RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!



After a couple days of a light drizzle on the balcony my plants took off. All 8 are Stitches 'Super Autos'

All except one.

Unlike all the other happy green leaves, this plant had rust looking spots. Starting with the bottom leaves and moving up. Between yesterday and TODAY, leaves are curling up and dying!

First 3 pics are yesterday. Last 2 are today. Plant looks SIGNIFICANTLY worse today.

All the other plants, EXACT same treatment/conditions....look fine. o_O

Any ideas?


Side note...ever since 'customizing my profile' I no longer get reply notifications. I've tried resetting and every tweak I can think of. Nada.
Moderators...Please advise.
What IS it?

The last time I had plants turn bad that fast I had root aphids. The leaves didn't look the same but because the pests are attacking the roots - leaves can look different. Strange it would just be in one plant but who knows. To be safe, separate it from the others, just in case it is a pest of sorts.

The email function hasn't worked for a while. Admins are working on it.

Thanks TBM...

Does seem hella quick to just be a deficiency. I'll put it aside it just in case.

Little bit'a background, plants are the 3 varieties of Stitches Super Autos...I'd like to tell you which one is which...but I got them mixed up. :bong:

One crapping out was the tallest and only one that hadn't shown bloom yet.

All are in a mix of perlite/vermiculite/and 'specific for tomatoes' soil (best as I can tell, not speaking the language here-(buddy recommended it)).

Taking a look at the leaves I posted (rusty colored splotches), anyone else have an idea?:help:
I had this with my first grow. What is your soil ph? Mine was 5.7-5.8. I adjusted my water to 6.8-6.9 for a few waterings to try to raise the soil ph and it seemed to help. For my last two grows I keep my water at 6.5-6.6 and I haven't had the problem anymore. Hope this helps.
You said it was a few days of rain?

The rain might have washed out some of the nutes. Some of the pics sure look like a cal deff, and phos.

I had this with my first grow. What is your soil ph? Mine was 5.7-5.8. I adjusted my water to 6.8-6.9 for a few waterings to try to raise the soil ph and it seemed to help. For my last two grows I keep my water at 6.5-6.6 and I haven't had the problem anymore. Hope this helps.

Good question.

Actually, it's pretty high...almost 7. When I add Fert (via the Lucas Formula) the water pH is around 6.3 (the ferts naturally bring it down, no pH down needed).

Thought this was pretty optimum range, so was pretty surprised. Everything SHOULD be kosher. (I baby these plants).

That's what makes it so discouraging.

Mimicking mother nature ain't easy.
You said it was a few days of rain?

The rain might have washed out some of the nutes. Some of the pics sure look like a cal deff, and phos.

That's about the only conclusion I can draw too, thanks.

Kinda confusing actually, I thought rain HELPED plants. So what, i have nutrient-less soil now, just b/c of a couple days of rain?

And why are the other ones fine? Maybe because said plant is a big eater?

Man, I read...watch videos...read some more...and I consistently seem to run into the same problems.

But hey, bright side is the others are looking pretty damned good.

I just worry about my babies. ;)
If you don't mind, was the bad one also an indica?
Nah, predominantly Sativa (the tallest of the bunch, thus my assumption shes a big eater.)