Poisonous plastics

Hahaha u should worry more about injesting BPA and estrogen mimicers yourself, its in the plastic water bottles and tons of food products, i take 2 very pure supplements to block the chemical from entering my blood brain barriers
What about plastic whips and parts on vaporizers? Even if they're thermoplastics, designed to operate stable at vape temps... I'll be honest its a concern.

Most whips are silicone, not plastic. And the "plastics" used in vapes are generally made from modern spaceage materials that are also used in medical devices. They are closer to ceramic than plastic.
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Just googled and read the wikis on the "Love Canal" environmental disaster... Wow. First I'd heard of it, and wow what a disaster. This all makes me wonder, I drink only bottled water anymore, in some attempt to be healthier, and it'll be really ironic if I get some whacky plastics cancer from the water I'm trying to be healthier drinking lmao!
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Truly a concern that has always been on my mind, as I only drink from gallon jugs and bottles. That would be totally fucked if that also caused problems in the long run.