Poisonous plastics

I bought a microG for some dabs on the go, but I'm gonna stop using it. I placed my order this morning for something far better. Thermovape Cera. It's American made and medical quality. No plastics. Cerami and stainless steel. Or Ti if you got $500 for a portable vape pen. Check it out:

Well they make it sound perfectly safe. I wonder if HSW's is sponsored by Alcoa, or Dupont?

I personally always try my best to avoid conspiracies, I have a much simpler explanation on why the governments would play down the dangers. I think our curse globally is that we are facing at least 2 major crisis at this moment. One environmental and another financial. Almost all governments are on the edge of financial collapse. Even myself, after I puffed a couple more from the bong, I realized I'm a bit of a hypocrite and my grow tent is full of plastic. I don't like it but I don't really have a choice, financially. Due to my location I had to order all my gear from ebay UK and have it shipped all the way across the entire europe. Just thinking of how much the shipping would have costed if they were made of metal or some other material, makes me want to stop thinking so much, and go with what I can afford. I think this is what the governments do too these days, dealing with the environmental problems is just way too expensive for any of us atm... I don't know who Alcoa or Dupont is (but I understand), we have other names here, but I think governments protect them because without them we would be even closer to complete financial collapse.. We need to find a viable solution, not just blame IMO. Its easy to hate on plastic, and I realy do, but at the end of the day I'm forced to use it, because atm I have no other choice.. My 2 cents
solution to plastics:

Thank you for opening this can of worms tavosvo, and i mean that in a totaly good way! i too have had concerns about this issue, and brought it to the attention of my hydro supplier. he really didnt know a whole lot about it,and his opinion was that the companies making things for hydro did there research.. alrighty..now im worried ;) i have considered not going with my intended root spa set-up for this very reason.
.. i am thinking..not always a good thing.. lol but on top of just water in my plastics, i will be adding countless chemicals,heat,, that may or may not create havoc when stored in plastic.
Now again i thought... :) maybe for my water storage, i could use one of those black barrels made to fill with water and be heated by sitting it in the sun.. plastic + water + sun = safe? lol not convinced myself.
Food grade,,should be considered safe, but i also question that fact.
surgical grade maybe?
I will be watching this thread to see more opinions on this matter,for now i am going to go with a couple old glass spring water fountain bottles, as i dont want to have to worry anything bad is getting into my medical ladies. peace :group:
Great avatar CLMonkey. Food grade plastics are actually safer in the long run then surgical. Surgical grade is designed to be sterile and disposable. Its designed to degrade quickly. The release agent used in food grade plastics is actually a ed to the plastics and actually helps to preserve the plastic and surgical grade plastics made by release agent added to the mould. So the plastics can then be cleaned and sterilized. Food grade buckets are designed for long term storage of food items. If you don't think twice about eating that pickle from the sub shop then don't be afraid to bubble with bucket that it was in.
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Thanks romeo, i thought the monkey was fitting.. and sooo sorry i spaced and didnt get back to you sooner. im not good at learning how to post and stuff.. hell i dont know how to share my 4 week old photo photo's lol
I am glad you brought up the points on surgical stuff being disposable. and after some thought my loving wife bought me a hydrofarm 25g reservoir and i will use that to flood my buckets..as i dread trying to get at all 5 buckets in my tight grow. right now i have 5 in there, but only 3 are in 5g buckets so i dont have the res running yet.

romeo meet my hopefully 5 daughters.. i say hopefully because the beans where out of a bag that was "medical grade" lol
DSCN0371.jpg peace :smokebuds:

Great avatar CLMonkey. Food grade plastics are actually safer in the long run then surgical. Surgical grade is designed to be sterile and disposable. Its designed to degrade quickly. The release agent used in food grade plastics is actually a ed to the plastics and actually helps to preserve the plastic and surgical grade plastics made by release agent added to the mould. So the plastics can then be cleaned and sterilized. Food grade buckets are designed for long term storage of food items. If you don't think twice about eating that pickle from the sub shop then don't be afraid to bubble with bucket that it was in.
Thank you for that Tav i learn something new here every day...:slap:
Bit of back story, I'm doing dwc grow and just switched to RO. I went and bought a 5 gallon water jug from Walmart and have been using that. When I realized I'd need another jug to do top offs I remembered that I had one I used to use for rising off after surfing. So I found it, washed out good with bleach, rinsed and filled at the store. Didn't really think about it too much.

Couple days go by and I gotta use some of the water in the old jug. Open it up and figured I just give it a sniff to check for idk bleach maybe. Nope no bleach smell but FAK sure smells like plastic. Not new fresh kine, but kinda old, leaching chemicals into water kine.

This gets me thinking about whether or not I should use this water. Did some research about BPAs and phthalates. This shit aint no joke. Bisphenol-a is a environmental oestrogen, basically it is a chemical that mimics hormones. Supposedly affects reproductive organs. Phthalates are plastic softners; ever notice how old/reused water bottles become brittle? The phthalates leach into the water, and we drink that shit.

I'm already trying to phase plastics out of my life. Plastic bags and non biodegradables will quickly make our planet much less hospitable for humans. Now thinking that plastic bottles are bad for my nutsacks, I wonder about that smelly plastic bottle and what I'm feeding my ladyweed.

Now i have no idea whether or not BPAs can be absorbed by roots, deposited in bud tissues, and obviously smoked :toke:, but it sure makes me think twice about that old water jug.

Ill even go as far as wonder what we use as pots for our plants. I can't imagine a plastic pot sitting in the sun for a even just a few months being better than a ceramic pot.

Ill be doing more research in the coming few days and ill try to add anything else I learn that seems pertinent. If anyone has any thoughts please share!

Not sure if this is the right thread for this but I figured people willing to go a bit deeper might peruse this section. Mods please feel free to move.

Hello, I'm probably a little late with this reply.

When it comes to most thermoplastics, they are rarely toxic because of the long polymers chains formed in a polymerization reaction. These polymeric long chains are branched and twisted around each other in the longest dimentions to form a solid 3d polymer. This polymer can then, be processed further by heating and applying pressure eg; Polyethylene, polypropylene. These polymers are certainly not toxic and they are usually used for food and agriculture products.

However, some chemicals called co-polymers are also added in the initial polymerization reaction. If the Chemist knows there stuff, most of these additives are crosslinked or chelated to the 3Dnetwork. Most of the co-polymers remain fixed and, they will never leach into the surrounding space or materials.

However, some remain in the mono-state to act as UV stabilisers and anti-oxidants. Others can be short chain polyesters which act as plasticizers, creating space between the long polymer chains. It is highly unlikely that any of the following will leach out of the product.

Other co-polymers such as the pthalates, methyl-benzene are toxic. But, it is not likely that they would be used in a thermosetting plastic production to be used in the Food & Agriculture industry. Although, if a certain bucket was produced from recycled PE then, it likely additional additives and co-polymers that could be added to help the recycled PE process into a new product more efficiently.

At the end of the day, time needs to be investing in researching a product. Ensure, it is for use in the Food & Agri industries and, if possible sold by a trusted hydro shop.

I hope the helps;)
There has been a study recently that said that 1000ds of dangerous chemicals are detectable in the plastics that they use to pack foods, turpentines, formaldehydes, 1000ds of things used to make the plastic in the first place, and the study said that there should be more studies to find if there is impact to health.

it's best not to plant weed directly on car tyres (in swamps)... that said, a plant tends to absorb small particles like heavy metals more easily than it does large carbon compounds afaik.

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