RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!

I agree that it looks like a cal/mag issue. I assume that your tomato mix is predominately peat moss and perlite. If so, then that would be considered a soil less mix and your pH should be lower, in the 5.8 to 6 range, similar to hydro. Several days of heavy rain could have leached out all the nutrients. I use Pro Mix, which is soil less, both indoor and out. I think it's beneficial to add some organic matter to the mix, especially outdoors, to compensate for the times when you can't feed do to rainy weather. Worm castings, composted manure, guano, etc. Also add a tablespoon of epson salts per gallon of nute mix for a couple of feedings. That will boost the magnesium and help the calcium uptake.
Some great information there. Thanks to everyone for the input. Still a bit surprised at the speed in which she turned. Not much room for error.

I'll let you know how she fares.
