation.
GroDan A-ok Starter Cubes, Hugo 6" rock wool cubes.


GreenLeaf Mega Crop 2 Part, Kelp
NPK Industries RAW products, B-1, Yucca Powder, Silicon, Available back-up Potassium, Phosphorus and Nitrogen
Bio-Ag Humic Acid

This is the proposed Nutrient schedule. It is the GreenLeaf 2-part Single Tank chart targets with a slower "Morphing" from veg to flower. The time frame is a guideline that I will alter as the plants grow. The idea is to try to match the nutrients in the tank to the plants needs.

ScreenHunter_272 Jul. 25 22.39.jpg
The Pineapple Poison has been transplanted and the 18/6 light schedule begun. It will get it's first fertigation in 9 days. The Hugo rock wool cubes hold almost 1 gallon of nutrients and that will last the 9 days getting the roots well established.


Nice clean set up :pass: interested to see how you utilize the tomato cages. :pop:

Best of luck:greenthumb:
The plants just grow mostly up the center with a little guidance. If I really need to, I can move a plant around. The concrete anchor weight is in a plastic tray that slides on the drip table. My space is far from perfect but the best with what I have to work with. I would like to have some kind of wheeled track so they could more easily move but I am not willing to give up any more height. Overall it works well.

I turned the lights down to <50w to simulate a cloudy day to lower the leaf temperature to ~ 76°F. Then applied the foliar application of yucca, fulvic acid and kelp to break the apical dominance and make a bushier plant.

I gave the Pineapple Poison her first fertigation last night. Here is an update picture. ~ two weeks.


It is really hot here in the middle of a heat wave. The best I can keep the room is 88°F This tropical girl should be ok with the heat.
