Poisonous plastics

The most dangerous part of using plactics is the injection mold release agent. Was not a big deal long ago but some genius figured out if its added to the plastic the the mold never needs cleaned out. Drawback is the release agent continuously releases with fluctuations of heat. Plastics used for the food industry use food grade release agents. Example plastic Folgers cans, carnation creamer cans and even some 5 gallon pickle buckets. There are codes on the bottom of buckets that say what type agent was used but finding the code key is nearly impossable. The last ASE plastics certification class and test I took was in 2000 and at that time there were over 35,000 plastics pattens applied for. That was 13 years ago. I hate to think how many plastics are out there now. If you stick to plastics intended for food grade it should be safe and cause less problems.
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What about plastic whips and parts on vaporizers? Even if they're thermoplastics, designed to operate stable at vape temps... I'll be honest its a concern.

Good point. I believe my V Tower stated food grade for the bag. I would think medical grade would be better. Worth looking into.
medical grade may be worse with a higher price tag :brow: :smokebuds:
Medical plactics and all molded the old way. Release agent added to the mold but not the plastic so it can be sterilized. It however is all designed to be stored shortly and degrade very quickly. Holy shit I've been on here since July and this is the first subject I can answer on.
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u can get em from wal-mart. in the camping section coleman makes them! They have them up @ the farmers co-op here in my home town! Personally though, i have a 55 gallon drum that is BPA free, that i have hooked up to my hydro-logic RO. I live in COW COUNTRY, i bought it @ a dairy distributer; well they dont sell or do dairy but they sell equipment for dairy farms. Im actually pretty sure that they have rubber bladders there as well! This 55 gallon drum stored agricultural Bleach in it, and it says that its BPA free on the bottom of it, and i might add that it is really righteous! I paid $8.00ea. so i bought 2. This is totally an awesome price, caquse these drums in a HYDRO store go for anywhere from $55.00-$150.00 a pop. Good luck on your finds Ladies n Gents. Sometimes great finds are directly under your nose, you just gotta sniff em out :thumbs:
yeah thats akiller deal on plastic drums!!! especially when you KNOW they are BPA free!!!

romeo... thanks for th inmput on plastics!!! you learn something new every day!!! :gthumb: :Smokebuds: :slap:
Thank you JM. Really means alot.
When I was a kid in a communist country there was almost no plastic. Pots were made of clay or wood tubing's and fittings made of metal, bottles made of glass, etc. Now that we embraced capitalism here too everything is plastic also here, even food is plastic :( I guess we love it because it is cheap, and in financial equations environment and such costs have only secondary or tertiary priority, if at all.. profit is our god now. I don't say communism was good or anything like that, I know verry well how bad it was, I just say we need to rethink and regulate capitalism, before big business kills us all.. Sorry if this is maybe a bit too political or off topic.. but I think we all need to relearn other values than just profit.. :finger: Plastic! :finger:
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Hi, I would like to add something if i may...

Never ever ever use plastic or even keep it in your vacinity, if plastic gets burned. Don't put it in the fire ring etc. Please read below...


Dioxin, shown on the right(eek here they show a chemical diagram), is an organic chemical that consists of a pair of benzene rings, two oxygen atoms and four chlorine atoms. The chemical DDT also has two benzene rings and contains chlorine atoms, so DDT and dioxin share several characteristics:
Both DDT and dioxin are toxic in small quantities.
Neither of them degrades in the environment -- they both exist indefinitely once released.
Both dissolve and accumulate in fat.
You may recall that DDT, which was sprayed liberally starting in the 1940s to control agricultural insects and mosquitoes, was banned in the 1960s because it accumulated in the fat of animals and destroyed their ability to reproduce. Dioxin suffers from the same problem.
Dioxin enters the environment in several different ways:
The manufacture of certain herbicides
The manufacture of bleached paper

The burning of PVC plastics

The toxicity of dioxin is something that the scientific community does not seem to agree upon. Dioxin became notorious in the 1980s because of Agent Orange and several dioxin dumps (like Love Canal) discovered in the United States. You will see many, many pages on the Web (such as this one) that describe dioxin as the most toxic substance on the planet. Then you will see other references like this one from Encyclopedia Britannica:
"Toxicologists mistakenly concluded from studies on laboratory animals that TCDD (dioxin) was one of the most toxic of all man-made substances… Subsequent research, however, discounted most of these inferences, which were based on the effects of very high doses of TCDD on guinea pigs and other peculiarly susceptible animals. Among humans, the only disease definitely found related to TCDD is chloracne, which develops shortly after exposure to the chemical."
Nonetheless, it is certain that dioxin is not good, does persist in the environment and accumulates in fat like DDT. For certain animals, dioxin is an acutely toxic substance.

Well they make it sound perfectly safe. I wonder if HSW's is sponsored by Alcoa, or Dupont?

just my two cents,

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